pkgname=neostrophic pkgver=2.0.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="mikroskeem's personal neovim config (read: go away)" url="" arch=(any) license=(MIT) install=neostrophic.install depends=('neovim' # Editor itself 'python-neovim' # Deoplete needs this 'git' # Plugin manager dependency 'curl' # Gist plugin needs this 'fortune-mod' # Start screen text 'cowsay' # Start screen text formatting ) optdepends=( 'xsel: You sure want this. Copy and paste directly to clipboard' 'neovim-qt-git: Run Neovim in a QT GUI instead of terminal' 'eslint: One of the dependencies for Syntastic JavaScript checker' 'flake8: One of the dependencies for Syntastic Python checker' 'python-pylint: One of the dependencies for Syntastic Python checker' 'python2-pylint: One of the dependencies for Syntastic Python checker' ) source=('' 'neostrophic.vim' ) md5sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' ) package () { cd "${srcdir}" _dir="${pkgdir}/etc/xdg/nvim" mkdir -p ${_dir} ${_dir}/autoload install -Dm644 plug.vim ${_dir}/autoload install -Dm644 neostrophic.vim ${_dir}/init.vim }