#!/bin/sh -e # # doit - Generate RML-1 job from gnuplot toolpath # DIR=/home/moko/svn.openmoko.org/developers/werner/cncmap G2GP=$DIR/g2gp/g2gp RECT=$DIR/rect/rect ALIGN=$DIR/align/align ZMAP=$DIR/zmap/zmap GP2RML=$DIR/gp2rml/gp2rml # 1st mold. 1/2"x2" pine. Did't have space for the battery cover's tongue. rdata="10.50 8.40 -33.40 138.30 8.00 -34.00 10.50 50.10 -33.40" rdata="14.50 5.90 -33.40 138.30 5.50 -34.00 14.50 50.10 -33.40" Z=-34 # 2nd mold. 1/2"x2" pine. Six air outlets. # correction: x+2.5, y-3, z-0.2 rdata="11.8 10 -33.9 137 10 -33.6 11.8 51.5 -33.6" rdata="14.3 7 -33.9 137 7 -33.6 14.3 51.5 -33.6" Z=-33.8 # 3nd mold. 1/2"x2" pine. Seven air outlets. # correction x+2.5, y-2, z-0.2; z is very uneven rdata="12.1 8.1 -33.2 139.4 8.1 -33.3 12.1 50.2 -33.9" rdata="15.6 6.1 -33.2 139.4 6.1 -33.3 15.6 50.2 -33.9" Z=-33.5 # 4th mold. 1"x3" pine. (Shop changed wood sizes. 1/2"x2" is now too small.) # correction: x+3.5, y-1.5, z-0.0 # rotation: compensate for piece misalignment, y0 is 1 mm larger than y1 rdata="11.8 8.5 -23.4 11.8 73.3 -23.5 137.3 8.5 -23.2" rdata="15.3 7.0 -23.4 15.8 73.3 -23.5 137.3 6.0 -23.2" Z=-23.5 # cast*.g is HeeksCAD's NC output. rect=`$RECT $rdata | awk '{$3 = ""; print}'` $G2GP cast4.g | awk '{ if ($3 != "") $3 += '$Z'; print $0; }' | $ALIGN 0 1 $rect | # angle, reference (lower left), rect $GP2RML 20 5 5 # clearance, xy speed, z speed