
443 lines
13 KiB

* This file is a part of the UMSKT Project
* Copyleft (C) 2019-2024 UMSKT Contributors (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @FileCreated by Andrew on 01/06/2023
* @Maintainer Andrew
* @History {
* Algorithm was initially written and open sourced by z22
* and uploaded to GitHub by TheMCHK in August of 2019
* Endermanch (Andrew) rewrote the algorithm in May of 2023
* Neo ported Endermanch's algorithm to CryptoPP in February of 2024
* }
#include "BINK2002.h"
* Packs a Windows Server 2003-like Product Key.
* @param ki PIDGEN3::KeyInfo struct to pack
* @return Integer representation of the Product Key
Integer BINK2002::Pack(const KeyInfo &ki)
// AuthInfo [113..104] <- Signature [103..42] <- Hash [41..11] <- Channel ID [10..1] <- Upgrade [0];
Integer raw = CryptoPP::Crop(ki.AuthInfo, 10) << 104 | CryptoPP::Crop(ki.Signature, 62) << 42 |
CryptoPP::Crop(ki.Hash, 31) << 11 | CryptoPP::Crop(ki.ChannelID, 10) << 1 | ki.isUpgrade;
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "pack: {:x}\n\n", raw);
return raw;
* Unpacks a Windows Server 2003-like Product Key.
* @param raw Integer representation of the product key
* @return unpacked PIDGEN3::KeyInfo struct
BINK2002::KeyInfo BINK2002::Unpack(const Integer &raw)
// We're assuming that the quantity of information within the product key is at most 114 bits.
// log2(24^25) = 114.
KeyInfo ki;
// Upgrade = Bit 0
ki.isUpgrade = CryptoPP::Crop(raw, 1).ConvertToLong();
// Channel ID = Bits [1..10] -> 10 bits
ki.ChannelID = CryptoPP::Crop(raw >> 1, 10);
// Hash = Bits [11..41] -> 30 bits
ki.Hash = CryptoPP::Crop(raw >> 11, 31);
// Signature = Bits [42..103] -> 62 bits
// The quad-word signature overlaps AuthInfo in bits 104 and 105,
// hence Microsoft employs a secret technique called: Signature = HIDWORD(Signature) >> 2 | LODWORD(Signature)
ki.Signature = CryptoPP::Crop(raw >> 42, 62);
// AuthInfo = Bits [104..113] -> 10 bits
ki.AuthInfo = CryptoPP::Crop(raw >> 104, 10);
return ki;
* Generates a Windows Server 2003-like Product Key.
* @param info
* @param pKey
* @return
BOOL BINK2002::Generate(std::string &pKey)
// copy the starting state from the class
KeyInfo ki = info;
SHA1 sha1;
Integer c, e, s, pRaw;
if (!ki.Rand.IsZero())
c = ki.Rand;
// Data segment of the RPK.
Integer pData = ki.ChannelID << 1 | ki.isUpgrade;
BOOL noSquare;
ECP::Point R;
if (ki.Rand.IsZero())
// Generate a random number c consisting of 512 bits without any constraints.
c.Randomize(UMSKT::rng, FieldBits);
// R = cG
R = eCurve.Multiply(c, genPoint);
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "c: {:x}\n\n", c);
fmt::print(debug, "R[x,y] [{:x},\n{:x}]\n\n", R.x, R.y);
BYTE msgDigest[SHA1::DIGESTSIZE], msgBuffer[SHAMessageLength], *pMsgBuffer = msgBuffer;
// Assemble the first SHA message.
*pMsgBuffer = 0x79;
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(pData, pMsgBuffer, 2);
// Convert resulting point coordinates to bytes.
// and flip the endianness
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(R.x, pMsgBuffer, FieldBytes);
EncodeN(R.y, pMsgBuffer, FieldBytes);
// pHash = SHA1(79 || Channel ID || R.x || R.y)
sha1.CalculateDigest(msgDigest, msgBuffer, SHAMessageLength);
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "msgBuffer[1]: ");
for (BYTE b : msgBuffer)
fmt::print(debug, "{:x}", b);
fmt::print(debug, "\n\n");
fmt::print(debug, "msgDigest[1]: ");
for (BYTE b : msgDigest)
fmt::print(debug, "{:x}", b);
fmt::print(debug, "\n\n");
// Translate the byte sha1 into a 32-bit integer - this is our computed hash.
// Truncate the hash to 31 bits.
ki.Hash = CryptoPP::Crop(IntegerN(msgDigest), 31);
if (verbose)
BYTE buf[8];
sha1.CalculateTruncatedDigest(buf, sizeof(buf), msgBuffer, SHAMessageLength);
fmt::print(verbose, "truncated buffer: ");
for (BYTE b : buf)
fmt::print(verbose, "{:x}", b);
fmt::print(verbose, "\n\n");
DWORD h0 = ((DWORD)buf[0] | ((DWORD)buf[1] << 8) | ((DWORD)buf[2] << 16) | ((DWORD)buf[3] << 24));
DWORD h1 =
((((DWORD)buf[4]) | ((DWORD)buf[5] << 8) | ((DWORD)buf[6] << 16) | ((DWORD)buf[7] << 24)) >> (32 - 19))
<< 1;
h1 |= (h0 >> 31) & 1;
fmt::print(verbose, "h0,1: {:x} {:x}\n\n", h0, h1);
ki.Serial = IntegerN(h1);
fmt::print(verbose, "serial: {:d}\n\n", ki.Serial);
// Assemble the second SHA message.
pMsgBuffer = msgBuffer;
msgBuffer[0x00] = 0x5D;
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(pData, pMsgBuffer, 2);
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(ki.Hash, pMsgBuffer, 4);
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(ki.AuthInfo, pMsgBuffer, 2);
*pMsgBuffer = 0x00;
*pMsgBuffer = 0x00;
// newSignature = SHA1(5D || Channel ID || Hash || AuthInfo || 00 00)
sha1.CalculateDigest(msgDigest, msgBuffer, pMsgBuffer - msgBuffer);
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "msgBuffer[2]: ");
for (BYTE b : msgBuffer)
fmt::print(debug, "{:x}", b);
fmt::print(debug, "\n\n");
fmt::print(debug, "msgDigest[2]: ");
for (BYTE b : msgDigest)
fmt::print(debug, "{:x}", b);
fmt::print(debug, "\n\n");
// Translate the byte sha1 into a 64-bit integer - this is our computed intermediate signature.
// As the signature is only 62 bits long at most, we have to truncate it by shifting the high DWORD right 2
// bits (per spec).
QWORD iSignature = NEXTSNBITS(BYDWORD(&msgDigest[4]), 30, 2) << 32 | BYDWORD(msgDigest);
* Scalars:
* c = Random multiplier
* e = Intermediate Signature
* s = Signature
* n = Order of G
* k = Private Key
* Points:
* G(x, y) = Generator (Base Point)
* R(x, y) = Random derivative of the generator
* K(x, y) = Public Key
* Equation:
* s(sG + eK) = R (mod p)
* ↓ K = kG; R = cG ↓
* s(sG + ekG) = cG (mod p)
* s(s + ek)G = cG (mod p)
* ↓ G cancels out, the scalar arithmetic shrinks to order n ↓
* s(s + ek) = c (mod n)
* s² + (ek)s - c = 0 (mod n)
* ↓ This is a quadratic equation in respect to the signature ↓
* s = (-ek ± √((ek)² + 4c)) / 2 (mod n)
// e = ek (mod n)
e = CryptoPP::ModularMultiplication(IntegerN(iSignature), privateKey, genOrder);
// s = (ek (mod n))²
s = CryptoPP::ModularExponentiation(e, Integer::Two(), genOrder);
// c *= 4 (c <<= 2)
c *= 4;
// s += c
s += c;
// Around half of numbers modulo a prime are not squares -> BN_sqrt_mod fails about half of the times,
// hence if BN_sqrt_mod returns NULL, we need to restart with a different seed.
// s = √((ek)² + 4c (mod n))
s = CryptoPP::ModularSquareRoot(s, genOrder);
noSquare = s.IsZero();
// s = -ek + √((ek)² + 4c) (mod n)
s -= e;
s %= genOrder;
// If s is odd, add order to it.
// The order is a prime, so it can't be even.
if (s % Integer::Two() != 0)
// s = -ek + √((ek)² + 4c) + n
s += genOrder;
// s /= 2 (s >>= 1)
s /= 2;
// Translate resulting scalar into a 64-bit integer (the byte order is little-endian).
ki.Signature = s;
// Pack product key.
pRaw = Pack(ki);
if (verbose)
fmt::print(verbose, "Generation results:\n");
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {}\n", "Upgrade", (bool)ki.isUpgrade);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {}\n", "Channel ID", ki.ChannelID);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "Hash", ki.Hash);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "Signature", ki.Signature);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "AuthInfo", ki.AuthInfo);
fmt::print(verbose, "\n");
} while ((ki.Signature.BitCount() > 62 || noSquare) && ki.Rand.IsZero());
// ↑ ↑ ↑
// The signature can't be longer than 62 bits, else it will
// overlap with the AuthInfo segment next to it.
// Convert bytecode to Base24 CD-key.
pKey = base24(pRaw);
info = ki;
return true;
* Validates a Windows Server 2003-like Product Key.
* @param pKey
BOOL BINK2002::Validate(const std::string &pKey)
Integer pRaw;
SHA1 sha1;
// Convert Base24 CD-key to bytecode.
pRaw = unbase24(pKey);
// Extract product key segments from bytecode.
KeyInfo ki = Unpack(pRaw);
Integer pData = ki.ChannelID << 1 | ki.isUpgrade;
if (verbose)
fmt::print(verbose, "Validation results:\n");
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {}\n", "Upgrade", (bool)ki.isUpgrade);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {}\n", "Channel ID", ki.ChannelID);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "Hash", ki.Hash);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "Signature", ki.Signature);
fmt::print(verbose, "{:>10}: {:x}\n", "AuthInfo", ki.AuthInfo);
fmt::print(verbose, "\n");
BYTE msgDigest[SHA1::DIGESTSIZE], msgBuffer[SHAMessageLength], *pMsgBuffer = msgBuffer;
// Assemble the first SHA message.
msgBuffer[0x00] = 0x5D;
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(pData, pMsgBuffer, 2);
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(ki.Hash, pMsgBuffer, 4);
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(ki.AuthInfo, pMsgBuffer, 2);
*pMsgBuffer = 0x00;
*pMsgBuffer = 0x00;
// newSignature = SHA1(5D || Channel ID || Hash || AuthInfo || 00 00)
sha1.CalculateDigest(msgDigest, msgBuffer, pMsgBuffer - msgBuffer);
if (debug)
auto intDigest = IntegerN(msgDigest);
fmt::print(debug, "\nhash 1: {:x}\n\n", intDigest);
// Translate the byte sha1 into a 64-bit integer - this is our computed intermediate signature.
// As the signature is only 62 bits long at most, we have to truncate it by shifting the high DWORD right 2 bits
// (per spec).
QWORD iSignature = NEXTSNBITS(BYDWORD(&msgDigest[4]), 30, 2) << 32 | BYDWORD(msgDigest);
* Scalars:
* e = Hash
* s = Schnorr Signature
* Points:
* G(x, y) = Generator (Base Point)
* K(x, y) = Public Key
* Equation:
* P = s(sG + eK)
Integer e = IntegerN(iSignature), s = ki.Signature;
// Create 2 points on the elliptic curve.
ECP::Point P, t;
// t = sG
t = eCurve.Multiply(s, genPoint);
// P = eK
P = eCurve.Multiply(e, pubPoint);
// P += t
P = eCurve.Add(P, t);
// P *= s
P = eCurve.Multiply(s, P);
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "P[x,y]: [{:x},\n{:x}]\n\n", P.x, P.y);
// Assemble the second SHA message.
pMsgBuffer = msgBuffer;
msgBuffer[0x00] = 0x79;
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(pData, pMsgBuffer, 2);
pMsgBuffer = EncodeN(P.x, pMsgBuffer, FieldBytes);
EncodeN(P.y, pMsgBuffer, FieldBytes);
// compHash = SHA1(79 || Channel ID || P.x || P.y)
sha1.CalculateDigest(msgDigest, msgBuffer, SHAMessageLength);
auto intDigest = IntegerN(msgDigest);
if (debug)
fmt::print(debug, "hash 2: {:x}\n\n", intDigest);
// Translate the byte sha1 into a 32-bit integer - this is our computed hash.
// Truncate the hash to 31 bits.
Integer compHash = CryptoPP::Crop(intDigest, 31);
info = ki;
// If the computed hash checks out, the key is valid.
return compHash == ki.Hash;