/** SPI methods are not interrupt driven - they wait until SPI operation completes. If you're using CMT and would prefer switching to another task while SPI operation is in progress, you can define SPI_USE_CMT in swdefs.h. This requires CMT_MUTEX_FUNC. Also, SS (CS) is not controlled by these methods. It's the responsibility of the user. @file spi.c @brief SPI routines @author Matej Kogovsek (matej@hamradio.si) @copyright LGPL 2.1 @note This file is part of mat-stm32f1-lib */ #include #include #include #include "spi.h" #include "swdefs.h" #include "hwdefs.h" #ifdef SPI_USE_CMT #warning SPI using cmt #include "cmt.h" struct cmt_mutex spi_mutex; #endif #ifndef SPCR0 #define SPCR0 SPCR #define SPE0 SPE #define MSTR0 MSTR #define SPSR0 SPSR #define SPDR0 SPDR #define SPIF0 SPIF #endif /** @brief Initialize SPI interface. Although SPI can have different clock phase and polarity, I have never ran across anything that uses other than low polarity and 1st edge phase. Therefore these parameters are implied and not variable. As are 8 bit words and MSB first. @param[in] fdiv Baudrate prescaler, F_CPU dependent */ void spi_init(uint8_t fdiv) { if( SPCR0 & _BV(SPE0) ) return; #ifdef SPI_USE_CMT spi_mutex.ac = 0; #endif // make SCK, MOSI pins outputs and MISO an input SCK_DDR |= _BV(SCK_BIT); MOSI_DDR |= _BV(MOSI_BIT); MISO_DDR &= ~_BV(MISO_BIT); // init SPI, MSB first, SCK low when idle SPCR0 = _BV(SPE0) | _BV(MSTR0) | (fdiv & 3); SPSR0 = (fdiv >> 2) & 1; } /** @brief Send and receive byte (NSS not controlled) @param[in] d Byte to send @return byte received */ uint8_t spi_rw(uint8_t d) { #ifdef SPI_USE_CMT cmt_acquire(&spi_mutex); #endif SPCR0 |= _BV(MSTR0); SPDR0 = d; while( !(SPSR0 & _BV(SPIF0)) ) { #ifdef SPI_USE_CMT cmt_delay_ticks(0); #endif } d = SPDR0; #ifdef SPI_USE_CMT cmt_release(&spi_mutex); #endif return d; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // INTERRUPTS // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISR(SPI_STC_vect) { // }