mirror of https://code.semirocket.science/wrapsix synced 2025-03-10 13:19:11 +02:00

Completed enhanced ICMP support

This commit is contained in:
Michal Zima 2013-04-21 23:51:25 +02:00
parent 7a7651674c
commit b61eec5bc8

View File

@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
unsigned char *packet, unsigned short *packet_len,
struct s_icmp **icmp, struct s_nat **connection);
int sub_icmp6_error(struct s_ethernet *eth6,
unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
unsigned char *packet, unsigned short *packet_len,
struct s_icmp **icmp, struct s_nat **connection);
* Processing of incoming ICMPv4 packets. Directly sends translated ICMPv6
@ -61,6 +65,8 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
struct s_nat *connection;
unsigned short orig_checksum;
unsigned char packet[MTU + sizeof(struct s_ethernet)];
unsigned short new_len = sizeof(struct s_ethernet) +
sizeof(struct s_ipv6);
struct s_icmp_echo *echo;
struct s_ethernet *eth6;
@ -69,8 +75,6 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
/* for error messages */
struct s_ipv4 *eip4;
struct s_ipv6 *eip6;
unsigned short new_len = sizeof(struct s_ethernet) +
sizeof(struct s_ipv6);
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4) {
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
if (icmp->code <= 13 || icmp->code == 15) {
if (sub_icmp4_error(icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
&packet[0], &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
@ -221,7 +225,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
if (sub_icmp4_error(icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
&packet[0], &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
@ -239,7 +243,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
(((unsigned char *) icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp));
icmp_extra_c = (unsigned char *) icmp_extra;
switch ((int) icmp_extra_c) {
switch (*icmp_extra_c) {
case 0:
case 1:
@ -283,7 +287,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
/* translate body of the packet */
if (sub_icmp4_error(icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
&packet[0], &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
@ -301,7 +305,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
return 0;
eth6 = (struct s_ethernet *) &packet[0];
eth6 = (struct s_ethernet *) packet;
ip6 = (struct s_ipv6 *) &packet[sizeof(struct s_ethernet)];
/* build ethernet header */
@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
(unsigned char *) icmp);
/* send translated packet */
transmit_raw(&packet[0], new_len);
transmit_raw(packet, new_len);
return 0;
@ -346,14 +350,28 @@ int icmp_ipv4(struct s_ethernet *eth4, struct s_ipv4 *ip4,
int icmp_ipv6(struct s_ethernet *eth6, struct s_ipv6 *ip6, char *payload)
struct s_icmp *icmp;
unsigned char *icmp_data;
struct s_nat *connection;
unsigned short orig_checksum;
unsigned char *packet;
struct s_icmp *icmp;
unsigned int *icmp_extra;
unsigned short *icmp_extra_s;
unsigned char *icmp_extra_c;
unsigned char *icmp_data;
struct s_nat *connection;
unsigned short orig_checksum;
unsigned short payload_size;
unsigned char packet[PACKET_BUFFER - sizeof(struct s_ethernet)];
unsigned short new_len = sizeof(struct s_ipv4);
struct s_icmp_echo *echo;
struct s_ipv4 *ip4;
struct s_ipv6 *eip6;
payload_size = ntohs(ip6->len);
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet");
return 1;
icmp = (struct s_icmp *) payload;
icmp_data = (unsigned char *) (payload + sizeof(struct s_icmp));
@ -362,7 +380,7 @@ int icmp_ipv6(struct s_ethernet *eth6, struct s_ipv6 *ip6, char *payload)
orig_checksum = icmp->checksum;
icmp->checksum = 0;
icmp->checksum = checksum_ipv6(ip6->ip_src, ip6->ip_dest,
htons(ip6->len), IPPROTO_ICMPV6,
payload_size, IPPROTO_ICMPV6,
(unsigned char *) icmp);
if (icmp->checksum != orig_checksum) {
@ -376,8 +394,7 @@ int icmp_ipv6(struct s_ethernet *eth6, struct s_ipv6 *ip6, char *payload)
echo = (struct s_icmp_echo *) icmp_data;
connection = nat_out(nat6_icmp, nat4_icmp,
connection = nat_out(nat6_icmp, nat4_icmp, eth6->src,
ip6->ip_src, ip6->ip_dest,
echo->id, 0, 1);
@ -401,35 +418,196 @@ int icmp_ipv6(struct s_ethernet *eth6, struct s_ipv6 *ip6, char *payload)
/* override information in original ICMP header */
icmp->type = ICMPV4_ECHO_REQUEST;
/* copy the payload data */
/* IPv6 node can handle too big packets itself */
if (payload_size < 1500 - sizeof(struct s_ipv4)) {
memcpy(&packet[new_len], payload, payload_size);
icmp = (struct s_icmp *) &packet[new_len];
new_len += payload_size;
} else {
memcpy(&packet[new_len], payload, 1500 -
sizeof(struct s_ipv4));
icmp = (struct s_icmp *) &packet[new_len];
new_len += 1500 - sizeof(struct s_ipv4);
/* this is pretty non-sense situation */
return 1;
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp_ndp_ns)) {
log_debug("Too short NDP NS");
return 1;
return icmp_ndp(eth6, ip6,
(struct s_icmp_ndp_ns *) icmp_data);
/* translate type */
/* translate code */
if (icmp->code == 0 ||
icmp->code == 3 ||
icmp->code == 2) {
icmp->code = 1;
} else if (icmp->code == 1) {
icmp->code = 10;
} else if (icmp->code == 4) {
icmp->code = 3;
} else {
/* silently drop */
return 0;
/* translate body of the packet */
if (sub_icmp6_error(eth6, icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
/* new packet is almost finished, yay! */
/* translate type; code doesn't change */
icmp->type = ICMPV4_TIME_EXCEEDED;
/* translate body of the packet */
if (sub_icmp6_error(eth6, icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
/* new packet is almost finished, yay! */
if (icmp->code == 0) {
/* update type; code remains unchanged */
icmp->type = ICMPV4_PARAM_PROBLEM;
/* update the extra field */
icmp_extra = (unsigned int *)
(((unsigned char *) icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp));
icmp_extra_c = (unsigned char *) icmp_extra;
switch (*icmp_extra) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 4:
case 5:
*icmp_extra_c = 2;
case 6:
*icmp_extra_c = 9;
case 7:
*icmp_extra_c = 8;
/* 8-23 */
if (*icmp_extra_c >= 8 &&
*icmp_extra_c <= 23) {
*icmp_extra_c = 12;
/* 24-39 */
} else if (*icmp_extra_c > 23 &&
*icmp_extra_c <= 39) {
*icmp_extra_c = 16;
} else {
/* silently drop */
return 0;
} else if (icmp->code == 1) {
/* update type&code */
icmp->code = 2;
} else {
/* silently drop */
return 0;
/* translate body of the packet */
if (sub_icmp6_error(eth6, icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
/* new packet is almost finished, yay! */
/* this shouldn't happen! it would mean MTU is set badly */
log_warn("ICMPv6 'Packet too big' received. Your MTU "
"setting is too high!");
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4 +
sizeof(struct s_ipv6)) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet 6");
return 1;
eip6 = (struct s_ipv6 *) (icmp_data + 4);
/* translate type&code */
icmp->code = 4;
icmp_extra = (unsigned int *)
(((unsigned char *) icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp));
icmp_extra_s = (unsigned short *)
(((unsigned char *) icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 2);
if (eip6->next_header != IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) {
*icmp_extra_s = htons(ntohl(*icmp_extra) - 20);
} else {
/* D(IPv4, IPv6) - fragment header = 20 - 8 */
*icmp_extra_s = htons(ntohl(*icmp_extra) - 12);
/* translate body of the packet */
if (sub_icmp6_error(eth6, icmp_data + 4,
payload_size - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4,
packet, &new_len, &icmp, &connection)) {
/* something went wrong */
return 1;
/* new packet is almost finished, yay! */
log_debug("ICMPv6 Type: unknown [%d/0x%x]",
icmp->type, icmp->type);
return 1;
/* silently drop */
return 0;
/* allocate memory for translated packet */
if ((packet = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(struct s_ipv4) +
htons(ip6->len))) == NULL) {
log_error("Lack of free memory");
return 1;
ip4 = (struct s_ipv4 *) packet;
/* build IPv4 packet */
ip4->ver_hdrlen = 0x45; /* ver 4, header length 20 B */
ip4->tos = ((ip6->ver & 0x0f) << 4) |
((ip6->traffic_class & 0xf0) >> 4);
ip4->len = htons(sizeof(struct s_ipv4) + htons(ip6->len));
ip4->len = htons(new_len);
ip4->id = 0x0;
ip4->flags_offset = htons(IPV4_FLAG_DONT_FRAGMENT);
ip4->ttl = ip6->hop_limit;
@ -439,21 +617,16 @@ int icmp_ipv6(struct s_ethernet *eth6, struct s_ipv6 *ip6, char *payload)
/* compute ICMP checksum */
icmp->checksum = 0x0;
icmp->checksum = checksum((unsigned char *) icmp, htons(ip6->len));
/* copy the payload data (with new checksum) */
memcpy(packet + sizeof(struct s_ipv4), payload, htons(ip6->len));
icmp->checksum = checksum((unsigned char *) icmp, new_len -
sizeof(struct s_ipv4));
/* compute IPv4 checksum */
ip4->checksum = checksum_ipv4(ip4->ip_src, ip4->ip_dest,
htons(ip4->len), IPPROTO_ICMP,
new_len, IPPROTO_ICMP,
(unsigned char *) icmp);
/* send translated packet */
transmit_ipv4(&ip4->ip_dest, packet, htons(ip4->len));
/* clean-up */
transmit_ipv4(&ip4->ip_dest, packet, new_len);
return 0;
@ -645,6 +818,7 @@ int icmp6_error(struct s_mac_addr mac_dest, struct s_ipv6_addr ip_dest,
struct s_icmp *icmp;
/* 4 = unused space after ICMP header */
/* 1280 -- because RFC on ICMPv6 says so */
unsigned short payload_size = length > 1280 - sizeof(struct s_ipv6) -
sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4 ?
1280 - sizeof(struct s_ipv6) - sizeof(struct s_icmp) - 4 :
@ -747,11 +921,11 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
eip4_hlen = (eip4->ver_hdrlen & 0x0f) * 4;
/* sanity check */
/* 4 B -> L4 addrs */
if (payload_size < eip4_hlen + 4) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv4 packet 3");
return 1;
/* 4 B -> L4 addrs */
payload_size -= eip4_hlen;
payload += eip4_hlen;
@ -768,7 +942,7 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
etcp = (struct s_tcp *) payload;
*connection = nat_in(nat4_tcp, eip4->ip_dest,
etcp->port_dest, etcp->port_src);
etcp->port_dest, etcp->port_src);
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Incoming TCP error connection "
@ -784,7 +958,7 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
eudp = (struct s_udp *) payload;
*connection = nat_in(nat4_udp, eip4->ip_dest,
eudp->port_dest, eudp->port_src);
eudp->port_dest, eudp->port_src);
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Incoming UDP error connection "
@ -820,7 +994,7 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
sizeof(struct s_icmp));
*connection = nat_in(nat4_icmp, eip4->ip_dest, 0,
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Incoming ICMP error connection "
@ -860,14 +1034,23 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
*packet_len += sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4 + sizeof(struct s_ipv6);
/* was the IPv4 packet fragmented? */
if ((eip4->flags_offset & htons(0x1fff)) != 0x0000) {
/* original length of error packet,
* but without IP header, but with
* fragment header(!) */
if (ntohs(eip4->flags_offset) & 0x1fff) {
eip6_frag = (struct s_ipv6_fragment *) &packet[*packet_len];
if (ntohs(eip4->flags_offset) & IPV4_FLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS) {
eip6_frag->offset_flag = htons(((ntohs(eip4->
flags_offset) & 0x1fff) << 3) |
} else {
eip6_frag->offset_flag = htons((ntohs(eip4->
flags_offset) & 0x1fff) << 3);
/* original length of error packet, but without IP header,
* but with fragment header(!) */
eip6->len = htons(ntohs(eip4->len) - eip4_hlen +
sizeof(struct s_ipv6_fragment));
eip6_frag = (struct s_ipv6_fragment *) &packet[*packet_len];
eip6_frag->next_header = eip6->next_header;
eip6->next_header = IPPROTO_FRAGMENT;
eip6_frag->id = htonl(ntohs(eip4->id));
@ -880,8 +1063,9 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
/* copy payload, aligned to MTU */
/* we can afford to use full MTU instead of just 1280 B as admin
* warrants this to us */
if (payload_size > (unsigned int) MTU - *packet_len) {
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], payload, MTU - *packet_len);
if (payload_size > MTU + sizeof(struct s_ethernet) - *packet_len) {
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], payload,
MTU + sizeof(struct s_ethernet) - *packet_len);
*packet_len = MTU;
} else {
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], payload, payload_size);
@ -890,3 +1074,207 @@ int sub_icmp4_error(unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
return 0;
* Helper function for translating inner packet in ICMPv6 error.
* @param eth6 Ethernet header of incoming packet
* @param payload Original inner packet data
* @param payload_size Length of original data
* @param packet Space for translated packet data
* @param packet_len Length of translated data
* @param icmp Outer ICMP header
* @param connection NAT connection for inner packet
* @return 0 for success
* @return 1 for failure
int sub_icmp6_error(struct s_ethernet *eth6,
unsigned char *payload, unsigned short payload_size,
unsigned char *packet, unsigned short *packet_len,
struct s_icmp **icmp, struct s_nat **connection)
struct s_ipv4 *eip4;
struct s_ipv6 *eip6;
struct s_ipv6_fragment *eip6_frag;
struct s_tcp *etcp;
struct s_udp *eudp;
struct s_icmp *eicmp;
struct s_icmp_echo *echo;
unsigned char skip_l4 = 0;
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_ipv6)) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet 2");
return 1;
eip6 = (struct s_ipv6 *) payload;
payload += sizeof(struct s_ipv6);
payload_size -= sizeof(struct s_ipv6);
/* define new inner IPv4 header */
/* new_len+4+4+20=48 < 576 */
eip4 = (struct s_ipv4 *) &packet[*packet_len + sizeof(struct s_icmp) +
/* we'll need this right now */
ipv6_to_ipv4(&eip6->ip_src, &eip4->ip_src);
/* handle fragmented inner packets */
if (eip6->next_header == IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) {
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_ipv6_fragment)) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet 4");
return 1;
eip6_frag = (struct s_ipv6_fragment *) payload;
eip4->id = htons(ntohl(eip6_frag->id));
if (ntohs(eip6_frag->offset_flag) & 0xfff8) {
skip_l4 = 1;
if (ntohs(eip6_frag->offset_flag) & IPV6_FLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS) {
eip4->flags_offset = htons(((ntohs(eip6_frag->
offset_flag) & 0xfff8) >> 3) |
} else {
eip4->flags_offset = htons((ntohs(eip6_frag->
offset_flag) & 0xfff8) >> 3);
eip6->next_header = eip6_frag->next_header;
payload += sizeof(struct s_ipv6_fragment);
payload_size -= sizeof(struct s_ipv6_fragment);
} else {
/* sanity check */
/* 4 B -> L4 addrs */
if (payload_size < 4) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet 5");
return 1;
eip4->id = 0x0;
eip4->flags_offset = htons(IPV4_FLAG_DONT_FRAGMENT);
/* look for the original connection */
if (skip_l4 == 0) {
switch (eip6->next_header) {
etcp = (struct s_tcp *) payload;
*connection = nat_out(nat6_tcp, nat4_tcp,
eth6->src, eip6->ip_dest, eip6->ip_src,
etcp->port_dest, etcp->port_src, 0);
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Outgoing TCP error "
"connection wasn't found in "
return 1;
/* fix port for remote client */
etcp->port_dest = (*connection)->ipv4_port_src;
eudp = (struct s_udp *) payload;
*connection = nat_out(nat6_udp, nat4_udp,
eth6->src, eip6->ip_dest, eip6->ip_src,
eudp->port_dest, eudp->port_src, 0);
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Outgoing UDP error "
"connection wasn't found in "
return 1;
/* fix port for remote client */
eudp->port_dest = (*connection)->ipv4_port_src;
eicmp = (struct s_icmp *) payload;
/* we translate only echo replies so handle
* only them here too */
if (eicmp->type != ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY) {
log_debug("Unknown ICMP type within "
"ICMP error");
return 1;
/* else: */
/* sanity check */
if (payload_size < sizeof(struct s_icmp) +
sizeof(struct s_icmp_echo)) {
log_debug("Too short ICMPv6 packet 3");
return 1;
echo = (struct s_icmp_echo *) (payload +
sizeof(struct s_icmp));
*connection = nat_out(nat6_icmp, nat4_icmp,
eth6->src, eip6->ip_dest, eip6->ip_src,
echo->id, 0, 0);
if (*connection == NULL) {
log_debug("Incoming ICMP error "
"connection wasn't found in "
return 1;
/* fix port for remote client */
echo->id = (*connection)->ipv4_port_src;
/* adjust ICMP type */
eicmp->type = ICMPV4_ECHO_REPLY;
/* anything else surely wasn't translated */
return 1;
/* copy ICMP header to new packet */
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], *icmp, sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4);
*icmp = (struct s_icmp *) &packet[*packet_len];
/* complete inner IPv4 header */
eip4->ver_hdrlen = 0x45; /* ver 4, header length 20 B */
eip4->tos = ((eip6->ver & 0x0f) << 4) |
((eip6->traffic_class & 0xf0) >> 4);
eip4->len = htons(sizeof(struct s_ipv4) + ntohs(eip6->len));
eip4->ttl = eip6->hop_limit;
eip4->ip_src = wrapsix_ipv4_addr;
if (eip6->next_header != IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
eip4->proto = eip6->next_header;
} else {
eip4->proto = IPPROTO_ICMP;
/* packet_len == sizeof(IPv4) */
*packet_len += sizeof(struct s_icmp) + 4 + sizeof(struct s_ipv4);
/* copy payload */
/* let's use 576 as an IPv4 MTU */
if (payload_size > 576 - *packet_len) {
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], payload, 576 - *packet_len);
*packet_len = 576;
} else {
memcpy(&packet[*packet_len], payload, payload_size);
*packet_len += payload_size;
return 0;