#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Prepare patches for submission to the Git mailing list. # # Usage: prepare-patch.sh [BASE-COMMIT-ISH] [PATCH-VERSION] # # --- # # Make sure that `git send-email` is configured properly in your Git config. # # Here is an example config for Gmail: # # [sendemail] # smtpencryption = tls # smtpserver = smtp.gmail.com # smtpuser = your-user@gmail.com # smtpserverport = 587 # from = Firstname Lastname # # In addition you need to enable "less securs apps" in Gmail: # https://gist.github.com/jasonkarns/4354421 # https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en # # # This script is originaly from here # https://github.com/larsxschneider/git-list-helper/blob/master/prepare-patch.sh # set -e EMAIL=arti.zirk@gmail.com UPSTREAM_REMOTE=upstream DEFAULT_UPSTREAM_BRANCH=maint PATCH_TEMP_DIR=~/tmp/patches INTERDIFF="$PATCH_TEMP_DIR/interdiff.tmp" function msg () { echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr 0)\n" } function warning () { echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 3)###\n### WARNING\n###\n> $(tput sgr 0)$1\n" >&2 } git fetch $UPSTREAM_REMOTE BASE_BRANCH=$UPSTREAM_REMOTE/$DEFAULT_UPSTREAM_BRANCH PATCH_VERSION=1 if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then BASE_BRANCH=$1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then PATCH_VERSION=$2 fi BASE_HASH=$(git rev-parse $BASE_BRANCH) HEAD_HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) TOPIC_NAME=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ $PATCH_VERSION -ge 2 ]; then LAST_PATCH_VERSION=$(($PATCH_VERSION - 1)) LAST_TAG_NAME="$TOPIC_NAME-v$LAST_PATCH_VERSION" LAST_TAG_HASH=$(git ls-remote --tags origin | grep refs/tags/$LAST_TAG_NAME | cut -f 1) fi # Generate tag TAG_NAME="$TOPIC_NAME-v$PATCH_VERSION" git tag --force $TAG_NAME ######################################################################## msg "Checking commits..." set +e git --no-pager diff --check $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH set -e # Check committer and author email AUTHORS=$(git --no-pager log --format="%ae" $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH | uniq) [ "$AUTHORS" != "$EMAIL" ] && warning "Authors: $AUTHORS" COMMITTERS=$(git --no-pager log --format="%ce" $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH | uniq) [ "$COMMITTERS" != "$EMAIL" ] && warning "Committers: $COMMITTERS" # Check the test cases for spaces after ">" set +e git --no-pager diff $BASE_HASH..$HEAD_HASH | grep "\+.*> .*" GREP_RETURN_CODE=$? set -e if [ $GREP_RETURN_CODE -eq 0 ]; then warning "Spaces after '>' detected!" fi # Check for non-ASCII characters in commit messages NON_ASCII=$(git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%B" $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH | tr -d "\000-\177") if [ "$NON_ASCII" != "" ]; then git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%B" $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH warning "Non ASCII characters in commit message detected!" warning "---$NON_ASCII---" fi ######################################################################## msg "Compiling patches..." # git rebase $BASE_HASH -x 'make --quiet -j8;' ######################################################################## msg "Generating patches..." FORMAT_PATCH_FLAGS="--quiet --notes --find-renames --reroll-count=$PATCH_VERSION --base=$BASE_HASH" COMMIT_COUNT=$(git --no-pager rev-list $BASE_HASH...$HEAD_HASH --count) BASE_REF=$(git tag --points-at $BASE_HASH) test $BASE_REF || BASE_REF=$(git branch -a --contains $BASE_HASH | grep $UPSTREAM_REMOTE | sed 's/.*\///' | head -n1) read -r -d '\0' URLS < "$INTERDIFF" ### Interdiff (v$LAST_PATCH_VERSION..v$PATCH_VERSION): $(git --no-pager diff -w $LAST_TAG_HASH $HEAD_HASH) ### Patches EOM fi if [ $COMMIT_COUNT -eq "1" ] then git notes add -f --message="$URLS" ! [ -e "$INTERDIFF" ] || git notes append -F "$INTERDIFF" else FORMAT_PATCH_FLAGS="$FORMAT_PATCH_FLAGS --cover-letter" fi PATCH_DIR=$PATCH_TEMP_DIR/$TOPIC_NAME rm -rf $PATCH_DIR mkdir -p $PATCH_DIR git format-patch $FORMAT_PATCH_FLAGS $BASE_HASH --output-directory $PATCH_DIR/ if [ $COMMIT_COUNT -ne "1" ] then COVER_LETTER="$PATCH_DIR/v$PATCH_VERSION-0000-cover-letter.patch" split -p 'BLURB HERE' "$COVER_LETTER" cat xaa > $COVER_LETTER rm xaa printf "$URLS\n" >> $COVER_LETTER ! [ -e "$INTERDIFF" ] || cat "$INTERDIFF" >> $COVER_LETTER tail -n +2 xab >> $COVER_LETTER rm xab fi ! [ -e "$INTERDIFF" ] || rm "$INTERDIFF" ######################################################################## msg "Looking for potential reviewers..." # Based on Alek Storm's script: # https://gist.github.com/alekstorm/4949628 function createBlameParts { awk -v commit="$BASE_HASH" '{ if ($1 == "@@") { sub(",", ",+", $2) # -MC: Detect moved/copied lines across files # -w : Ignore whitespace changes # -L : Range print "git blame --line-porcelain -MCw -L " substr($2,2) " " commit } else print "-- " substr($3,3) }' } function concatBlameParts { awk '{ if (match($0, /^--/) == 1) file=$0 else print $0 " " file }' } function execBlame { while read COMMAND; do $COMMAND | sed -n "s/^author-mail <\([^>]*\)>$/\1/p" done } ELEVATE_RECENT_CONTRIBUTORS=$( git log --all --since="52 weeks ago" --pretty=format:%ae | sort | uniq | awk '{printf "-e /%s/s/^[[:space:]]*/9999999/ ",$0}' ) REVIEWERS=$( git diff --diff-filter=DM "$BASE_HASH..$HEAD_HASH" | egrep '^@|^diff' | createBlameParts | concatBlameParts | execBlame | sort | uniq -c | grep -v $EMAIL | sed $ELEVATE_RECENT_CONTRIBUTORS | sort -nr | head -n 5 | awk '{printf "--cc="$2" ",$0}' ) ######################################################################## $(git config core.editor) $PATCH_DIR & echo "" echo "Send patch with:" echo "git push origin $TAG_NAME && git send-email $PATCH_DIR/* --to=git@vger.kernel.org $REVIEWERS --in-reply-to="