NFC authentication Work in progress PIN 1 saved PIN 1 not saved CAN saved CAN not saved READ ID CARD NEXT CANCEL SAVE NO BACK Please enter PIN 1 PIN 1 Example. 1234 Allowed length for PIN 1 is 4..12 PIN 1 is currently not saved. Do you wish to save the entered PIN 1? Saved PIN 1 will be entered automatically in the future. Saved PIN 1 can be changed and deleted in the settings menu. Save PIN 1 Please enter PIN 2 PIN 2 Example. 123456 Allowed length for PIN 2 is 5..12 Example. 123456 CAN Enter ID card\'s CAN (Card Access Number) Length of the CAN is wrong Card detected. Hold it against the phone. Data read. You can continue. Save CAN Put the ID card against the phone to establish connection Time left %d sek No time left Wrong CAN NAME %1$s %2$s IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE OF EXPIRY CITIZENSHIP SEX FORGET See Fragment vastutab vastuse tagastamise eest. Hiljem sulgeb rakendus automaatselt. Settings Language Currently unavailable CAN: %s Add CAN Delete CAN PIN1: %s Add PIN1 Delete PIN1 not saved SHOW HIDE **** Settings currently unavailabe CAN is currently not saved. Do you wish to save the CAN? Saved CAN will be entered automatically in the future. Saved CAN can be changed and deleted in the settings menu.