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2016-10-06 12:31:19 +03:00
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Write a method to build a tree from the right parenthetic string
representation (return the root node of the tree) and a method to
construct the left parenthetic string representation of a tree represented
by the root node <code>this</code>.
Tree is a pointer structure with two pointers
to link nodes of type <code>Node</code> - pointer to the first child
and pointer to the next sibling.
Build test trees and print the results in <code>main</code>-method,
do not forget to test a tree that consists of one node only.
Node name must be non-empty and must not contain round brackets, commas
and whitespace symbols.
In case of an invalid input string the <code>parsePostfix</code> method must
throw a <code>RuntimeException</code> with meaningful error message.
<code>public static Node parsePostfix (String s)</code>
<code>public String leftParentheticRepresentation()</code>
Koostage meetodid puu parempoolse suluesituse (<code>String</code>) järgi puu
moodustamiseks (<code>parsePostfix</code>, tulemuseks puu juurtipp) ning
etteantud puu vasakpoolse suluesituse leidmiseks stringina (puu juureks on
tipp <code>this</code>, meetod <code>leftParentheticRepresentation</code>
tulemust ei trüki, ainult tagastab <code>String</code>-tüüpi väärtuse).
Testige muuhulgas ka ühetipuline puu. Testpuude moodustamine ja tulemuse
väljatrükk olgu peameetodis. Puu kujutamisviisina kasutage viidastruktuuri
(viidad "esimene alluv" <code>firstChild</code> ja "parem naaber"
<code>nextSibling</code>, tipu tüüp on <code>Node</code>).
Tipu nimi ei tohi olla tühi ega sisaldada ümarsulge, komasid ega tühikuid.
Kui meetodile <code>parsePostfix</code> etteantav sõne on vigane, siis tuleb
tekitada asjakohase veateatega <code>RuntimeException</code>.