Updated Peer review for "STELLA app" project (markdown)

TanelOrumaa 2021-11-22 22:13:24 +02:00
parent b047b36d99
commit e78ee57700

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Another small issue for backend is that some of the methods are a bit too long a
Another comment (not an issue) is that many of the `Model` classes have unused getter and setter methods. Since this is a WIP project, its likely that those methods will find use at a later date, but if not, theres no point creating a bunch of unused methods. Creating getters and especially setters is something thats best done on a need-to basis, so that you wont accidentally create a setter for something that should be a read-only value (this is assuming those exist, as we are not familiar with the business logic, only guesses can be made here).
On positive sides, the code is mostly very well commented and where it isnt, self-documenting code practises are used.
### Acceptance tests
## Acceptance tests
The functionality was checked according to the release notes in the wiki. Only the functionalities that were marked as delivered or mentioned in the project plan scopes for iterations 2 and 3 were checked. The bugs mentioned in the release notes were ignored because it would be pointless to point out something that the development team is already aware of and also things that belong under the iteration 4 tasks because the deadline has not passed yet.
In general the functionalities mentioned in the release notes are implemented and they seem to be working as intended (minus editing the existing table rows part, which according to the project plan seems to be a task for iteration 4 because the creation of update endpoints is mentioned there).
* The clients page of the admin panel works as described in the user story 4. All the necessary fields are present and it is possible to delete existing clients.