package com.tarkvaraprojekt.mobileauthapp import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import import import import androidx.navigation.fragment.navArgs import import import com.koushikdutta.ion.Ion import com.tarkvaraprojekt.mobileauthapp.databinding.FragmentResultBinding import com.tarkvaraprojekt.mobileauthapp.model.ParametersViewModel import org.json.JSONObject /** * ResultFragment is used to create a JWT and to send response to the website/application * that launched the MobileAuthApp. If the mobile auth app was started by a website * the result is sent to a server with a POST request. */ class ResultFragment : Fragment() { private val paramsModel: ParametersViewModel by activityViewModels() private var _binding: FragmentResultBinding? = null private val binding get() = _binding!! private val args: ResultFragmentArgs by navArgs() override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { _binding = FragmentResultBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false) return binding.root } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) postToken() } /** * Only used when the MobileAuthApp was launched by an app. Not for website use. * Not really the safest way of doing things, but sufficient for POC purposes. */ private fun createResponse( success: Boolean = true, idCode: String = "noCode", name: String = "noName", authority: String = "noAuthority" ) { val responseCode = if (success) AppCompatActivity.RESULT_OK else AppCompatActivity.RESULT_CANCELED val resultIntent = Intent() resultIntent.putExtra("idCode", idCode) resultIntent.putExtra("name", name) resultIntent.putExtra("authority", authority) requireActivity().setResult(responseCode, resultIntent) requireActivity().finish() } /** * Makes a POST request to the backend server with a tokenItem */ fun postToken() { val json = JsonObject() json.addProperty("auth-token", paramsModel.token) json.addProperty("error", 200) Ion.getDefault(activity).conscryptMiddleware.enable(false) val ion = Ion.with(activity) .load(paramsModel.authUrl) for ((header, value) in paramsModel.headers) { ion.setHeader(header, value) } ion .setJsonObjectBody(json) .asJsonObject() .setCallback { e, result -> Log.i("resultTag", result.toString()) if (result == null) { if ( { createResponse(false) } else { requireActivity().finishAndRemoveTask() } } else { if ( { val userData = result.asJsonObject["userData"] val idCode = userData.asJsonObject["idCode"].asString val name = userData.asJsonObject["name"].asString val authority = result.asJsonObject["roles"].asJsonArray[0].asJsonObject["authority"].asString createResponse(true, idCode, name, authority) } else { requireActivity().finishAndRemoveTask() } } } } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() _binding = null } }