/* * Copyright (C) 2019 cyclopsian * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 emersion * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * Parts of this file are taken from emersion/kanshi: * https://github.com/emersion/kanshi/blob/38d27474b686fcc8324cc5e454741a49577c0988/main.c */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wdisplays.h" #include "wlr-output-management-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" #include "xdg-output-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" #include "wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" #include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" static void noop() { // This space is intentionally left blank } struct wd_pending_config { struct wd_state *state; struct wl_list *outputs; }; static void destroy_pending(struct wd_pending_config *pending) { struct wd_head_config *output, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp, pending->outputs, link) { wl_list_remove(&output->link); free(output); } free(pending->outputs); free(pending); } static void config_handle_succeeded(void *data, struct zwlr_output_configuration_v1 *config) { struct wd_pending_config *pending = data; zwlr_output_configuration_v1_destroy(config); wd_ui_apply_done(pending->state, pending->outputs); destroy_pending(pending); } static void config_handle_failed(void *data, struct zwlr_output_configuration_v1 *config) { struct wd_pending_config *pending = data; zwlr_output_configuration_v1_destroy(config); wd_ui_apply_done(pending->state, NULL); wd_ui_show_error(pending->state, "The display server was not able to process your changes."); destroy_pending(pending); } static void config_handle_cancelled(void *data, struct zwlr_output_configuration_v1 *config) { struct wd_pending_config *pending = data; zwlr_output_configuration_v1_destroy(config); wd_ui_apply_done(pending->state, NULL); wd_ui_show_error(pending->state, "The display configuration was modified by the server before updates were processed. " "Please check the configuration and apply the changes again."); destroy_pending(pending); } static const struct zwlr_output_configuration_v1_listener config_listener = { .succeeded = config_handle_succeeded, .failed = config_handle_failed, .cancelled = config_handle_cancelled, }; void wd_apply_state(struct wd_state *state, struct wl_list *new_outputs, struct wl_display *display) { struct zwlr_output_configuration_v1 *config = zwlr_output_manager_v1_create_configuration(state->output_manager, state->serial); struct wd_pending_config *pending = calloc(1, sizeof(*pending)); pending->state = state; pending->outputs = new_outputs; zwlr_output_configuration_v1_add_listener(config, &config_listener, pending); ssize_t i = -1; struct wd_head_config *output; wl_list_for_each(output, new_outputs, link) { i++; struct wd_head *head = output->head; if (!output->enabled && output->enabled != head->enabled) { zwlr_output_configuration_v1_disable_head(config, head->wlr_head); continue; } struct zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1 *config_head = zwlr_output_configuration_v1_enable_head(config, head->wlr_head); const struct wd_mode *selected_mode = NULL; const struct wd_mode *mode; wl_list_for_each(mode, &head->modes, link) { if (mode->width == output->width && mode->height == output->height && mode->refresh == output->refresh) { selected_mode = mode; break; } } if (selected_mode != NULL) { if (output->enabled != head->enabled || selected_mode != head->mode) { zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1_set_mode(config_head, selected_mode->wlr_mode); } } else if (output->enabled != head->enabled || output->width != head->custom_mode.width || output->height != head->custom_mode.height || output->refresh != head->custom_mode.refresh) { zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1_set_custom_mode(config_head, output->width, output->height, output->refresh); } if (output->enabled != head->enabled || output->x != head->x || output->y != head->y) { zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1_set_position(config_head, output->x, output->y); } if (output->enabled != head->enabled || output->scale != head->scale) { zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1_set_scale(config_head, wl_fixed_from_double(output->scale)); } if (output->enabled != head->enabled || output->transform != head->transform) { zwlr_output_configuration_head_v1_set_transform(config_head, output->transform); } } zwlr_output_configuration_v1_apply(config); wl_display_roundtrip(display); } static void wd_frame_destroy(struct wd_frame *frame) { if (frame->pixels != NULL) munmap(frame->pixels, frame->height * frame->stride); if (frame->buffer != NULL) wl_buffer_destroy(frame->buffer); if (frame->pool != NULL) wl_shm_pool_destroy(frame->pool); if (frame->capture_fd != -1) close(frame->capture_fd); if (frame->wlr_frame != NULL) zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_destroy(frame->wlr_frame); wl_list_remove(&frame->link); free(frame); } static int create_shm_file(size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) { char *shm_name = NULL; int fd = -1; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); int result = vasprintf(&shm_name, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); if (result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "asprintf: %s\n", strerror(errno)); shm_name = NULL; return -1; } fd = shm_open(shm_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "shm_open: %s\n", strerror(errno)); free(shm_name); return -1; } shm_unlink(shm_name); free(shm_name); if (ftruncate(fd, size) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ftruncate: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } static void capture_buffer(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *copy_frame, uint32_t format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t stride) { struct wd_frame *frame = data; if (format != WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 && format != WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 && format != WL_SHM_FORMAT_ABGR8888 && format != WL_SHM_FORMAT_XBGR8888) { goto err; } size_t size = stride * height; frame->capture_fd = create_shm_file(size, "/wd-%s", frame->output->name); if (frame->capture_fd == -1) { goto err; } frame->pool = wl_shm_create_pool(frame->output->state->shm, frame->capture_fd, size); frame->buffer = wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(frame->pool, 0, width, height, stride, format); zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_copy(copy_frame, frame->buffer); frame->stride = stride; frame->width = width; frame->height = height; frame->swap_rgb = format == WL_SHM_FORMAT_ABGR8888 || format == WL_SHM_FORMAT_XBGR8888; return; err: wd_frame_destroy(frame); } static void capture_flags(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *wlr_frame, uint32_t flags) { struct wd_frame *frame = data; frame->y_invert = !!(flags & ZWLR_SCREENCOPY_FRAME_V1_FLAGS_Y_INVERT); } static void capture_ready(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *wlr_frame, uint32_t tv_sec_hi, uint32_t tv_sec_lo, uint32_t tv_nsec) { struct wd_frame *frame = data; frame->pixels = mmap(NULL, frame->stride * frame->height, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, frame->capture_fd, 0); if (frame->pixels == MAP_FAILED) { frame->pixels = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "mmap: %d: %s\n", frame->capture_fd, strerror(errno)); wd_frame_destroy(frame); return; } else { uint64_t tv_sec = (uint64_t) tv_sec_hi << 32 | tv_sec_lo; frame->tick = (tv_sec * 1000000) + (tv_nsec / 1000); } zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_destroy(frame->wlr_frame); frame->wlr_frame = NULL; struct wd_frame *frame_iter, *frame_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(frame_iter, frame_tmp, &frame->output->frames, link) { if (frame != frame_iter) { wd_frame_destroy(frame_iter); } } } static void capture_failed(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *wlr_frame) { struct wd_frame *frame = data; wd_frame_destroy(frame); } struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_listener capture_listener = { .buffer = capture_buffer, .flags = capture_flags, .ready = capture_ready, .failed = capture_failed }; static bool has_pending_captures(struct wd_state *state) { struct wd_output *output; wl_list_for_each(output, &state->outputs, link) { struct wd_frame *frame; wl_list_for_each(frame, &output->frames, link) { if (frame->pixels == NULL) { return true; } } } return false; } void wd_capture_frame(struct wd_state *state) { if (state->copy_manager == NULL || has_pending_captures(state) || !state->capture) { return; } struct wd_output *output; wl_list_for_each(output, &state->outputs, link) { struct wd_frame *frame = calloc(1, sizeof(*frame)); frame->output = output; frame->capture_fd = -1; frame->wlr_frame = zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_capture_output(state->copy_manager, 1, output->wl_output); zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_add_listener(frame->wlr_frame, &capture_listener, frame); wl_list_insert(&output->frames, &frame->link); } } static void wd_output_destroy(struct wd_output *output) { struct wd_frame *frame, *frame_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(frame, frame_tmp, &output->frames, link) { wd_frame_destroy(frame); } if (output->state->layer_shell != NULL) { wd_destroy_overlay(output); } zxdg_output_v1_destroy(output->xdg_output); free(output->name); free(output); } static void wd_mode_destroy(struct wd_mode* mode) { zwlr_output_mode_v1_destroy(mode->wlr_mode); free(mode); } static void wd_head_destroy(struct wd_head *head) { if (head->state->clicked == head->render) { head->state->clicked = NULL; } if (head->render != NULL) { wl_list_remove(&head->render->link); free(head->render); head->render = NULL; } struct wd_mode *mode, *mode_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(mode, mode_tmp, &head->modes, link) { zwlr_output_mode_v1_destroy(mode->wlr_mode); free(mode); } zwlr_output_head_v1_destroy(head->wlr_head); free(head->name); free(head->description); free(head); } static void mode_handle_size(void *data, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct wd_mode *mode = data; mode->width = width; mode->height = height; } static void mode_handle_refresh(void *data, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode, int32_t refresh) { struct wd_mode *mode = data; mode->refresh = refresh; } static void mode_handle_preferred(void *data, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode) { struct wd_mode *mode = data; mode->preferred = true; } static void mode_handle_finished(void *data, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode) { struct wd_mode *mode = data; wl_list_remove(&mode->link); wd_mode_destroy(mode); } static const struct zwlr_output_mode_v1_listener mode_listener = { .size = mode_handle_size, .refresh = mode_handle_refresh, .preferred = mode_handle_preferred, .finished = mode_handle_finished, }; static void head_handle_name(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, const char *name) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->name = strdup(name); wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_NAME); } static void head_handle_description(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, const char *description) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->description = strdup(description); wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_DESCRIPTION); } static void head_handle_physical_size(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->phys_width = width; head->phys_height = height; wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_PHYSICAL_SIZE); } static void head_handle_mode(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode) { struct wd_head *head = data; struct wd_mode *mode = calloc(1, sizeof(*mode)); mode->head = head; mode->wlr_mode = wlr_mode; wl_list_insert(head->modes.prev, &mode->link); zwlr_output_mode_v1_add_listener(wlr_mode, &mode_listener, mode); } static void head_handle_enabled(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, int32_t enabled) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->enabled = !!enabled; if (!enabled) { head->output = NULL; } wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_ENABLED); } static void head_handle_current_mode(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, struct zwlr_output_mode_v1 *wlr_mode) { struct wd_head *head = data; struct wd_mode *mode; wl_list_for_each(mode, &head->modes, link) { if (mode->wlr_mode == wlr_mode) { head->mode = mode; wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_MODE); return; } } fprintf(stderr, "received unknown current_mode\n"); head->mode = NULL; } static void head_handle_position(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, int32_t x, int32_t y) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->x = x; head->y = y; wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_POSITION); } static void head_handle_transform(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, int32_t transform) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->transform = transform; wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_TRANSFORM); } static void head_handle_scale(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head, wl_fixed_t scale) { struct wd_head *head = data; head->scale = wl_fixed_to_double(scale); wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_SCALE); } static void head_handle_finished(void *data, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head) { struct wd_head *head = data; struct wd_state *state = head->state; wl_list_remove(&head->link); wd_head_destroy(head); uint32_t counter = 0; wl_list_for_each(head, &state->heads, link) { if (head->id != counter) { head->id = counter; if (head->output != NULL) { wd_redraw_overlay(head->output); } } counter++; } } static const struct zwlr_output_head_v1_listener head_listener = { .name = head_handle_name, .description = head_handle_description, .physical_size = head_handle_physical_size, .mode = head_handle_mode, .enabled = head_handle_enabled, .current_mode = head_handle_current_mode, .position = head_handle_position, .transform = head_handle_transform, .scale = head_handle_scale, .finished = head_handle_finished, }; static void output_manager_handle_head(void *data, struct zwlr_output_manager_v1 *manager, struct zwlr_output_head_v1 *wlr_head) { struct wd_state *state = data; struct wd_head *head = calloc(1, sizeof(*head)); head->state = state; head->wlr_head = wlr_head; head->scale = 1.0; head->id = wl_list_length(&state->heads); wl_list_init(&head->modes); wl_list_insert(&state->heads, &head->link); zwlr_output_head_v1_add_listener(wlr_head, &head_listener, head); } static void output_manager_handle_done(void *data, struct zwlr_output_manager_v1 *manager, uint32_t serial) { struct wd_state *state = data; state->serial = serial; assert(wl_list_length(&state->heads) <= HEADS_MAX); struct wd_head *head = data; wl_list_for_each(head, &state->heads, link) { if (!head->enabled && head->mode == NULL && !wl_list_empty(&head->modes)) { struct wd_mode *mode = wl_container_of(head->modes.prev, mode, link); head->custom_mode.width = mode->width; head->custom_mode.height = mode->height; head->custom_mode.refresh = mode->refresh; } } wd_ui_reset_heads(state); } static const struct zwlr_output_manager_v1_listener output_manager_listener = { .head = output_manager_handle_head, .done = output_manager_handle_done, .finished = noop, }; static void registry_handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version) { struct wd_state *state = data; if (strcmp(interface, zwlr_output_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) { state->output_manager = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &zwlr_output_manager_v1_interface, version); zwlr_output_manager_v1_add_listener(state->output_manager, &output_manager_listener, state); } else if (strcmp(interface, zxdg_output_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) { state->xdg_output_manager = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &zxdg_output_manager_v1_interface, version); } else if(strcmp(interface, zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) { state->copy_manager = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_interface, version); } else if(strcmp(interface, zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface.name) == 0) { state->layer_shell = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &zwlr_layer_shell_v1_interface, version); } else if(strcmp(interface, wl_shm_interface.name) == 0) { state->shm = wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_shm_interface, version); } } static const struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = { .global = registry_handle_global, .global_remove = noop, }; void wd_add_output_management_listener(struct wd_state *state, struct wl_display *display) { struct wl_registry *registry = wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener(registry, ®istry_listener, state); wl_display_dispatch(display); wl_display_roundtrip(display); } struct wd_head *wd_find_head(struct wd_state *state, struct wd_output *output) { struct wd_head *head; wl_list_for_each(head, &state->heads, link) { if (output->name != NULL && strcmp(output->name, head->name) == 0) { head->output = output; return head; } } return NULL; } static void output_logical_position(void *data, struct zxdg_output_v1 *zxdg_output_v1, int32_t x, int32_t y) { struct wd_output *output = data; struct wd_head *head = wd_find_head(output->state, output); if (head != NULL) { head->x = x; head->y = y; wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_POSITION); } } static void output_name(void *data, struct zxdg_output_v1 *zxdg_output_v1, const char *name) { struct wd_output *output = data; if (output->name != NULL) { free(output->name); } output->name = strdup(name); struct wd_head *head = wd_find_head(output->state, output); if (head != NULL) { wd_ui_reset_head(head, WD_FIELD_NAME); } } static const struct zxdg_output_v1_listener output_listener = { .logical_position = output_logical_position, .logical_size = noop, .done = noop, .name = output_name, .description = noop }; void wd_add_output(struct wd_state *state, struct wl_output *wl_output, struct wl_display *display) { struct wd_output *output = calloc(1, sizeof(*output)); output->state = state; output->wl_output = wl_output; output->xdg_output = zxdg_output_manager_v1_get_xdg_output( state->xdg_output_manager, wl_output); wl_list_init(&output->frames); zxdg_output_v1_add_listener(output->xdg_output, &output_listener, output); wl_list_insert(output->state->outputs.prev, &output->link); if (state->layer_shell != NULL && state->show_overlay) { wl_display_roundtrip(display); wd_create_overlay(output); } } void wd_remove_output(struct wd_state *state, struct wl_output *wl_output, struct wl_display *display) { struct wd_output *output, *output_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, output_tmp, &state->outputs, link) { if (output->wl_output == wl_output) { wl_list_remove(&output->link); wd_output_destroy(output); break; } } wd_capture_wait(state, display); } struct wd_output *wd_find_output(struct wd_state *state, struct wd_head *head) { if (!head->enabled) { return NULL; } if (head->output != NULL) { return head->output; } struct wd_output *output; wl_list_for_each(output, &state->outputs, link) { if (output->name != NULL && strcmp(output->name, head->name) == 0) { head->output = output; return output; } } head->output = NULL; return NULL; } struct wd_state *wd_state_create(void) { struct wd_state *state = calloc(1, sizeof(*state)); state->zoom = 1.; state->capture = true; state->show_overlay = true; wl_list_init(&state->heads); wl_list_init(&state->outputs); wl_list_init(&state->render.heads); return state; } void wd_capture_wait(struct wd_state *state, struct wl_display *display) { wl_display_flush(display); while (has_pending_captures(state)) { if (wl_display_dispatch(display) == -1) { break; } } } void wd_state_destroy(struct wd_state *state) { struct wd_head *head, *head_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(head, head_tmp, &state->heads, link) { wd_head_destroy(head); } struct wd_output *output, *output_tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, output_tmp, &state->outputs, link) { wd_output_destroy(output); } if (state->layer_shell != NULL) { zwlr_layer_shell_v1_destroy(state->layer_shell); } if (state->copy_manager != NULL) { zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_destroy(state->copy_manager); } zwlr_output_manager_v1_destroy(state->output_manager); zxdg_output_manager_v1_destroy(state->xdg_output_manager); wl_shm_destroy(state->shm); free(state); }