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Red Black balanced tree library
> Created (Julienne Walker): August 23, 2003
> Modified (Julienne Walker): March 14, 2008
#include "jsw_rbtree.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdlib>
using std::malloc;
using std::free;
using std::size_t;
#include <stdlib.h>
#define HEIGHT_LIMIT 64 /* Tallest allowable tree */
typedef struct jsw_rbnode {
int red; /* Color (1=red, 0=black) */
void *data; /* User-defined content */
struct jsw_rbnode *link[2]; /* Left (0) and right (1) links */
} jsw_rbnode_t;
struct jsw_rbtree {
jsw_rbnode_t *root; /* Top of the tree */
cmp_f cmp; /* Compare two items */
dup_f dup; /* Clone an item (user-defined) */
rel_f rel; /* Destroy an item (user-defined) */
size_t size; /* Number of items (user-defined) */
struct jsw_rbtrav {
jsw_rbtree_t *tree; /* Paired tree */
jsw_rbnode_t *it; /* Current node */
jsw_rbnode_t *path[HEIGHT_LIMIT]; /* Traversal path */
size_t top; /* Top of stack */
Checks the color of a red black node
<param name="root">The node to check</param>
<returns>1 for a red node, 0 for a black node</returns>
<remarks>For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only</remarks>
static int is_red ( jsw_rbnode_t *root )
return root != NULL && root->red == 1;
Performs a single red black rotation in the specified direction
This function assumes that all nodes are valid for a rotation
<param name="root">The original root to rotate around</param>
<param name="dir">The direction to rotate (0 = left, 1 = right)</param>
<returns>The new root ater rotation</returns>
<remarks>For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only</remarks>
static jsw_rbnode_t *jsw_single ( jsw_rbnode_t *root, int dir )
jsw_rbnode_t *save = root->link[!dir];
root->link[!dir] = save->link[dir];
save->link[dir] = root;
root->red = 1;
save->red = 0;
return save;
Performs a double red black rotation in the specified direction
This function assumes that all nodes are valid for a rotation
<param name="root">The original root to rotate around</param>
<param name="dir">The direction to rotate (0 = left, 1 = right)</param>
<returns>The new root after rotation</returns>
<remarks>For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only</remarks>
static jsw_rbnode_t *jsw_double ( jsw_rbnode_t *root, int dir )
root->link[!dir] = jsw_single ( root->link[!dir], !dir );
return jsw_single ( root, dir );
Creates an initializes a new red black node with a copy of
the data. This function does not insert the new node into a tree
<param name="tree">The red black tree this node is being created for</param>
<param name="data">The data value that will be stored in this node</param>
<returns>A pointer to the new node</returns>
For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only. The data for this node must
be freed using the same tree's rel function. The returned pointer
must be freed using C's free function
static jsw_rbnode_t *new_node ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree, void *data )
jsw_rbnode_t *rn = (jsw_rbnode_t *)malloc ( sizeof *rn );
if ( rn == NULL )
return NULL;
rn->red = 1;
rn->data = tree->dup ( data );
rn->link[0] = rn->link[1] = NULL;
return rn;
Creates and initializes an empty red black tree with
user-defined comparison, data copy, and data release operations
<param name="cmp">User-defined data comparison function</param>
<param name="dup">User-defined data copy function</param>
<param name="rel">User-defined data release function</param>
<returns>A pointer to the new tree</returns>
The returned pointer must be released with jsw_rbdelete
jsw_rbtree_t *jsw_rbnew ( cmp_f cmp, dup_f dup, rel_f rel )
jsw_rbtree_t *rt = (jsw_rbtree_t *)malloc ( sizeof *rt );
if ( rt == NULL )
return NULL;
rt->root = NULL;
rt->cmp = cmp;
rt->dup = dup;
rt->rel = rel;
rt->size = 0;
return rt;
Releases a valid red black tree
<param name="tree">The tree to release</param>
The tree must have been created using jsw_rbnew
void jsw_rbdelete ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree )
jsw_rbnode_t *it = tree->root;
jsw_rbnode_t *save;
Rotate away the left links so that
we can treat this like the destruction
of a linked list
while ( it != NULL ) {
if ( it->link[0] == NULL ) {
/* No left links, just kill the node and move on */
save = it->link[1];
tree->rel ( it->data );
free ( it );
else {
/* Rotate away the left link and check again */
save = it->link[0];
it->link[0] = save->link[1];
save->link[1] = it;
it = save;
free ( tree );
Search for a copy of the specified
node data in a red black tree
<param name="tree">The tree to search</param>
<param name="data">The data value to search for</param>
A pointer to the data value stored in the tree,
or a null pointer if no data could be found
void *jsw_rbfind ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree, void *data )
jsw_rbnode_t *it = tree->root;
while ( it != NULL ) {
int cmp = tree->cmp ( it->data, data );
if ( cmp == 0 )
If the tree supports duplicates, they should be
chained to the right subtree for this to work
it = it->link[cmp < 0];
return it == NULL ? NULL : it->data;
Insert a copy of the user-specified
data into a red black tree
<param name="tree">The tree to insert into</param>
<param name="data">The data value to insert</param>
1 if the value was inserted successfully,
0 if the insertion failed for any reason
int jsw_rbinsert ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree, void *data )
if ( tree->root == NULL ) {
We have an empty tree; attach the
new node directly to the root
tree->root = new_node ( tree, data );
if ( tree->root == NULL )
return 0;
else {
jsw_rbnode_t head = {0}; /* False tree root */
jsw_rbnode_t *g, *t; /* Grandparent & parent */
jsw_rbnode_t *p, *q; /* Iterator & parent */
int dir = 0, last = 0;
/* Set up our helpers */
t = &head;
g = p = NULL;
q = t->link[1] = tree->root;
/* Search down the tree for a place to insert */
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( q == NULL ) {
/* Insert a new node at the first null link */
p->link[dir] = q = new_node ( tree, data );
if ( q == NULL )
return 0;
else if ( is_red ( q->link[0] ) && is_red ( q->link[1] ) ) {
/* Simple red violation: color flip */
q->red = 1;
q->link[0]->red = 0;
q->link[1]->red = 0;
if ( is_red ( q ) && is_red ( p ) ) {
/* Hard red violation: rotations necessary */
int dir2 = t->link[1] == g;
if ( q == p->link[last] )
t->link[dir2] = jsw_single ( g, !last );
t->link[dir2] = jsw_double ( g, !last );
Stop working if we inserted a node. This
check also disallows duplicates in the tree
if ( tree->cmp ( q->data, data ) == 0 )
last = dir;
dir = tree->cmp ( q->data, data ) < 0;
/* Move the helpers down */
if ( g != NULL )
t = g;
g = p, p = q;
q = q->link[dir];
/* Update the root (it may be different) */
tree->root = head.link[1];
/* Make the root black for simplified logic */
tree->root->red = 0;
return 1;
Remove a node from a red black tree
that matches the user-specified data
<param name="tree">The tree to remove from</param>
<param name="data">The data value to search for</param>
1 if the value was removed successfully,
0 if the removal failed for any reason
The most common failure reason should be
that the data was not found in the tree
int jsw_rberase ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree, void *data )
if ( tree->root != NULL ) {
jsw_rbnode_t head = {0}; /* False tree root */
jsw_rbnode_t *q, *p, *g; /* Helpers */
jsw_rbnode_t *f = NULL; /* Found item */
int dir = 1;
/* Set up our helpers */
q = &head;
g = p = NULL;
q->link[1] = tree->root;
Search and push a red node down
to fix red violations as we go
while ( q->link[dir] != NULL ) {
int last = dir;
/* Move the helpers down */
g = p, p = q;
q = q->link[dir];
dir = tree->cmp ( q->data, data ) < 0;
Save the node with matching data and keep
going; we'll do removal tasks at the end
if ( tree->cmp ( q->data, data ) == 0 )
f = q;
/* Push the red node down with rotations and color flips */
if ( !is_red ( q ) && !is_red ( q->link[dir] ) ) {
if ( is_red ( q->link[!dir] ) )
p = p->link[last] = jsw_single ( q, dir );
else if ( !is_red ( q->link[!dir] ) ) {
jsw_rbnode_t *s = p->link[!last];
if ( s != NULL ) {
if ( !is_red ( s->link[!last] ) && !is_red ( s->link[last] ) ) {
/* Color flip */
p->red = 0;
s->red = 1;
q->red = 1;
else {
int dir2 = g->link[1] == p;
if ( is_red ( s->link[last] ) )
g->link[dir2] = jsw_double ( p, last );
else if ( is_red ( s->link[!last] ) )
g->link[dir2] = jsw_single ( p, last );
/* Ensure correct coloring */
q->red = g->link[dir2]->red = 1;
g->link[dir2]->link[0]->red = 0;
g->link[dir2]->link[1]->red = 0;
/* Replace and remove the saved node */
if ( f != NULL ) {
tree->rel ( f->data );
f->data = q->data;
p->link[p->link[1] == q] =
q->link[q->link[0] == NULL];
free ( q );
/* Update the root (it may be different) */
tree->root = head.link[1];
/* Make the root black for simplified logic */
if ( tree->root != NULL )
tree->root->red = 0;
return 1;
Gets the number of nodes in a red black tree
<param name="tree">The tree to calculate a size for</param>
<returns>The number of nodes in the tree</returns>
size_t jsw_rbsize ( jsw_rbtree_t *tree )
return tree->size;
Create a new traversal object
<returns>A pointer to the new object</returns>
The traversal object is not initialized until
jsw_rbtfirst or jsw_rbtlast are called.
The pointer must be released with jsw_rbtdelete
jsw_rbtrav_t *jsw_rbtnew ( void )
return (jsw_rbtrav_t*)malloc ( sizeof ( jsw_rbtrav_t ) );
Release a traversal object
<param name="trav">The object to release</param>
The object must have been created with jsw_rbtnew
void jsw_rbtdelete ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav )
free ( trav );
Initialize a traversal object. The user-specified
direction determines whether to begin traversal at the
smallest or largest valued node
<param name="trav">The traversal object to initialize</param>
<param name="tree">The tree that the object will be attached to</param>
<param name="dir">
The direction to traverse (0 = ascending, 1 = descending)
<returns>A pointer to the smallest or largest data value</returns>
<remarks>For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only</remarks>
static void *start ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav, jsw_rbtree_t *tree, int dir )
trav->tree = tree;
trav->it = tree->root;
trav->top = 0;
/* Save the path for later traversal */
if ( trav->it != NULL ) {
while ( trav->it->link[dir] != NULL ) {
trav->path[trav->top++] = trav->it;
trav->it = trav->it->link[dir];
return trav->it == NULL ? NULL : trav->it->data;
Traverse a red black tree in the user-specified direction
<param name="trav">The initialized traversal object</param>
<param name="dir">
The direction to traverse (0 = ascending, 1 = descending)
A pointer to the next data value in the specified direction
<remarks>For jsw_rbtree.c internal use only</remarks>
static void *move ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav, int dir )
if ( trav->it->link[dir] != NULL ) {
/* Continue down this branch */
trav->path[trav->top++] = trav->it;
trav->it = trav->it->link[dir];
while ( trav->it->link[!dir] != NULL ) {
trav->path[trav->top++] = trav->it;
trav->it = trav->it->link[!dir];
else {
/* Move to the next branch */
jsw_rbnode_t *last;
do {
if ( trav->top == 0 ) {
trav->it = NULL;
last = trav->it;
trav->it = trav->path[--trav->top];
} while ( last == trav->it->link[dir] );
return trav->it == NULL ? NULL : trav->it->data;
Initialize a traversal object to the smallest valued node
<param name="trav">The traversal object to initialize</param>
<param name="tree">The tree that the object will be attached to</param>
<returns>A pointer to the smallest data value</returns>
void *jsw_rbtfirst ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav, jsw_rbtree_t *tree )
return start ( trav, tree, 0 ); /* Min value */
Initialize a traversal object to the largest valued node
<param name="trav">The traversal object to initialize</param>
<param name="tree">The tree that the object will be attached to</param>
<returns>A pointer to the largest data value</returns>
void *jsw_rbtlast ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav, jsw_rbtree_t *tree )
return start ( trav, tree, 1 ); /* Max value */
Traverse to the next value in ascending order
<param name="trav">The initialized traversal object</param>
<returns>A pointer to the next value in ascending order</returns>
void *jsw_rbtnext ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav )
return move ( trav, 1 ); /* Toward larger items */
Traverse to the next value in descending order
<param name="trav">The initialized traversal object</param>
<returns>A pointer to the next value in descending order</returns>
void *jsw_rbtprev ( jsw_rbtrav_t *trav )
return move ( trav, 0 ); /* Toward smaller items */