#include #include #include #include #include "rndis.h" /* Buffer to be used for control requests. */ static uint8_t usbd_control_buffer[128]; static const struct usb_device_descriptor dev = { .bLength = USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_DEVICE, .bcdUSB = 0x0200, .bDeviceClass = 0xE0, // Wireless Controller .bDeviceSubClass = 0, .bDeviceProtocol = 0, .bMaxPacketSize0 = 64, .idVendor = 0x4E44, .idProduct = 0x4953, .bcdDevice = 0xffff, .iManufacturer = 1, .iProduct = 2, .iSerialNumber = 3, .bNumConfigurations = 1, }; static const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor comm_endp[] = {{ .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .bEndpointAddress = 0x81, .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_INTERRUPT, .wMaxPacketSize = 8, .bInterval = 255, }}; static const struct { struct usb_cdc_header_descriptor header; struct usb_cdc_call_management_descriptor call_mgmt; struct usb_cdc_acm_descriptor acm; struct usb_cdc_union_descriptor cdc_union; } __attribute__((packed)) cdcacm_functional_descriptors = { .header = { .bFunctionLength = sizeof(struct usb_cdc_header_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_CDC_TYPE_HEADER, .bcdCDC = 0x0110, }, .call_mgmt = { .bFunctionLength = sizeof(struct usb_cdc_call_management_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_CDC_TYPE_CALL_MANAGEMENT, .bmCapabilities = 0, .bDataInterface = 1, }, .acm = { .bFunctionLength = sizeof(struct usb_cdc_acm_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_CDC_TYPE_ACM, .bmCapabilities = 0, }, .cdc_union = { .bFunctionLength = sizeof(struct usb_cdc_union_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = CS_INTERFACE, .bDescriptorSubtype = USB_CDC_TYPE_UNION, .bControlInterface = 0, .bSubordinateInterface0 = 1, }, }; // RNDIS Communications Control static const struct usb_interface_descriptor comm_iface[] = {{ .bLength = USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .bInterfaceNumber = 0, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 1, .bInterfaceClass = 0xE0, // Wireless Controller .bInterfaceSubClass = 0x01, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0x03, .iInterface = 0, .endpoint = comm_endp, .extra = &cdcacm_functional_descriptors, .extralen = sizeof(cdcacm_functional_descriptors), }}; static const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor data_endp[] = {{ .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .bEndpointAddress = 0x01, .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_BULK, .wMaxPacketSize = 64, .bInterval = 0, }, { .bLength = USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_ENDPOINT, .bEndpointAddress = 0x82, .bmAttributes = USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_BULK, .wMaxPacketSize = 64, .bInterval = 0, }}; static const struct usb_interface_descriptor data_iface[] = {{ .bLength = USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_INTERFACE, .bInterfaceNumber = 1, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 2, .bInterfaceClass = USB_CLASS_DATA, .bInterfaceSubClass = 0, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0, .iInterface = 0, .endpoint = data_endp, }}; static const struct usb_interface ifaces[] = {{ .num_altsetting = 1, .altsetting = comm_iface, }, { .num_altsetting = 1, .altsetting = data_iface, }}; static const struct usb_config_descriptor config = { .bLength = USB_DT_CONFIGURATION_SIZE, .bDescriptorType = USB_DT_CONFIGURATION, .wTotalLength = 0, .bNumInterfaces = 2, .bConfigurationValue = 1, .iConfiguration = 0, .bmAttributes = 0x80, .bMaxPower = 0x32, .interface = ifaces, }; static const char *usb_strings[] = { "Arti Zirk", // iManufacturer "STM32-RNDIS", // iProduct "lrndis demo", // iSerialNumber }; usbd_device *start_rdnis(void) { usbd_device *usb_dev; usb_dev = usbd_init( &st_usbfs_v1_usb_driver, &dev, &config, usb_strings, 3, usbd_control_buffer, sizeof(usbd_control_buffer) ); return usb_dev; }