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2020-12-22 14:30:09 +02:00
* @file ChoiceController.cpp
* @brief ChoiceController implementation file
* */
#include "cJSON.h"
#include "controller.h"
ChoiceController::ChoiceController(BaseModel *model, const char* sni){
this->vw = new ChoiceView();
this->model = static_cast<ChoiceModel*>(model);
this->sni = sni;
void ChoiceController::index(){
char* choicesRequestJson = generateChoicesRequestJSON(this->model);
// Get choices from server
cJSON *choicesJson = RPC::Instance().send_json_rpc(sni, choicesRequestJson);
cJSON *result;
if(choicesJson == NULL){
throw "Empty response";
if( cJSON_GetObjectItem(choicesJson, "error")->valuestring != NULL){
throw cJSON_GetObjectItem(choicesJson, "error")->valuestring;
result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(choicesJson, "result");
this->model->choices = (char *) malloc(21);
memset(this->model->choices, 0, 21);
strncpy(this->model->choices, cJSON_GetObjectItem(result, "Choices")->valuestring, 21);
unsigned char* list = (unsigned char *) cJSON_GetObjectItem(result, "List")->valuestring;
size_t bufflen = strlen((char*) list);
bufflen = (bufflen/4) *3 +1; // length before base64 encoding
unsigned char *decoded_list = (unsigned char *) malloc(bufflen);
if(decoded_list == NULL) throw "insufficient memory";
memset(decoded_list, 0, bufflen);
size_t len;
int error = mbedtls_base64_decode(decoded_list, bufflen, &len, list, strlen( (char*) list));
if(error) throw "Error decoding choice list";
cJSON *parsedList = cJSON_Parse((char *) decoded_list);
parse_object(parsedList, (char *)"" );
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "total candidates: %d", this->model->choice_list->size());
this->vw->render((void *) this->model);
catch(const char* msg){
this->vw->setLabel((char *) msg);
throw msg;
char* ChoiceController::generateChoicesRequestJSON(ChoiceModel *cm){
cJSON *root, *params, *param;
root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "id", 0.0);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "method", cJSON_CreateString("RPC.VoterChoices"));
params = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "params", params);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(params, param=cJSON_CreateObject());
cJSON_AddStringToObject(param, "AuthMethod", "ticket");
cJSON_AddStringToObject(param, "AuthToken", cm->authToken);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(param, "OS", "Operating System,2,0");
cJSON_AddStringToObject(param, "SessionID", cm->ssid);
char* pretty = cJSON_Print(root);
return pretty;
void ChoiceController::parse_object(cJSON *item, char* par){
cJSON *subitem=item->child;
if ( !subitem ) { // leaf nodes are candidates
choice_t *c = new choice_t(); // create new choice element
c->candidate = (char *) malloc(strlen(item->valuestring)+1); // allocate memory for candidate field
memset(c->candidate, 0, strlen(item->valuestring) +1); // set content 0
memcpy(c->candidate, item->valuestring, strlen(item->valuestring)); // copy from json to struct field
c->code = (char *) malloc(strlen(item->string)+1); // allocate memory for code field
memset(c->code, 0, strlen(item->string) +1); // set content 0
memcpy(c->code, item->string, strlen(item->string)); // copy from json to struct field
c->party = (char *) malloc(strlen(par)+1); // allocate memory for party field
memset(c->party, 0, strlen(par) +1); // set content 0
memcpy(c->party, par, strlen(par)); // copy from json to struct field
this->model->choice_list->push_back(*c); // push choice element to vector (list of choices)
item = item->next; // go to next candidate
while (subitem){
// handle subitem
if (subitem->child) {
parse_object(subitem->child, subitem->string);