# RC Car using LoRa ## Build First time: 0. `git submodule update --init` 1. `make -C libopencm3` 2. `cmake -S . --preset=default` or older cmake: 2. `cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain-STM32F1.cmake` And then to build an `.elf` 0. `cmake --build build --verbose` ## RTT debug console run this while `openocd` is running while true; do if nc -z localhost 9090; then telnet localhost 9090; else sleep 1; fi; done ## Print libopencm3 variables make -f print_vars.mk print_genlink_vars ## Build linker file make -f print_vars.mk generated.STM32F103C8T6.ld