2020-12-22 14:30:09 +02:00

510 lines
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* @file controller.h
* @brief definition of controllers.
* */
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "string.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "mbedtls/base64.h"
#include "mbedtls/asn1.h"
#include "mbedtls/asn1write.h"
#include "mbedtls/sha256.h"
#include "expat.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "view.h"
* \class Controller
* \brief abstract class Controller. C in MVC,
* Controllers are bridge between views and models. They take data from model, modify it if required and pass it to the view to present to client.
* It has one main method - index(), which is called when controller is reached.
* However, depending on their complexity , controller may have other methods.
* */
class Controller {
View * vw; /**< associated view object*/
virtual void index() = 0; /**< abstract method index */
virtual ~Controller(){}; /**< Destructor */
* \class IndexController
* \brief sample inherited controller
* */
class IndexController : public Controller {
IndexController(); /**< constructor */
void index(); /**< a method that prints welcome message */
void end(); /**< a method that prints final screen */
* \class AuthorizationController
* \brief responsible for logic behind mobilID authorization
* */
class AuthorizationController : public Controller{
UserModel * model; /**< user model*/
const char * TAG = "authController";
const char* sni; /**< SNI for authorization */
AuthorizationController(BaseModel *model, const char* sni); /**< constructor */
* @brief JSON body generator to retrieve Authentication Certificate
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.Authenticate",
* "params": [
* {
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "PhoneNo": "+37200000766",
* "IdCode": "60001019906"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateAuthenticateRequestJSON();
* @brief JSON body generator to retrieve Authentication Status
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.AuthenticateStatus",
* "params": [
* {
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "SessionCode": "2127729011",
* "SessionID": "057229fdfa2df7d3c7f4ced81b02760b"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateAuthenticateStatusRequestJSON();
* @brief index method
* This method does nothing specific.
* */
void index();
* @brief authorization request method.
* This method invokes authorization request to voting server.
* Server doesn't directly send authorization token. Instead, sends a challenge to user to verify (verification code)
* Session ID is also returned which will be used in all upcoming requests.
* */
void auth();
* @brief authorization status method
* After auth() called, server returns challenge code, session id and session code. Challenge code is displayed to user verify itself.
* To check whether user has been verified and get authorization token that is also going to be used in all upcoming requests, authorization status
* request has to be sent to server. This function sends that request until user verifies itself every 10 seconds.
* Upon successful verification, authorization token is obtained and stored in model.
* */
void authStatus();
* \class ChoiceController
* \brief An authenticated user can request for list of candidates from voting server.
* Voting server returns list of candidates in special scheme in JSON format. ChoiceController parses that response and
* make candidate names be displayed on screen.
* */
class ChoiceController : public Controller{
ChoiceModel *model; /**< choices model */
const char * TAG = "choicesCtrl";
const char* sni; /**< SNI for choices service */
* @brief JSON body generator to retrieve the List of Choices
* @param at Authentication token
* @param ssid SessionID
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.VoterChoices",
* "params": [
* {
* "AuthMethod": "ticket",
* "AuthToken": "G1RTZqBSBKrzqReuKYrmFUFXWFPvaxhJjdiZi6zqAnaK3OvrT...",
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "SessionID": "057229fdfa2df7d3c7f4ced81b02760b"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateChoicesRequestJSON(ChoiceModel *cm);
ChoiceController(BaseModel *model, const char* sni); /**< constructor*/
* @brief fetches data from server and waits user select a candidate
* */
void index();
* Recursive function to parse JSON which holds the list of choices into choiceList,choiceListKeys and partyNameOf
* @param item pointer to cJSON structure
* @param par party (also, parent) name of current element, otherwise ""
* Example JSON body:
* {
* "Kuused":{
* "0000.101":"ARA SMIRNOVVVK",
* "0000.102":"MARGUS OTT KOVTP"
* },
* "Männid":{
* "0000.103":"ADINE SÄDEVVK"
* },
* "Üksikkandidaadid":{
* "0000.104":"LEILI KOVTP",
* "0000.107":"JUTA KOVVALAH",
* "0000.105":"KAJA KOVVALAG",
* "0000.106":"MAREK KOVVALAG"
* }
* }
* */
void parse_object(cJSON *item, char* par);
* \class EncryptionController
* \brief A controller where selected candidate is turned into ballot and encrypted
* */
class EncryptionController : public Controller{
EncryptionModel *model; /**< encryption model*/
const char * TAG = "encCtrl";
* @brief main controller method.
* Encrypt voters casted ballot using public election key
* */
void index();
EncryptionController(BaseModel *model); /**< constructor */
* \class SignatureController
* \brief digitally sign encrypted ballot
* */
class SignatureController : Controller{
SignatureModel *model; /**< signature model*/
const char* sni; /**< sni for signature service*/
const char* TAG = "signCtrl";
* XML container for element SignedProperties
* */
const char * SignedProperties = ""
"<xades:SignedProperties xmlns:asic=\"\" xmlns:ds=\"\" xmlns:xades=\"\" Id=\"S0-SignedProperties\">"
"<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>"
"<xades:DataObjectFormat ObjectReference=\"#S0-RefId0\">"
* XML container for element SignedInfo
* */
const char * SignedInfo = ""
"<ds:SignedInfo xmlns:asic=\"\" xmlns:ds=\"\" xmlns:xades=\"\">"
"<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>"
"<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:SignatureMethod>"
"<ds:Reference Id=\"S0-RefId0\" URI=\"%s\">"
"<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>"
"<ds:Reference Id=\"S0-RefId1\" Type=\"\" URI=\"#S0-SignedProperties\">"
"<ds:Transform Algorithm=\"\"></ds:Transform>"
"<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=\"\"></ds:DigestMethod>"
* XML container for element SignatureValue
* */
const char * SignatureValue = "<ds:SignatureValue xmlns:asic=\"\" "
"xmlns:ds=\"\" xmlns:xades=\"\" Id=\"S0-SIG\">%s</ds:SignatureValue>";
* XML container for element XadESSignature
* */
const char * Signature = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"
"<asic:XAdESSignatures xmlns:asic=\"\">"
"<ds:Signature xmlns:ds=\"\" Id=\"S0\">"
"<xades:QualifyingProperties xmlns:xades=\"\" Target=\"#S0\">"
SignatureController(BaseModel *model, const char* sni);
* @brief retrieve user's public siging Certificate
* */
void index();
* @brief JSON body generator to get signing Certificate
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.GetCertificate",
* "params": [
* {
* "AuthMethod": "ticket",
* "AuthToken": "G1RTZqBSBKrzqReuKYrmFUFXWFPvaxhJjdiZi6zqAnaK3OvrT...",
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "SessionID": "057229fdfa2df7d3c7f4ced81b02760b"
* "PhoneNo": "+37200000766",
* "IdCode": "60001019906"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateGetCertificateRequestJSON();
* JSON body generator to initiate vote signing
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.Sign",
* "params": [
* {
* "AuthMethod": "ticket",
* "AuthToken": "G1RTZqBSBKrzqReuKYrmFUFXWFPvaxhJjdiZi6zqAnaK3OvrT...",
* "Hash": "9IBrA05ylt2StdjxKkSTYMW/rQXY3Vub4upzShdfEzo=",
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "SessionID": "057229fdfa2df7d3c7f4ced81b02760b"
* "PhoneNo": "+37200000766",
* "IdCode": "60001019906"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateSignRequestJSON();
* @brief send sign request for encrypted ballot hash
* */
void sign();
* @brief JSON body generator to retrieve Signing Status
* Example:
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.SignStatus",
* "params": [
* {
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "SessionCode": "2127729011",
* "SessionID": "057229fdfa2df7d3c7f4ced81b02760b"
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateSignStatusRequestJSON();
* @brief check status of sign request
* */
void status();
* @brief a helper method to put all xml elements into one single large elements.
* */
void combine();
* \class ZipController
* \brief BDOC container creator for singature file
* */
class ZipController : public Controller{
ZipModel *model;
const char* TAG = "zipCtrl";
* XML container for manifest.xml
const char * manifest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n"
"<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0\">\n"
" <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path=\"/\" manifest:media-type=\"application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip\"/>\n"
" <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path=\"%s\" manifest:media-type=\"application/octet-stream\"/>\n"
ZipController(BaseModel *model); /**< constructor */
* @brief create signature container according to BDOC 2.0 standards
* Using slightly modified miniz library, create .zip archieve with following file structure
* singature0.xml
* manifest.xml
* EP2065.1.ballot
* mimetype
void index();
* \class VoteController
* \brief cast signed ballot file to voting service
* */
class VoteController : public Controller{
VoteModel *model;
const char * TAG = "voteCtrl";
const char * sni;
VoteController(BaseModel *model, const char* sni); /**< constructor */
* @brief send bdoc container to voting service to cast your vote.
* A vote id is returned after bdoc container and vote data is validated in server side
* */
void index();
* @brief JSON body generator to send signed vote
* Example
* {
* "id": 0.0,
* "method": "RPC.Vote",
* "params": [
* {
* "AuthMethod": "ticket",
* "AuthToken": "G1RTZqBSBKrzqReuKYrmFUFXWFPvaxhJjdiZi6zqAnaK3OvrT...",
* "Choices": "0140.1",
* "SessionID": "ec3a0cab353d552952289f2c7ad52e27",
* "OS": "Operating System,2,0",
* "Type": "bdoc",
* "Vote": "UEsDBAoABgAAAAIAAAAbWltZXR5cGVhcHBsaWNhdGlv\nbi92bmQuZX..."
* }
* ]
* }
* */
char* generateVoteRequestJSON();
* \class QRController
* \brief show vote data to verification app as QR code
* */
class QRController : public Controller{
QRModel *model; /**< qr model */
const char* TAG = "btCtrl";
QRController(BaseModel* model); /**< controller */
* @brief create QRcode from session id, randomness and vote id, then show it on screen
* */
void index();