### Debian GNU/Linux with read only root filesystem. * Example: /dev/sda: SSD disk (solid state disk) /dev/sdb: HDD disk (mechanical disk) /dev/sda1: / /dev/sdb1: swap /dev/sdb2: /home /tmp /var/tmp * Install Debian in /dev/sda1 * Boot Debian in /dev/sda1 * Update & upgrade apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade * Mount HDD disk mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt * Make /tmp directory mkdir /mnt/tmp chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp chown 0.0 /mnt/tmp * If needed, copy all users data from SSD to HDD rsync -av /home/ /mnt/ rm -fr /home/* ; rm -fr /home/.* <-- CAUTION! * Get the UUID of the partitions Example: blkid /dev/sda1: UUID="505267d4-ad80-4eae-b6ed-ebfec59e4748" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="60a30271-01" /dev/sdb1: UUID="6b684928-5786-4882-af6d-b9d8c98bccf0" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="5e1c8d9b-01" /dev/sdb2: UUID="30e81e2b-faaa-43a4-b188-db37c13588a6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="5e1c8d9b-02" * Edit /etc/fstab UUID=505267d4-ad80-4eae-b6ed-ebfec59e4748 / ext4 noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 UUID=30e81e2b-faaa-43a4-b188-db37c13588a6 /home ext4 noatime,errors=remount-ro,x-systemd.requires=/ 0 1 UUID=6b684928-5786-4882-af6d-b9d8c98bccf0 none swap sw 0 0 /home/tmp /tmp none bind,x-systemd.requires=/home 0 0 /home/tmp /var/tmp none bind,x-systemd.requires=/home 0 0 * For optional NFS server, add in /etc/fstab [NFSSERVER_IP]:/path/to/nfs/share1 /media/share1 nfs _netdev,rw,noauto,user,users,noexec,nosuid,nolock,noatime,nfsvers=3,sec=sys,udp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0 * Reboot. Check if all working fine. * Install bilibop. apt-get install bilibop Do you intend to install bilibop-rules on a Live System ? --> No What kind of GRUB device map do you want to use ? --> a dynamically updated device map * Clean. apt-get clean apt-get autoremove * Make root filesystem as readonly. Edit /etc/bilibop/bilibop.conf BILIBOP_LOCKFS=true BILIBOP_LOCKFS_POLICY=hard BILIBOP_LOCKFS_SWAP_POLICY=soft BILIBOP_LOCKFS_WHITELIST="UUID=30e81e2b-faaa-43a4-b188-db37c13588a6 /home/tmp" BILIBOP_LOCKFS_SIZE="/=64M" BILIBOP_LOCKFS_NOTIFY_POLICY=never BILIBOP_LOCKFS_WHITELIST: partitions from /etc/fstab in read-write mode. Whitespace separated list of mountpoints or device names as known in fstab. BILIBOP_LOCKFS_SIZE: RAM size of the overlay writable branch. Whitespace separated list of mountpoint=size pairs. Sizes can be absolute (suffixed with k, K, m, M, g or G), or relative to the total amount of RAM (and suffixed with %). * Rebuild the initram-fs. dpkg-reconfigure bilibop-lockfs * Reboot. * Later, to make permanent changes: Reboot In grub menu, press 'e' to edit the item. Add 'nolockfs'. Press CTRL-X to boot. Make the changes. Rebuild the initram-fs. dpkg-reconfigure bilibop-lockfs Reboot. * Done!.