# Universal MS Key Toolkit (UMSKT) **Connect with us** [![Zulip chat](https://img.shields.io/badge/zulip-join_chat-brightgreen.svg)](https://umskt.zulipchat.com) [![libera.chat - #mspid](https://img.shields.io/badge/libera.chat-%23mspid-brightgreen)](https://web.libera.chat/gamja/?nick=Guest?#mspid) **Build status** [![C/C++ CI (Windows)](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/actions/workflows/windows.yml/badge.svg)](../../actions/workflows/windows.yml) [![C/C++ CI (macOS)](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/actions/workflows/macos.yml/badge.svg)](../../actions/workflows/macos.yml) [![C/C++ CI (Linux)](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/actions/workflows/linux.yml/badge.svg)](../../actions/workflows/linux.yml) [![C/C++ CI (FreeBSD)](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/actions/workflows/freebsd.yml/badge.svg)](../../actions/workflows/dos-djgpp.yml) [![C/C++ CI (DOS DJGPP)](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/actions/workflows/dos-djgpp.yml/badge.svg)](../../actions/workflows/freebsd.yml) ------ ### Plan of Action / ToDo List In light of the recent exponential interest in this project I've decided to put updates of this project here: [Please see ticket #8 for more information](https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT/issues/8) ------ ### **FAQ** #### **What does it do?** * This program is a tool for researching and experimenting with retro Microsoft product licensing, for products released before 2012. #### **How does it work?** * [Enderman's XPKeygen Readme explains everything in detail.](https://github.com/Endermanch/XPKeygen) #### **How do I use it?** * It all comes down to four simple steps: ------ ### **Usage** #### 1. Download the latest version of UMSKT * *(GitHub account required)* * Download the latest experimental version using the Actions tab ([Windows](../../actions/workflows/windows.yml?query=branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess), [Linux](../../actions/workflows/linux.yml?query=branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess), [macOS](../../actions/workflows/macos.yml?query=branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess), [FreeBSD](../../actions/workflows/freebsd.yml?query=branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess), [DOS DJGPP](../../actions/workflows/dos-djgpp.yml?query=branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess)) * ~~*(GitHub account \*not\* required)*~~ * ~~Download the latest release for your operating system and architecture from [the releases page](../../releases)~~ * No official releases right now, use the other method to get the latest version. * **Note:** Before continuing, please ensure you have the `umskt` executable extracted and on UNIX-like systems, have execution permissions (`chmod +x umskt`). #### 2. Run `umskt` to generate a key, or add `--help` or `-h` to see more options. #### 3. *(Activation step for `Retail` and `OEM` only)* * After installation, you will be prompted to activate Windows. * Select the **telephone activation** method, then, run `umskt -i ` using the `Installation ID` the activation Wizard provides for you #### 4. Profit! ------ ### Authors The list of people who have helped to bring the XP generation to where it is now: * z22 * MSKey * diamondggg * pottzman * Endermanch * Neo-Desktop * WitherOrNot * TheTank20 * InvoxiPlayGames * brakmic (the list will be updated to add more collaborators) ------ ### **Development Requirements:** * `build-essential` * `cmake` * `make` * `gcc` * `g++` * `git` #### Build Steps: 1. `git clone https://github.com/UMSKT/UMSKT` 2. `cd UMSKT/build` 3. `cmake ..` 4. `make` ----- ### **Known Ports** | Language | Author | Repo URL | |----------|-----------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | Rust | Alex Page | [anpage/umskt-rs](https://github.com/anpage/umskt-rs) | | Python | techguy16 | [techguy16/umsktpy](https://github.com/techguy16/umsktpy) |