Arti Zirk 244fdbc35c git subrepo clone
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2021-09-30 16:34:10 +03:00

170 lines
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/** @addtogroup spi_file SPI peripheral API
* @ingroup peripheral_apis
@author @htmlonly © @endhtmlonly 2009
Uwe Hermann <>
@author @htmlonly &copy; @endhtmlonly 2012
Ken Sarkies <>
Devices can have up to three SPI peripherals. The common 4-wire full-duplex
mode of operation is supported, along with 3-wire variants using unidirectional
communication modes or half-duplex bidirectional communication. A variety of
options allows many of the SPI variants to be supported. Multimaster operation
is also supported. A CRC can be generated and checked in hardware.
@note Some JTAG pins need to be remapped if SPI is to be used.
@note The I2S protocol shares the SPI hardware so the two protocols cannot be
used at the same time on the same peripheral.
Example: Clk/4, positive clock polarity, leading edge trigger, 8-bit words,
LSB first.
spi_write(SPI1, 0x55); // 8-bit write
spi_write(SPI1, 0xaa88); // 16-bit write
reg8 = spi_read(SPI1); // 8-bit read
reg16 = spi_read(SPI1); // 16-bit read
@todo need additional functions to aid ISRs in retrieving status
* This file is part of the libopencm3 project.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Uwe Hermann <>
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library. If not, see <>.
#include <libopencm3/stm32/spi.h>
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h>
/** @brief Configure the SPI as Master.
The SPI peripheral is configured as a master with communication parameters
baudrate, frame format lsb/msb first, clock polarity and phase. The SPI
enable, CRC enable, CRC next CRC length controls are not affected.
These must be controlled separately.
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
@param[in] br Unsigned int32. Baudrate @ref spi_baudrate.
@param[in] cpol Unsigned int32. Clock polarity @ref spi_cpol.
@param[in] cpha Unsigned int32. Clock Phase @ref spi_cpha.
@param[in] lsbfirst Unsigned int32. Frame format lsb/msb first @ref
@returns int. Error code.
int spi_init_master(uint32_t spi, uint32_t br, uint32_t cpol, uint32_t cpha,
uint32_t lsbfirst)
uint32_t reg32 = SPI_CR1(spi);
/* Reset all bits omitting SPE, CRCEN, CRCNEXT and CRCL bits. */
reg32 |= SPI_CR1_MSTR; /* Configure SPI as master. */
reg32 |= br; /* Set baud rate bits. */
reg32 |= cpol; /* Set CPOL value. */
reg32 |= cpha; /* Set CPHA value. */
reg32 |= lsbfirst; /* Set frame format (LSB- or MSB-first). */
SPI_CR2(spi) |= SPI_CR2_SSOE; /* common case */
SPI_CR1(spi) = reg32;
return 0; /* TODO */
void spi_send8(uint32_t spi, uint8_t data)
/* Wait for transfer finished. */
while (!(SPI_SR(spi) & SPI_SR_TXE));
SPI_DR8(spi) = data;
uint8_t spi_read8(uint32_t spi)
/* Wait for transfer finished. */
while (!(SPI_SR(spi) & SPI_SR_RXNE));
return SPI_DR8(spi);
/** @brief SPI Set CRC length to 8 bits
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
void spi_set_crcl_8bit(uint32_t spi)
SPI_CR1(spi) &= ~SPI_CR1_CRCL;
/** @brief SPI Set CRC length to 16 bits
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
void spi_set_crcl_16bit(uint32_t spi)
SPI_CR1(spi) |= SPI_CR1_CRCL;
/** @brief SPI Set data size
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
@param[in] data_s Unsigned int16. data size @ref spi_ds.
void spi_set_data_size(uint32_t spi, uint16_t data_s)
SPI_CR2(spi) = (SPI_CR2(spi) & ~SPI_CR2_DS_MASK) |
(data_s & SPI_CR2_DS_MASK);
/** @brief SPI Set reception threshold to 8 bits
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
void spi_fifo_reception_threshold_8bit(uint32_t spi)
SPI_CR2(spi) |= SPI_CR2_FRXTH;
/** @brief SPI Set reception threshold to 16 bits
@param[in] spi Unsigned int32. SPI peripheral identifier @ref spi_reg_base.
void spi_fifo_reception_threshold_16bit(uint32_t spi)
SPI_CR2(spi) &= ~SPI_CR2_FRXTH;