
165 lines
3.9 KiB

import java.util.*;
/** This class presents fractions of form n/d where n and d are long integer
* numbers. Basic operations and arithmetics for fractions are provided.
public class Lfraction implements Comparable<Lfraction> {
/** Main method. Different tests. */
public static void main (String[] param) {
// TODO!!! Your debugging tests here
// TODO!!! instance variables here
/** Constructor.
* @param a numerator
* @param b denominator > 0
public Lfraction (long a, long b) {
// TODO!!!
/** Public method to access the numerator field.
* @return numerator
public long getNumerator() {
return 0L; // TODO!!!
/** Public method to access the denominator field.
* @return denominator
public long getDenominator() {
return 1L; // TODO!!!
/** Conversion to string.
* @return string representation of the fraction
public String toString() {
return ""; // TODO!!!
/** Equality test.
* @param m second fraction
* @return true if fractions this and m are equal
public boolean equals (Object m) {
return false; // TODO!!!
/** Hashcode has to be equal for equal fractions.
* @return hashcode
public int hashCode() {
return 0; // TODO!!!
/** Sum of fractions.
* @param m second addend
* @return this+m
public Lfraction plus (Lfraction m) {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Multiplication of fractions.
* @param m second factor
* @return this*m
public Lfraction times (Lfraction m) {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Inverse of the fraction. n/d becomes d/n.
* @return inverse of this fraction: 1/this
public Lfraction inverse() {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Opposite of the fraction. n/d becomes -n/d.
* @return opposite of this fraction: -this
public Lfraction opposite() {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Difference of fractions.
* @param m subtrahend
* @return this-m
public Lfraction minus (Lfraction m) {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Quotient of fractions.
* @param m divisor
* @return this/m
public Lfraction divideBy (Lfraction m) {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Comparision of fractions.
* @param m second fraction
* @return -1 if this < m; 0 if this==m; 1 if this > m
public int compareTo (Lfraction m) {
return 0; // TODO!!!
/** Clone of the fraction.
* @return new fraction equal to this
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Integer part of the (improper) fraction.
* @return integer part of this fraction
public long integerPart() {
return 0L; // TODO!!!
/** Extract fraction part of the (improper) fraction
* (a proper fraction without the integer part).
* @return fraction part of this fraction
public Lfraction fractionPart() {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Approximate value of the fraction.
* @return numeric value of this fraction
public double toDouble() {
return 0.; // TODO!!!
/** Double value f presented as a fraction with denominator d > 0.
* @param f real number
* @param d positive denominator for the result
* @return f as an approximate fraction of form n/d
public static Lfraction toLfraction (double f, long d) {
return null; // TODO!!!
/** Conversion from string to the fraction. Accepts strings of form
* that is defined by the toString method.
* @param s string form (as produced by toString) of the fraction
* @return fraction represented by s
public static Lfraction valueOf (String s) {
return null; // TODO!!!