#!/bin/bash # Simple script for code formatting in 1tbs # See http://astyle.sourceforge.net/astyle.html for syntax and defaults MINPARAMS=1 ORIG_SUFFIX=orig if [ $# -lt "$MINPARAMS" ] then echo "This script needs C source files passed as arguments" echo "USAGE: format-code.sh src/main.c src/somecode.c ..." exit 1 fi # for FILE in "$@" do RESULT="$(astyle --style=1tbs \ --indent-col1-comments \ --pad-oper \ --pad-header \ --add-brackets \ --convert-tabs \ --max-code-length=80 \ --break-after-logical \ --mode=c \ --suffix=.$ORIG_SUFFIX \ --lineend=linux \ $FILE)" # if file unchanged print unchanged result message if [[ "$RESULT" = Unchanged* ]] then echo "$RESULT" fi # if file formatted print result and renamed file name if [[ "$RESULT" = Formatted* ]] then echo "$RESULT" echo "Original code was preserved in file $FILE.$ORIG_SUFFIX" fi done exit 0