Arti Zirk 054740c5de git subrepo clone https://github.com/libopencm3/libopencm3.git
  subdir:   "libopencm3"
  merged:   "88e91c9a7cce"
  origin:   "https://github.com/libopencm3/libopencm3.git"
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "88e91c9a7cce"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
2023-01-21 21:54:42 +02:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

pipeline {
agent {label 'locm3-usb'}
parameters {
string(name:'pr_from_git_url', description:'the git url we are going to clone the pr from')
string(name:'pr_from_sha', description:'what we are going to build')
stages {
stage('checkout') {
steps {
sh "echo karl we are building $pr_from_sha"
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "$pr_from_sha"]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "$pr_from_git_url"]]])
$class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter",
commitShaSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredShaSource", sha: "$pr_from_sha"],
reposSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource", url: "https://github.com/libopencm3/libopencm3"],
contextSource: [$class: "DefaultCommitContextSource"],
statusResultSource: [ $class: "DefaultStatusResultSource"]
stage('prepare') {
steps {
sh label: 'preparing python', script: '''
[ -f .env3 ] || python3 -m venv .env3
. .env3/bin/activate
pip install pyusb
pip install unittest-xml-reporting
stage('build') {
steps {
sh '''
. .env3/bin/activate
make V=1
make -C tests/gadget-zero all V=s
stage('Testprepare') {
steps {
sh label: 'gadget0', script: '''
cd tests/gadget-zero
echo "hla_serial 53FF6E066765505136472567" > openocd.stm32f3-disco.local.cfg
echo "hla_serial 57FF6B064967485630481087" > openocd.stm32f4disco.local.cfg
stage('flashin') {
steps {
dir('tests/gadget-zero') {
sh '''
make -f Makefile.stm32f3-disco flash V=1
make -f Makefile.stm32f4disco flash V=1
stage('run-test') {
steps {
sh '''
. .env3/bin/activate
cd tests/gadget-zero
rm -rf tests
python test_gadget0.py -X
for x in tests/*; do TT=$(basename \$x); sed -i "s/testcase\\ classname=\\"/testcase\\ classname=\\"\${TT}./g" \$x/TEST-*; done
post {
always {
step([$class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter",
commitShaSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredShaSource", sha: "$pr_from_sha"],
reposSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource", url: "https://github.com/libopencm3/libopencm3"],
contextSource: [$class: "DefaultCommitContextSource"],
statusResultSource: [ $class: "DefaultStatusResultSource"]
junit 'tests/gadget-zero/tests/*/TEST-*.xml'