window: gtk_theme_variant: 'dark' scrolling: # Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer. # Specifying '0' will disable scrolling. history: 50000 # Number of lines the viewport will move for every line scrolled when # scrollback is enabled (history > 0). multiplier: 3 # Font configuration font: normal: family: 'Terminus' size: 12.0 # Maybe hyper, or kitty or xterm schemes: # XTerm's default colors xterm: &xterm # Default colors primary: background: '#000000' foreground: '#ffffff' # Normal colors normal: black: '#000000' red: '#cd0000' green: '#00cd00' yellow: '#cdcd00' blue: '#0000ee' magenta: '#cd00cd' cyan: '#00cdcd' white: '#e5e5e5' # Bright colors bright: black: '#7f7f7f' red: '#ff0000' green: '#00ff00' yellow: '#ffff00' blue: '#5c5cff' magenta: '#ff00ff' cyan: '#00ffff' white: '#ffffff' kitty: &kitty # Default colors primary: background: '#000000' foreground: '#dddddd' # Normal colors normal: black: '#000000' red: '#cc0403' green: '#19cb00' yellow: '#cecb00' blue: '#0d73cc' magenta: '#cb1ed1' cyan: '#0dcdcd' white: '#dddddd' # Bright colors bright: black: '#767676' red: '#f2201f' green: '#23fd00' yellow: '#fffd00' blue: '#1a8fff' magenta: '#fd28ff' cyan: '#14ffff' white: '#ffffff' hyper: &hyper # Colors (Hyper) # Default colors primary: background: '#000000' foreground: '#ffffff' cursor: text: '#F81CE5' cursor: '#ffffff' # Normal colors normal: black: '#000000' red: '#fe0100' green: '#33ff00' yellow: '#feff00' blue: '#0066ff' magenta: '#cc00ff' cyan: '#00ffff' white: '#d0d0d0' # Bright colors bright: black: '#808080' red: '#fe0100' green: '#33ff00' yellow: '#feff00' blue: '#0066ff' magenta: '#cc00ff' cyan: '#00ffff' white: '#FFFFFF' tango: &tango # GNOME Terminal Tango Dark #primary: # background: '0x2e3436' # foreground: '0xd3d7cf' primary: background: '#000000' foreground: '#ffffff' normal: black: '0x2e3436' red: '0xcc0000' green: '0x4e9a06' yellow: '0xc4a000' blue: '0x3465a4' magenta: '0x75507b' cyan: '0x06989a' white: '0xd3d7cf' bright: black: '0x555753' red: '0xef2929' green: '0x8ae234' yellow: '0xfce94f' blue: '0x729fcf' magenta: '0xad7fa8' cyan: '0x34e2e2' white: '0xeeeeec' colors: *tango key_bindings: - { key: N, mods: Shift|Control, action: SpawnNewInstance }