/* * fw/mmc.c - MMC card access * * Written 2012 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2012 Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ /* * Heavily influenced by the MMC driver in the Mass Storage for V-USB project * by "lleeloo": * http://we.easyelectronics.ru/AVR/usb-fleshka-na-atmega8-i-v-usb-ot-idei-k-gotovomu-ustroystvu.html */ #include #include #include "mmc-hw.h" #include "mmc.h" /* Command indices */ enum { MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE = 0, MMC_SEND_OP_COND = 1, MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN = 16, MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK = 17, MMC_WRITE_BLOCK = 24, }; /* Start block tokens */ enum { MMC_START_SINGLE_BLOCK = 0xfe, }; static void mmc_begin(void) { mmc_select(); } static void mmc_end(void) { mmc_send(0xff); mmc_send(0xff); mmc_deselect(); mmc_send(0xff); } static void mmc_command(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) { mmc_send(0x40 | cmd); /* start (0)+transmission(1)+cmd */ mmc_send(arg >> 24); mmc_send(arg >> 16); mmc_send(arg >> 8); mmc_send(arg); mmc_send(0x95); /* crc7+end(1) */ } static uint8_t mmc_r1(void) { uint8_t v, tries = 0xff; do v = mmc_recv(); while ((v & 0x80) && --tries); return v; } static void mmc_wait(void) { uint8_t v, tries = 0xff; do { v = mmc_recv(); if (v == MMC_START_SINGLE_BLOCK) return; } while (--tries); } bool mmc_begin_read(uint32_t sector) { mmc_begin(); mmc_command(MMC_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK, sector); if (mmc_r1()) { mmc_end(); return 0; } else { mmc_wait(); return 1; } } uint8_t mmc_read(void) { return mmc_recv(); } bool mmc_end_read(void) { mmc_end(); return 1; } bool mmc_begin_write(uint32_t sector) { mmc_begin(); mmc_command(MMC_WRITE_BLOCK, sector); if (mmc_r1()) { mmc_end(); return 0; } else { mmc_send(0xff); mmc_send(0xff); mmc_send(MMC_START_SINGLE_BLOCK); return 1; } } void mmc_write(uint8_t data) { mmc_send(data); } bool mmc_end_write(void) { mmc_send(0xff); mmc_send(0xff); mmc_recv(); while (!mmc_recv()); mmc_end(); return 1; } void mmc_off(void) { mmc_deactivate(); } static void send_clock(void) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i != 10; i++) mmc_send(0xff); } bool mmc_init(void) { uint16_t tries = 0xff; uint8_t res; mmc_activate(); send_clock(); mmc_begin(); do { mmc_command(MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE, 0); if (mmc_r1() == 0x01) /* in idle state */ break; } while (--tries); mmc_end(); if (!tries) return 0; send_clock(); tries = 0x7ff; do { mmc_select(); mmc_command(MMC_SEND_OP_COND, 0); res = mmc_r1(); mmc_deselect(); send_clock(); } while (res && --tries); mmc_end(); if (res) { mmc_deactivate(); return 0; } mmc_begin(); mmc_command(MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN, MMC_BLOCK); mmc_r1(); mmc_end(); return 1; }