subrepo: subdir: "libopencm3" merged: "f5813a54" upstream: origin: "" branch: "master" commit: "f5813a54" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "???" commit: "???"
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/** @addtogroup lptimer_file LPTIM peripheral API
* @ingroup peripheral_apis
* @author @htmlonly © @endhtmlonly 2019 Guillaume Revaillot <>
* @date 2 July 2019
* LGPL License Terms @ref lgpl_license
* @section lptim_api_ex Basic LPTIMER handling API.
* Example: LPTIM1 with 2x clock prescaler, from internal clock (LSE), irq on match and reload.
* @code
* rcc_set_peripheral_clk_sel(LPTIM1, RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_LSE);
* rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_LPTIM1);
* lptimer_set_internal_clock_source(LPTIM1);
* lptimer_enable_trigger(LPTIM1, LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_SW);
* lptimer_set_prescaler(LPTIM1, LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2);
* lptimer_enable(LPTIM1);
* lptimer_set_period(LPTIM1, 0xffff);
* lptimer_set_compare(LPTIM1, 1234);
* lptimer_enable_irq(LPTIM1, LPTIM_IER_ARRMIE | LPTIM_IER_CMPMIE);
* nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_LPTIM1_IRQ);
* lptimer_start_counter(LPTIM1, LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT);
* @endcode
* Note: LPTIM internal clock source selection is device specific, see clock tree
* and rcc section of reference manual.
* This file is part of the libopencm3 project.
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library. If not, see <>.
#include <libopencm3/stm32/lptimer.h>
/** @brief Set lptimer Counter
* Set the value of a lptimer counter.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] count Counter value.
void lptimer_set_counter(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint16_t count)
LPTIM_CNT(lptimer_peripheral) = count;
/** @brief Read lptimer Counter
* Read back the value of lptimer counter.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @returns Counter value.
uint16_t lptimer_get_counter(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
return LPTIM_CNT(lptimer_peripheral);
/** @brief Clear lptimer Status Flag.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] flag Status Register clear flag (@ref lptim_icr)
void lptimer_clear_flag(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t flag)
LPTIM_ICR(lptimer_peripheral) = flag;
/** @brief Read lptimer Status Flag.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] flag Status Register flag (@ref lptim_isr)
* @returns flag set.
bool lptimer_get_flag(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t flag)
return (LPTIM_ISR(lptimer_peripheral) & flag);
/** @brief Enable lptimer interrupts.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] irq Logical or of all interrupt enable bits to be set (@ref lptim_ier)
void lptimer_enable_irq(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t irq)
LPTIM_IER(lptimer_peripheral) |= irq;
/** @brief Disable lptimer Interrupts.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] irq Logical or of all interrupt enable bits to be cleared (@ref lptim_ier)
void lptimer_disable_irq(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t irq)
LPTIM_IER(lptimer_peripheral) &= ~irq;
/** @brief Enable lptimer.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_enable(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CR(lptimer_peripheral) |= LPTIM_CR_ENABLE;
/** @brief Disable lptimer.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_disable(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CR(lptimer_peripheral) &= ~LPTIM_CR_ENABLE;
/** @brief Start lptimer in a given mode.
* Starts the timer in specified mode - Either Single (@ref LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT) or
* Continuous mode (@ref LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT). In Single mode, the timer will stop at
* next match on compare or period value.
* If LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT is set while timer is started in countious mode, it
* will stop at next match on compare or period value.
* If Software trigger is disabled, start will be delayed until programmed
* triggers is detected.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] mode lptimer start mode (@ref LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT or @ref LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT)
void lptimer_start_counter(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t mode)
LPTIM_CR(lptimer_peripheral) |= mode;
/** @brief Set lptimer clock prescaler.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] prescaler Clock prescaler (@ref lptim_cfgr_presc)
void lptimer_set_prescaler(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t prescaler)
uint32_t reg32 = LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral);
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) = reg32 | prescaler;
/** @brief Enable lptimer External Trigger
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] trigen Enable Trigger
void lptimer_enable_trigger(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t trigen)
uint32_t reg32 = LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral);
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) = reg32 | trigen;
/** @brief Select lptimer Trigger Source
* Select timer external trigger source.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] trigger_source Trigger selector (@ref lptim_cfgr_trigsel)
void lptimer_select_trigger_source(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint32_t trigger_source)
uint32_t reg32 = LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral);
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) = reg32 | trigger_source;
/** @brief Set lptimer counter Compare Value
* Set the timer compare value. Must only be set with timer enabled.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] compare_value Compare value.
void lptimer_set_compare(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint16_t compare_value)
LPTIM_CMP(lptimer_peripheral) = compare_value;
/** @brief Set lptimer period
* Set the timer period in the auto-reload register. Must only be set with timer
* enabled.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
* @param[in] period_value Autoreload value. Must be greater that CMP value.
void lptimer_set_period(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral, uint16_t period_value)
LPTIM_ARR(lptimer_peripheral) = period_value;
/** @brief Enable lptimer Preload mode.
* Enable lptimer preload mode, delaying update of period and compare registers
* to the end of current period.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_enable_preload(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) |= LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD;
/** @brief Disable lptimer Preload mode.
* Disable lptimer preload mode, ensureing updated period and compare registers
* values are taken in account immediatly.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_disable_preload(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) &= ~LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD;
/** @brief Set lptimer Internal Clock source
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_set_internal_clock_source(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) &= ~LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL;
/** @brief Set lptimer External Clock source
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_set_external_clock_source(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) |= LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL;
/** @brief Set lptimer Waveform Output Polarity High
* Set lptimer waveform output to reflect compare result between LPTIN_CNT
* and LPTIM_CMP.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_set_waveform_polarity_high(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) |= LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL;
/** @brief Set lptimer Waveform Output Polarity Low
* Set lptimer waveform output to reflect the inverse of the compare result
* between LPTIN_CNT and LPTIM_CMP.
* @param[in] lptimer_peripheral lptimer base address (@ref lptim_reg_base)
void lptimer_set_waveform_polarity_low(uint32_t lptimer_peripheral)
LPTIM_CFGR(lptimer_peripheral) &= ~LPTIM_CFGR_WAVPOL;