/* Copyright (C) 2016 Arti Zirk * * This file is part of I237 Door Access program. * * I237 Door Access is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * I237 Door Access is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with I237 Door Access. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "../lib/hd44780_111/hd44780.h" #include "../lib/andygock_avr-uart/uart.h" #include "hmi_msg.h" #include "print_helper.h" #include "cli_microrl.h" #include "../lib/matejx_avr_lib/mfrc522.h" #include "rfid.h" typedef struct cli_cmd { PGM_P cmd; PGM_P help; void (*func_p)(); const uint8_t func_argc; } cli_cmd_t; const cli_cmd_t cli_cmds[] = { {help_cmd, help_help, cli_print_help, 0}, {ver_cmd, ver_help, cli_print_ver, 0}, {ascii_cmd, ascii_help, cli_print_ascii_tbls, 0}, {month_cmd, month_help, cli_handle_month, 1}, {read_cmd, read_help, cli_rfid_read, 0}, {add_cmd, add_help, cli_rfid_add, 1}, {remove_cmd, remove_help, cli_rfid_remove, 1}, {list_cmd, list_help, cli_rfid_list, 0} }; void cli_print(const char *str) { printf("%s", str); } char cli_get_char(void) { if (uart0_peek() != UART_NO_DATA) { return uart0_getc() & UART_STATUS_MASK; } else { return 0x00; } } void cli_print_help(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; printf_P(PSTR(CLI_HELP_MSG "\n")); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(cli_cmds); i++) { printf_P(cli_cmds[i].cmd); printf_P(PSTR(" : ")); printf_P(cli_cmds[i].help); putc('\n', stdout); } } void print_version(FILE *stream) { // Print program and libc versions fprintf_P(stream, PSTR(PROG_VERSION "\n"), PSTR(GIT_DESCR), PSTR(__DATE__), PSTR(__TIME__)); fprintf_P(stream, PSTR(LIBC_VERSION "\n"), PSTR(__AVR_LIBC_VERSION_STRING__), PSTR(__VERSION__)); } void cli_print_ver(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; print_version(stdout); } void cli_print_ascii_tbls(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; // ASCII table print print_ascii_tbl(stdout); unsigned char ascii[128]; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < sizeof(ascii); i++) { ascii[i] = i; } print_for_human(stdout, ascii, sizeof(ascii)); } void cli_handle_month(const char *const *argv) { lcd_goto(0x40); // Got to the beginning of the next line char spaces_to_print = 16; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!strncmp_P(argv[1], (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(&months[i]), strlen(argv[1]))) { char printed_count; printed_count = fprintf_P(stdout, (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(&months[i])); fputc('\n', stdout); lcd_puts_P((PGM_P)pgm_read_word(&months[i])); lcd_putc(' '); spaces_to_print -= (printed_count + 1); } } // Clear the end of the line for (; spaces_to_print > -1; spaces_to_print--) { lcd_putc(' '); } } void cli_rfid_read(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; Uid uid; Uid *uid_ptr = &uid; if (PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) { printf(CARD_SELECTED_MSG "\n"); PICC_ReadCardSerial(uid_ptr); printf_P(PSTR(UID_SIZE_MSG "\n"), uid.size); printf_P(PSTR(UID_SAK_MSG"\n"), uid.sak); printf_P(PSTR(CARD_UID_MSG)); for (byte i = 0; i < uid.size; i++) { printf("%02X", uid.uidByte[i]); } putc('\n', stdout); } else { printf_P((PSTR(CARD_NOT_SELECTED))); } } void cli_rfid_add(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; Uid uid; card_t card; if (PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) { PICC_ReadCardSerial(&uid); card.uid_size = uid.size; memcpy(&card.uid, &uid.uidByte, uid.size); char *user = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 1); if(!user) { printf_P(PSTR(OUT_OF_MEMORY_MSG "\n")); return; } strcpy(user, argv[1]); card.user = user; rfid_add_card(&card); free(user); // card user has ben copied to the linked list } else { printf_P(PSTR(UNABLE_TO_DETECT_CARD_MSG "\n")); } } void cli_rfid_remove(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; rfid_remove_card_by_user(argv[1]); } void cli_rfid_list(const char *const *argv) { (void) argv; rfid_list_cards(); } void cli_print_cmd_error(void) { printf_P(PSTR(CLI_NO_CMD "\n")); } void cli_print_cmd_arg_error(void) { printf_P(PSTR(CLI_ARGS_MSG "\n")); } int cli_execute(int argc, const char *const *argv) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(cli_cmds); i++) { if (!strcmp_P(argv[0], cli_cmds[i].cmd)) { putc('\n', stdout); // Test do we have correct arguments to run command // Function arguments count shall be defined in struct if ((argc - 1) != cli_cmds[i].func_argc) { cli_print_cmd_arg_error(); return 0; } // Hand argv over to function pointer, // cross fingers and hope that funcion handles it properly cli_cmds[i].func_p (argv); return 0; } } putc('\n', stdout); cli_print_cmd_error(); return 0; }