diff --git a/atusb-sil/Makefile b/atusb-sil/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccee54d --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +PLOT_BRD = pcbnew --plot=ps_a4 --ps-pads-drill-opt=none --fill-all-zones + +NAME = atusb + +.PHONY: all gen generate sch brd xpdf front back clean + +all: + @echo "make what ? target: gen sch brd xpdf front back clean" + @exit 1 + +gen generate: + eeschema --plot `pwd`/$(NAME).sch + # need scripts + +sch: + eeschema `pwd`/$(NAME).sch + +brd: + pcbnew `pwd`/$(NAME).brd + +xpdf: + xpdf $(NAME).pdf + +front: $(NAME)-Front.ps + lpr $< + +back: $(NAME)-Back.ps + lpr $< + +# +# Postscript for production of front/back layer, using the toner transfer +# method. Note that other artwork transfer methods may require different +# mirror settings. +# +# We use --ps-pads-drill-opt=none to avoid having any hole before drilling, +# which yields the best results with a CNC drill. For manual drilling, "real" +# would be preferrable. Do not use "small", for this created holes that are +# larger (!) than designed. +# + +%-Front.ps: %.brd + $(PLOT_BRD) -l Front --mirror $< + +%-Back.ps: %.brd + $(PLOT_BRD) -l Back $< + +clean: + rm -f $(NAME)-Front.ps $(NAME)-Back.ps + rm -f $(NAME).drl $(NAME)-PCB_Edges.gbr + rm -f $(NAME)-Front.gtl $(NAME)-Mask_Front.gts + rm -f $(NAME)-SilkS_Front.gto $(NAME)-SoldP_Front.gtp + rm -f $(NAME)-Back.gbl $(NAME)-Mask_Back.gbs + rm -f $(NAME)-SilkS_Back.gbo $(NAME)-SoldP_Back.gbp + rm -f $(NAME)-Comments.gbr diff --git a/atusb-sil/atrf.sch b/atusb-sil/atrf.sch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..620c3fa --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/atrf.sch @@ -0,0 +1,595 @@ +EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sun Jan 23 01:33:33 2011 +LIBS:power +LIBS:device +LIBS:conn +LIBS:at86rf231 +LIBS:c8051f326 +LIBS:usb_a_plug +LIBS:xtal-4 +LIBS:antenna +LIBS:balun-smt6 +LIBS:atusb-cache +EELAYER 24 0 +EELAYER END +$Descr A4 11700 8267 +Sheet 3 3 +Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF230)" +Date "23 jan 2011" +Rev "20110123" +Comp "Werner Almesberger" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndDescr +Wire Wire Line + 2500 4400 2500 4600 +Connection ~ 6200 3750 +Wire Wire Line + 6700 3750 6200 3750 +Wire Wire Line + 6700 4500 6500 4500 +Wire Wire Line + 6500 4500 6500 4850 +Wire Wire Line + 3150 5000 3150 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 4350 5000 4350 4800 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 4000 4350 4000 +Wire Wire Line + 4950 4200 5150 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 4200 5150 4050 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 4050 6700 4050 +Wire Wire Line + 4950 3800 5350 3800 +Wire Wire Line + 5350 3800 5350 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 5350 4200 6700 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 1400 3800 1800 3800 +Connection ~ 3400 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 3400 6350 3400 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 1600 4600 1600 3900 +Connection ~ 8400 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 8600 6150 8400 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 7600 2050 7600 1850 +Wire Wire Line + 8100 2650 8100 1250 +Wire Wire Line + 8250 2650 8250 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 7950 2650 7950 2450 +Connection ~ 9700 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 9900 2450 8550 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 8550 2450 8550 2650 +Connection ~ 10500 1950 +Wire Wire Line + 10500 1950 10100 1950 +Wire Wire Line + 10500 2650 10500 1150 +Wire Wire Line + 10500 1150 10300 1150 +Wire Wire Line + 9700 1350 9700 1150 +Connection ~ 7500 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 6200 2450 7800 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 6200 2450 6200 4850 +Connection ~ 6200 4350 +Wire Wire Line + 6700 4350 6200 4350 +Wire Wire Line + 8100 6950 8100 6750 +Wire Wire Line + 7500 5450 7500 5850 +Connection ~ 9700 4500 +Wire Wire Line + 9700 4850 9700 4050 +Wire Wire Line + 9500 4500 9700 4500 +Wire Wire Line + 10400 3600 9500 3600 +Wire Wire Line + 10400 3900 9500 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 10400 4350 9500 4350 +Wire Wire Line + 8550 5850 8550 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 8400 6350 8400 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 8100 6350 8100 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 8250 5450 8250 5650 +Wire Wire Line + 8250 5650 8100 5650 +Connection ~ 8100 5650 +Wire Wire Line + 6000 4650 6700 4650 +Wire Wire Line + 10400 4650 9500 4650 +Wire Wire Line + 9500 4200 10400 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 9500 3750 10400 3750 +Wire Wire Line + 9700 4050 9500 4050 +Wire Wire Line + 7950 5850 7950 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 5450 7650 5650 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 5650 7500 5650 +Connection ~ 7500 5650 +Wire Wire Line + 8400 6750 8400 6950 +Wire Wire Line + 9000 5850 9000 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 6200 3900 6700 3900 +Connection ~ 6200 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 7800 2450 7800 2650 +Wire Wire Line + 7500 2450 7500 2650 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 2650 7650 2450 +Connection ~ 7650 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 9700 2250 9700 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 10500 2450 10300 2450 +Connection ~ 10500 2450 +Wire Wire Line + 10100 1650 10500 1650 +Connection ~ 10500 1650 +Wire Wire Line + 8400 2650 8400 1150 +Wire Wire Line + 8400 1150 9900 1150 +Connection ~ 9700 1150 +Wire Wire Line + 7950 2050 7950 1850 +Wire Wire Line + 7800 6350 7800 5450 +Wire Wire Line + 7600 1450 7600 1250 +Wire Wire Line + 7600 1250 8100 1250 +Wire Wire Line + 7850 1050 7850 1250 +Connection ~ 7850 1250 +Wire Wire Line + 1600 3900 1400 3900 +Wire Wire Line + 3150 6350 3150 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 3150 6150 3650 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 3650 6150 3650 6350 +Wire Wire Line + 2300 3800 3350 3800 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 3800 4550 3800 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 4200 4550 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 3150 4200 3350 4200 +Wire Wire Line + 4350 3600 4350 4400 +Connection ~ 4350 4000 +Wire Wire Line + 3350 4300 3150 4300 +Connection ~ 3150 4300 +Wire Wire Line + 6200 3600 6700 3600 +Connection ~ 6200 3600 +Wire Wire Line + 2500 4000 2500 3800 +Connection ~ 2500 3800 +$Comp +L AGND #PWR016 +U 1 1 4D3B019B +P 2500 4600 +F 0 "#PWR016" H 2500 4600 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 2500 4530 50 0000 C CNN + 1 2500 4600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C16 +U 1 1 4D3B018B +P 2500 4200 +F 0 "C16" H 2550 4300 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "NC" H 2550 4100 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 2500 4200 60 0001 C CNN + 1 2500 4200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR23 +U 1 1 4D2296C2 +P 6500 4850 +F 0 "#PWR23" H 6500 4850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 6500 4780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 6500 4850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AT86RF231 U2 +U 1 1 4D229690 +P 8100 4050 +F 0 "U2" H 7100 5250 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "AT86RF231" H 8100 4050 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "QFN32-VHHD-6" H 8100 4050 60 0001 C CNN + 1 8100 4050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Label 2850 3800 0 60 ~ 0 +FEED +$Comp +L PWR_FLAG #FLG017 +U 1 1 4CF4B348 +P 4350 3600 +F 0 "#FLG017" H 4350 3870 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 4350 3830 30 0000 C CNN + 1 4350 3600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR018 +U 1 1 4CF4B229 +P 3150 5000 +F 0 "#PWR018" H 3150 5000 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 3150 4930 50 0000 C CNN + 1 3150 5000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR019 +U 1 1 4CF4B224 +P 4350 5000 +F 0 "#PWR019" H 4350 5000 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 4350 4930 50 0000 C CNN + 1 4350 5000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R R3 +U 1 1 4CF4B07E +P 2050 3800 +F 0 "R3" V 2130 3800 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "0R" V 2050 3800 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0402" H 2050 3800 60 0001 C CNN + 1 2050 3800 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L BALUN-SMT6 B1 +U 1 1 4CF4B034 +P 3750 4000 +F 0 "B1" H 3450 4350 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "2450FB15L0001" H 3750 3550 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0805-6" H 3750 4000 60 0001 C CNN + 1 3750 4000 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Label 9900 4650 0 60 ~ 0 +CLKM +Text Label 5750 4200 0 60 ~ 0 +RFN +Text Label 5750 4050 0 60 ~ 0 +RPF +$Comp +L GND #PWR020 +U 1 1 4C641B5A +P 3150 6350 +F 0 "#PWR020" H 3150 6350 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3150 6280 30 0001 C CNN + 1 3150 6350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR19 +U 1 1 4C641B55 +P 3400 6350 +F 0 "#PWR19" H 3400 6350 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 3400 6280 40 0000 C CNN + 1 3400 6350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR021 +U 1 1 4C641B53 +P 3650 6350 +F 0 "#PWR021" H 3650 6350 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 3650 6280 50 0000 C CNN + 1 3650 6350 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR022 +U 1 1 4C641731 +P 1600 4600 +F 0 "#PWR022" H 1600 4600 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 1600 4530 50 0000 C CNN + 1 1600 4600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C3 +U 1 1 4C641710 +P 4350 4600 +F 0 "C3" H 4400 4700 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22pF/RF" H 4400 4500 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 4350 4600 60 0001 C CNN + 1 4350 4600 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C9 +U 1 1 4C641509 +P 4750 4200 +F 0 "C9" H 4800 4300 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22pF/RF" H 4800 4100 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 4750 4200 60 0001 C CNN + 1 4750 4200 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C8 +U 1 1 4C641506 +P 4750 3800 +F 0 "C8" H 4800 3900 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "22pF/RF" H 4800 3700 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 4750 3800 60 0001 C CNN + 1 4750 3800 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +Text Notes 1300 1400 0 200 ~ 40 +RF +Text HLabel 7800 6350 3 60 Input ~ 0 +SLP_TR +Text HLabel 6000 4650 0 60 Input ~ 0 +nRST_RF +Text HLabel 10400 4350 2 60 Input ~ 0 +SCLK +Text HLabel 10400 4200 2 60 Output ~ 0 +MISO +Text HLabel 10400 3900 2 60 Input ~ 0 +MOSI +Text HLabel 10400 3750 2 60 Input ~ 0 +nSS +Text HLabel 10400 3600 2 60 Output ~ 0 +IRQ_RF +$Comp +L VDD #PWR023 +U 1 1 4C641205 +P 8600 6150 +F 0 "#PWR023" H 8600 6250 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "VDD" H 8600 6260 30 0000 C CNN + 1 8600 6150 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L VDD #PWR024 +U 1 1 4C6411DB +P 7850 1050 +F 0 "#PWR024" H 7850 1150 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "VDD" H 7850 1160 30 0000 C CNN + 1 7850 1050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR025 +U 1 1 4C641100 +P 7600 2050 +F 0 "#PWR025" H 7600 2050 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 7600 1980 50 0000 C CNN + 1 7600 2050 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR026 +U 1 1 4C64109A +P 8250 2450 +F 0 "#PWR026" H 8250 2450 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 8250 2380 50 0000 C CNN + 1 8250 2450 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR27 +U 1 1 4C641010 +P 7950 1850 +F 0 "#PWR27" H 7950 1850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 7950 1780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 7950 1850 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C11 +U 1 1 4C641004 +P 7950 2250 +F 0 "C11" H 8000 2350 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1uF" H 8000 2150 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 7950 2250 60 0001 C CNN + 1 7950 2250 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR36 +U 1 1 4C640E02 +P 10500 2650 +F 0 "#PWR36" H 10500 2650 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 10500 2580 40 0000 C CNN + 1 10500 2650 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR027 +U 1 1 4C640D33 +P 6200 4850 +F 0 "#PWR027" H 6200 4850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 6200 4780 50 0000 C CNN + 1 6200 4850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L TST P16 +U 1 1 4C640CD5 +P 10400 4650 +F 0 "P16" H 10400 4950 40 0000 C CNN +F 1 "TST" H 10400 4900 30 0000 C CNN +F 2 "PAD_60x60" H 10400 4650 60 0001 C CNN + 1 10400 4650 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L AGND #PWR028 +U 1 1 4C640CBA +P 9000 5850 +F 0 "#PWR028" H 9000 5850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "AGND" H 9000 5780 50 0000 C CNN + 1 9000 5850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR29 +U 1 1 4C640C4C +P 8100 6950 +F 0 "#PWR29" H 8100 6950 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 8100 6880 40 0000 C CNN + 1 8100 6950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR31 +U 1 1 4C640C48 +P 8400 6950 +F 0 "#PWR31" H 8400 6950 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 8400 6880 40 0000 C CNN + 1 8400 6950 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR24 +U 1 1 4C640C14 +P 7500 5850 +F 0 "#PWR24" H 7500 5850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 7500 5780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 7500 5850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR35 +U 1 1 4C640BFC +P 9700 4850 +F 0 "#PWR35" H 9700 4850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 9700 4780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 9700 4850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR28 +U 1 1 4C640BF7 +P 7950 5850 +F 0 "#PWR28" H 7950 5850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 7950 5780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 7950 5850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L DGND #PWR32 +U 1 1 4C640BD2 +P 8550 5850 +F 0 "#PWR32" H 8550 5850 40 0001 C CNN +F 1 "DGND" H 8550 5780 40 0000 C CNN + 1 8550 5850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C12 +U 1 1 4C640A84 +P 8100 6550 +F 0 "C12" H 8150 6650 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1uF" H 8150 6450 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 8100 6550 60 0001 C CNN + 1 8100 6550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C13 +U 1 1 4C640A7E +P 8400 6550 +F 0 "C13" H 8450 6650 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1uF" H 8450 6450 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 8400 6550 60 0001 C CNN + 1 8400 6550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C15 +U 1 1 4C640A7B +P 10100 2450 +F 0 "C15" H 10150 2550 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "12pF" H 10150 2350 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 10100 2450 60 0001 C CNN + 1 10100 2450 + 0 -1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C10 +U 1 1 4C640A76 +P 7600 1650 +F 0 "C10" H 7650 1750 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "1uF" H 7650 1550 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 7600 1650 60 0001 C CNN + 1 7600 1650 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L C C14 +U 1 1 4C640A73 +P 10100 1150 +F 0 "C14" H 10150 1250 50 0000 L CNN +F 1 "12pF" H 10150 1050 50 0000 L CNN +F 2 "0402" H 10100 1150 60 0001 C CNN + 1 10100 1150 + 0 -1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L ANTENNA ANT1 +U 1 1 4C63FE17 +P 1100 3850 +F 0 "ANT1" H 1100 4100 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "50R" H 1100 3600 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "meander" H 1100 3850 60 0001 C CNN + 1 1100 3850 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L XTAL-4 X1 +U 1 1 4C63FA9F +P 9700 1800 +F 0 "X1" V 9950 2400 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "16MHz" V 9800 2300 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "xtal4-3.2mmx2.5mm" H 9700 1800 60 0001 C CNN +F 4 "8pF" V 9650 2350 60 0000 C CNN "Field1" +F 5 "40ppm" V 9550 2300 60 0000 C CNN "Field2" +F 6 "ESR=80R" V 9450 2250 60 0000 C CNN "Field3" + 1 9700 1800 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/atusb-sil/atusb.brd b/atusb-sil/atusb.brd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5507935 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/atusb.brd @@ -0,0 +1,4043 @@ +PCBNEW-BOARD Version 1 date Sun Jan 23 15:22:17 2011 + +# Created by Pcbnew(2010-12-27 BZR 2685)-unstable + +$GENERAL +LayerCount 2 +Ly 1FFF8001 +EnabledLayers 12E88001 +Links 83 +NoConn 0 +Di 44856 36414 53375 52126 +Ndraw 22 +Ntrack 428 +Nzone 0 +BoardThickness 630 +Nmodule 29 +Nnets 29 +$EndGENERAL + +$SHEETDESCR +Sheet A4 11700 8267 +Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF231)" +Date "23 jan 2011" +Rev "20110123" +Comp "Werner Almesberger" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndSHEETDESCR + +$SETUP +InternalUnit 0.000100 INCH +ZoneGridSize 250 +Layers 2 +Layer[0] Back signal +Layer[15] Front signal +TrackWidth 80 +TrackWidthList 580 +TrackClearence 80 +ZoneClearence 100 +TrackMinWidth 80 +DrawSegmWidth 50 +EdgeSegmWidth 50 +ViaSize 300 +ViaDrill 100 +ViaMinSize 300 +ViaMinDrill 100 +MicroViaSize 200 +MicroViaDrill 50 +MicroViasAllowed 0 +MicroViaMinSize 200 +MicroViaMinDrill 50 +TextPcbWidth 120 +TextPcbSize 600 800 +EdgeModWidth 150 +TextModSize 600 600 +TextModWidth 120 +PadSize 600 600 +PadDrill 320 +Pad2MaskClearance 20 +Pad2PasteClearance -10 +AuxiliaryAxisOrg 0 0 +$EndSETUP + +$EQUIPOT +Na 0 "" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 1 "/RF/CLKM" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 2 "/RF/FEED" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 3 "/RF/RFN" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 4 "/RF/RPF" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 5 "/RF/SLP_TR" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 6 "/RF/nSS" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 7 "/USB/C2CK" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 8 "/USB/C2D" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 9 "/USB/D+" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 10 "/USB/D-" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 11 "/USB/IRQ_RF" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 12 "/USB/MISO" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 13 "/USB/MOSI" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 14 "/USB/SCLK" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 15 "/USB/VBUS" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 16 "/USB/nRST_RF" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 17 "AGND" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 18 "N-000012" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 19 "N-000015" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 20 "N-000021" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 21 "N-000023" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 22 "N-000025" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 23 "N-000026" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 24 "N-000027" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 25 "N-000028" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 26 "N-000030" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 27 "N-000032" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$EQUIPOT +Na 28 "VDD" +St ~ +$EndEQUIPOT +$NCLASS +Name "Default" +Desc "This is the default net class." +Clearance 80 +TrackWidth 80 +ViaDia 300 +ViaDrill 100 +uViaDia 200 +uViaDrill 50 +AddNet "" +AddNet "/RF/CLKM" +AddNet "/RF/RFN" +AddNet "/RF/RPF" +AddNet "/RF/SLP_TR" +AddNet "/RF/nSS" +AddNet "/USB/C2CK" +AddNet "/USB/C2D" +AddNet "/USB/D+" +AddNet "/USB/D-" +AddNet "/USB/IRQ_RF" +AddNet "/USB/MISO" +AddNet "/USB/MOSI" +AddNet "/USB/SCLK" +AddNet "/USB/nRST_RF" +AddNet "N-000012" +AddNet "N-000015" +AddNet "N-000021" +AddNet "N-000023" +AddNet "N-000025" +AddNet "N-000026" +AddNet "N-000027" +AddNet "N-000028" +AddNet "N-000030" +AddNet "N-000032" +$EndNCLASS +$NCLASS +Name "50R" +Desc "" +Clearance 80 +TrackWidth 190 +ViaDia 300 +ViaDrill 100 +uViaDia 200 +uViaDrill 50 +AddNet "/RF/FEED" +$EndNCLASS +$NCLASS +Name "Power" +Desc "" +Clearance 80 +TrackWidth 100 +ViaDia 300 +ViaDrill 100 +uViaDia 200 +uViaDrill 50 +AddNet "/USB/VBUS" +AddNet "AGND" +AddNet "VDD" +$EndNCLASS +$MODULE USB-A-PLUG-SMT +Po 49550 50700 0 15 4D3B0611 4CF5C2C3 ~~ +Li USB-A-PLUG-SMT +Sc 4CF5C2C3 +AR /4C609BEF/4CF4AD1B +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -2500 -1250 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"CON1" +T1 0 150 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"USB_A_PLUG_" +DS -2244 1082 2244 1082 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 473 867 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po 1377 -1062 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 472 867 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 10 "/USB/D-" +Po 393 -1062 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "3" R 472 867 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 9 "/USB/D+" +Po -393 -1062 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "4" R 473 867 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1377 -1062 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "5" O 787 1968 0 0 0 +Dr 393 0 0 O 393 984 +At STD N 00CC8001 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -2243 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "6" O 787 1968 0 0 0 +Dr 393 0 0 O 393 984 +At STD N 00CC8001 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 2243 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "HOLE" C 433 433 0 0 0 +Dr 433 0 0 +At HOLE N 00000000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -885 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "HOLE" C 433 433 0 0 0 +Dr 433 0 0 +At HOLE N 00000000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 885 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE USB-A-PLUG-SMT +$MODULE xtal4-3.2mmx2.5mm +Po 50900 45600 900 15 4D3B0692 4CF5C2C4 ~~ +Li xtal4-3.2mmx2.5mm +Sc 4CF5C2C4 +AR /4C609C08/4C63FA9F +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 650 850 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"X1" +T1 0 0 200 200 900 40 N I 25 N"16MHz" +DS -107 -492 107 -492 50 21 +DS -107 492 107 492 50 21 +DS -629 28 -629 -28 50 21 +DS 629 28 629 -28 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 551 473 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 27 "N-000032" +Po -432 314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 551 473 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 432 314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "3" R 551 473 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 24 "N-000027" +Po 432 -314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "4" R 551 473 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -432 -314 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE xtal4-3.2mmx2.5mm +$MODULE MEANDER-110 +Po 46750 39450 0 15 4D3B0793 4CF5C2B3 ~~ +Li MEANDER-110 +Sc 4CF5C2B3 +AR /4C609C08/4C63FE17 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 850 -700 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"ANT1" +T1 850 -350 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"50R" +DS -374 -137 -374 -2185 50 21 +DS 5980 -2185 -374 -2185 50 21 +DS 5980 -2185 5980 -137 50 21 +DS 5980 -137 1594 -137 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 354 196 0 0 0 +Dr 78 0 0 +At STD N 00008001 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 0 -39 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 354 1733 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 1968 196 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 807 -1968 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 196 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 23 "N-000026" +Po 826 -39 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1733 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 826 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1040 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 1692 -1350 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 866 197 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 2224 -928 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 1169 196 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 3241 -1968 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1040 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 3727 -1350 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1040 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 2755 -1350 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1040 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 4790 -1350 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 866 197 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 4259 -928 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 1170 196 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 5277 -1968 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 197 1552 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 5763 -1094 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "X" R 0 197 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00008000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 5862 -416 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE MEANDER-110 +$MODULE PAD_60x60 +Po 52100 48850 0 15 4D3B05CD 4CF5C2BE ~~ +Li PAD_60x60 +Sc 4CF5C2BE +AR /4C609BEF/4C640203 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 50 600 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"P14" +T1 0 0 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"CONN_1" +$PAD +Sh "1" O 600 600 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE PAD_60x60 +$MODULE PAD_60x60 +Po 52100 45850 0 15 4D3B05BC 4CF5C2BC ~~ +Li PAD_60x60 +Sc 4CF5C2BC +AR /4C609BEF/4C640202 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 -500 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"P13" +T1 0 0 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"CONN_1" +$PAD +Sh "1" O 600 600 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 8 "/USB/C2D" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE PAD_60x60 +$MODULE PAD_60x60 +Po 52100 46850 0 15 4D3B05C1 4CF5C2BA ~~ +Li PAD_60x60 +Sc 4CF5C2BA +AR /4C609BEF/4C640200 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -50 -500 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"P12" +T1 0 0 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"CONN_1" +$PAD +Sh "1" O 600 600 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 7 "/USB/C2CK" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE PAD_60x60 +$MODULE PAD_60x60 +Po 52100 47850 0 15 4D3B05C7 4CF5C2B8 ~~ +Li PAD_60x60 +Sc 4CF5C2B8 +AR /4C609BEF/4C6401FE +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 -450 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"P11" +T1 0 0 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"CONN_1" +$PAD +Sh "1" O 600 600 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE PAD_60x60 +$MODULE PAD_60x60 +Po 46950 46000 0 15 4D3C38BE 4CF5C2B6 ~~ +Li PAD_60x60 +Sc 4CF5C2B6 +AR /4C609C08/4C640CD5 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -50 550 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"P16" +T1 0 50 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"TST" +$PAD +Sh "1" O 600 600 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 1 "/RF/CLKM" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE PAD_60x60 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 51100 48250 1800 15 4D3B0567 4CF5C2B0 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2B0 +AR /4C609BEF/4C64034D +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 700 -50 200 200 1800 40 N V 25 N"VR3" +T1 0 0 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"5V6" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 49500 48850 0 15 4D3B063F 4CF5C2AE ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2AE +AR /4C609BEF/4C640343 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -500 -50 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"VR2" +T1 0 0 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"5V6" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 10 "/USB/D-" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 48350 48850 1800 15 4D3B0639 4CF5C2AC ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2AC +AR /4C609BEF/4C6402FB +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 500 50 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"VR1" +T1 0 -50 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"5V6" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 9 "/USB/D+" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 47000 47750 0 15 4D3B064D 4CF5C2AA ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2AA +AR /4C609BEF/4C6402F2 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 -350 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"R1" +T1 0 50 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"68" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 19 "N-000015" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 18 "N-000012" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 51100 48850 1800 15 4D3B0576 4CF5C2A8 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2A8 +AR /4C609BEF/4C6401B3 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 650 0 200 200 1800 40 N V 25 N"C2" +T1 -50 0 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"100nF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 51100 47750 1800 15 4D3B0546 4CF5C2A6 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2A6 +AR /4C609BEF/4C6401AA +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 350 200 200 1800 40 N V 25 N"C1" +T1 0 0 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"1uF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 47600 39800 2700 15 4D3B0717 4CF5C2A4 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2A4 +AR /4C609C08/4CF4B07E +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 150 350 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"R3" +T1 0 0 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"0R" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 23 "N-000026" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 2 "/RF/FEED" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 47550 42050 1800 15 4D3B072A 4CF5C2A2 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2A2 +AR /4C609C08/4C641710 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 100 -400 200 200 1800 40 N V 25 N"C3" +T1 250 0 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"22pF/RF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 20 "N-000021" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 48700 42600 2700 15 4D3B0755 4CF5C2A0 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C2A0 +AR /4C609C08/4C641509 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 -400 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"C9" +T1 350 -50 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"22pF/RF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 21 "N-000023" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 4 "/RF/RPF" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 48300 42600 2700 15 4D3B074A 4CF5C29E ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C29E +AR /4C609C08/4C641506 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 0 350 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"C8" +T1 300 0 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"22pF/RF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 25 "N-000028" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 3 "/RF/RFN" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 50050 43900 2700 15 4D3B07B2 4CF5C29C ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C29C +AR /4C609C08/4C641004 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -700 -350 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"C11" +T1 0 0 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"1uF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 26 "N-000030" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 46900 44100 900 15 4D3B06B6 4CF5C29A ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C29A +AR /4C609C08/4C640A84 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 750 -150 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"C12" +T1 0 0 200 200 900 40 N I 25 N"1uF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 22 "N-000025" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 50550 43900 900 15 4D3B07B5 4CF5C298 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C298 +AR /4C609C08/4C640A7E +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 700 250 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"C13" +T1 0 0 200 200 900 40 N I 25 N"1uF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 50700 46650 1800 15 4D3B0537 4CF5C296 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C296 +AR /4C609C08/4C640A7B +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -50 -400 200 200 1800 40 N V 25 N"C15" +T1 0 0 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"12pF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 27 "N-000032" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 1800 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 46900 45300 2700 15 4D3B06A0 4CF5C294 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C294 +AR /4C609C08/4C640A76 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 100 -400 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"C10" +T1 0 0 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"1uF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 50050 44800 900 15 4D3B0685 4CF5C292 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4CF5C292 +AR /4C609C08/4C640A73 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -700 0 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"C14" +T1 50 0 200 200 900 40 N I 25 N"12pF" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 24 "N-000027" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE 0603 +Po 47150 48850 0 15 4D3B05FC 4CF5C2B1 ~~ +Li 0603 +Sc 4CF5C2B1 +AR /4C609BEF/4C6402EE +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -400 -450 200 200 0 40 N V 25 N"D1" +T1 -750 100 200 200 0 40 N I 25 N"LTST-C190KRKT" +DS -531 275 -531 -275 50 21 +DS -531 -275 531 -275 50 21 +DS 531 -275 531 275 50 21 +DS 531 275 -531 275 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 276 354 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 19 "N-000015" +Po -295 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 276 354 0 0 0 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 295 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0603 +$MODULE 0402 +Po 47450 41050 2250 15 4D3C3A4D 4D3B0238 ~~ +Li 0402 +Sc 4D3B0238 +AR /4C609C08/4D3B018B +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 424 354 200 200 2250 40 N V 25 N"C16" +T1 35 -35 200 200 2250 40 N I 25 N"NC" +DS -354 177 -354 -177 50 21 +DS -354 -177 354 -177 50 21 +DS 354 -177 354 177 50 21 +DS 354 177 -354 177 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 197 236 0 0 2250 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 2 "/RF/FEED" +Po -196 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 197 236 0 0 2250 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 196 0 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0402 +$MODULE QFN28-SiLabs +Po 48700 47300 900 15 4D3C3891 4CF5C2C1 ~~ +Li QFN28-SiLabs +Sc 4CF5C2C1 +AR /4C609BEF/4C609C36 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -1000 -1200 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"U1" +T1 0 0 200 200 900 40 N I 25 N"C8051F326" +DS -944 -944 -767 -944 50 21 +DS -944 -944 -944 -767 50 21 +DS -944 -767 -767 -944 50 21 +DS -944 944 -944 767 50 21 +DS -944 944 -767 944 50 21 +DS -767 944 -767 944 50 21 +DS 944 944 767 944 50 21 +DS 944 944 944 767 50 21 +DS 944 767 944 767 50 21 +DS 944 -944 944 -767 50 21 +DS 944 -944 767 -944 50 21 +DS 767 -944 767 -944 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 11 "/USB/IRQ_RF" +Po -944 -590 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -944 -393 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "3" R 355 99 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 9 "/USB/D+" +Po -944 -196 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "4" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 10 "/USB/D-" +Po -944 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "5" R 355 99 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po -944 196 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "6" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po -944 393 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "7" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po -944 590 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "8" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 15 "/USB/VBUS" +Po -590 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "9" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 7 "/USB/C2CK" +Po -393 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "10" R 99 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 8 "/USB/C2D" +Po -196 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "11" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "12" R 99 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 196 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "13" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 393 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "14" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 590 944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "15" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 944 590 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "16" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 944 393 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "17" R 355 99 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 6 "/RF/nSS" +Po 944 196 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "18" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 13 "/USB/MOSI" +Po 944 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "19" R 355 99 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 12 "/USB/MISO" +Po 944 -196 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "20" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 944 -393 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "21" R 355 98 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 944 -590 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "22" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 14 "/USB/SCLK" +Po 590 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "23" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 16 "/USB/nRST_RF" +Po 393 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "24" R 99 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 5 "/RF/SLP_TR" +Po 196 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "25" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "26" R 99 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -196 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "27" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -393 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "28" R 98 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 18 "N-000012" +Po -590 -944 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "29" R 1298 1298 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -432 432 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 354 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -432 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -432 -432 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 354 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 432 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 354 354 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 354 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 0 -432 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 432 432 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 354 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 432 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 355 355 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 432 -432 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE QFN28-SiLabs +$MODULE QFN32-VHHD-6 +Po 48500 44250 2700 15 4D3C387A 4CF5C2C2 ~~ +Li QFN32-VHHD-6 +Sc 4CF5C2C2 +AR /4C609C08/4D229690 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 -1200 -1300 200 200 2700 40 N V 25 N"U2" +T1 0 0 200 200 2700 40 N I 25 N"AT86RF231" +DS -1003 -1003 -868 -1003 50 21 +DS -1003 -1003 -1003 -868 50 21 +DS -1003 -868 -868 -1003 50 21 +DS -1003 1003 -1003 868 50 21 +DS -1003 1003 -868 1003 50 21 +DS -868 1003 -868 1003 50 21 +DS 1003 1003 868 1003 50 21 +DS 1003 1003 1003 868 50 21 +DS 1003 868 1003 868 50 21 +DS 1003 -1003 1003 -868 50 21 +DS 1003 -1003 868 -1003 50 21 +DS 868 -1003 868 -1003 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1003 -688 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1003 -491 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "3" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1003 -295 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "4" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 4 "/RF/RPF" +Po -1003 -98 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "5" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 3 "/RF/RFN" +Po -1003 98 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "6" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1003 295 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "7" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -1003 491 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "8" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 16 "/USB/nRST_RF" +Po -1003 688 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "9" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -688 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "10" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -491 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "11" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 5 "/RF/SLP_TR" +Po -295 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "12" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -98 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "13" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 22 "N-000025" +Po 98 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "14" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 22 "N-000025" +Po 295 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "15" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po 491 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "16" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 688 1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "17" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 1 "/RF/CLKM" +Po 1003 688 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "18" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 1003 491 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "19" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 14 "/USB/SCLK" +Po 1003 295 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "20" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 12 "/USB/MISO" +Po 1003 98 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "21" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 1003 -98 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "22" R 271 102 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 13 "/USB/MOSI" +Po 1003 -295 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "23" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 6 "/RF/nSS" +Po 1003 -491 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "24" R 271 103 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 11 "/USB/IRQ_RF" +Po 1003 -688 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "25" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 27 "N-000032" +Po 688 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "26" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 24 "N-000027" +Po 491 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "27" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 295 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "28" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 28 "VDD" +Po 98 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "29" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 26 "N-000030" +Po -98 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "30" R 102 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -295 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "31" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -491 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "32" R 103 271 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po -688 -1003 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "33" R 1338 1338 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00808000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 0 0 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 276 276 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -236 236 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 276 276 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po -236 -236 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 276 276 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 236 236 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "" R 276 276 0 0 2700 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00080000 +Ne 0 "" +Po 236 -236 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE QFN32-VHHD-6 +$MODULE 0805-6 +Po 48500 41750 900 15 4D3C71BF 4CF5C2B2 ~~ +Li 0805-6 +Sc 4CF5C2B2 +AR /4C609C08/4CF4B034 +Op 0 0 0 +At SMD +T0 700 -300 200 200 900 40 N V 25 N"B1" +T1 -150 1850 200 200 1800 40 N I 25 N"2450FB15L0001" +DS -443 522 -443 -522 50 21 +DS -443 -522 443 -522 50 21 +DS 443 -522 443 522 50 21 +DS 443 522 -443 522 50 21 +$PAD +Sh "1" R 137 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 2 "/RF/FEED" +Po 255 -314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "2" R 136 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 20 "N-000021" +Po 0 -314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "3" R 137 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 25 "N-000028" +Po -255 -314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "4" R 137 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 21 "N-000023" +Po -255 314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "5" R 136 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 0 314 +$EndPAD +$PAD +Sh "6" R 137 315 0 0 900 +Dr 0 0 0 +At SMD N 00888000 +Ne 17 "AGND" +Po 255 314 +$EndPAD +$EndMODULE 0805-6 +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 47650 41300 47650 41850 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 47400 41600 47900 41600 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$TEXTPCB +Te "by Werner Almesberger" +Po 49600 40450 300 300 60 0 +De 21 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$TEXTPCB +Te "CC-BY-SA" +Po 50150 39850 400 400 70 0 +De 21 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$TEXTPCB +Te "qi-hw.com" +Po 49650 38650 400 400 70 0 +De 21 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$TEXTPCB +Te "ATUSB 802.15.4" +Po 49600 37950 400 400 70 0 +De 21 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46150 51800 46150 50250 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46350 50300 46350 51800 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 52750 51800 52750 50300 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$TEXTPCB +Te "20110123" +Po 51450 43150 300 300 75 0 +De 15 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$TEXTPCB +Te "37.0 mm" +Po 45500 45250 600 800 120 900 +De 25 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46150 37300 46150 50250 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46250 37250 46050 37250 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46250 51800 46050 51800 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$TEXTPCB +Te "16.3 mm" +Po 49550 52850 600 800 120 0 +De 25 1 0 Normal +$EndTEXTPCB +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46400 52000 52700 52000 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 52750 51900 52750 52100 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46350 51900 46350 52100 50 +De 25 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 52750 51800 46350 51800 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46350 37250 46350 50300 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 52750 37250 52750 50300 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$DRAWSEGMENT +Po 0 46350 37250 52750 37250 50 +De 28 0 900 0 0 +$EndDRAWSEGMENT +$TRACK +Po 0 47812 45253 47812 45388 80 -1 +De 15 0 1 0 800 +Po 0 47200 46000 46950 46000 80 -1 +De 15 0 1 0 400 +Po 0 47812 45388 47200 46000 80 -1 +De 15 0 1 0 0 +Po 0 47589 40911 47589 40811 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 800 +Po 0 47589 40811 47600 40800 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 0 +Po 0 47600 40800 47589 40911 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 400 +Po 0 48186 41495 48186 41386 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 800 +Po 0 47600 40800 48050 41250 580 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 0 +Po 0 47600 40200 47600 39996 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 400 +Po 0 47600 40200 47600 40800 580 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 0 +Po 0 48186 41386 48050 41250 190 -1 +De 15 0 2 0 0 +Po 0 48402 43247 48402 43002 80 -1 +De 15 0 3 0 800 +Po 0 48300 42900 48300 42796 80 -1 +De 15 0 3 0 400 +Po 0 48402 43002 48300 42900 80 -1 +De 15 0 3 0 0 +Po 0 48598 43247 48598 43002 80 -1 +De 15 0 4 0 800 +Po 0 48700 42900 48700 42796 80 -1 +De 15 0 4 0 400 +Po 0 48598 43002 48700 42900 80 -1 +De 15 0 4 0 0 +Po 0 46900 46700 46900 46850 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 46900 46700 46900 45150 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 46900 45150 47200 44850 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47200 44850 47200 43700 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47200 43700 46900 43400 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47497 43955 47255 43955 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 800 +Po 3 46900 43400 46900 43400 300 -1 +De 15 1 5 0 0 +Po 0 47150 43650 46900 43400 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47150 43850 47150 43650 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47255 43955 47150 43850 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 47154 47104 47000 46950 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 0 +Po 3 47000 46950 47000 46950 300 -1 +De 15 1 5 0 0 +Po 0 47154 47104 47756 47104 80 -1 +De 15 0 5 0 400 +Po 0 46900 46850 47000 46950 80 -1 +De 0 0 5 0 0 +Po 0 48991 45253 48991 45909 80 -1 +De 15 0 6 0 800 +Po 0 48896 46004 48896 46356 80 -1 +De 15 0 6 0 400 +Po 0 48991 45909 48896 46004 80 -1 +De 15 0 6 0 0 +Po 3 51650 47300 51650 47300 300 -1 +De 15 1 7 0 0 +Po 0 49644 47693 50107 47693 80 -1 +De 15 0 7 0 800 +Po 0 51650 47300 52100 46850 80 -1 +De 15 0 7 0 400 +Po 0 50500 47300 51650 47300 80 -1 +De 15 0 7 0 0 +Po 0 50107 47693 50500 47300 80 -1 +De 15 0 7 0 0 +Po 0 50400 47100 51200 47100 80 -1 +De 15 0 8 0 0 +Po 0 50004 47496 50400 47100 80 -1 +De 15 0 8 0 0 +Po 0 49644 47496 50004 47496 80 -1 +De 15 0 8 0 800 +Po 0 52100 46200 52100 45850 80 -1 +De 15 0 8 0 400 +Po 0 51200 47100 52100 46200 80 -1 +De 15 0 8 0 0 +Po 0 48504 48244 48504 48808 80 -1 +De 15 0 9 0 800 +Po 0 48504 48808 48546 48850 80 -1 +De 15 0 9 0 400 +Po 0 49157 49638 49157 49461 80 -1 +De 15 0 9 0 800 +Po 0 49157 49461 48546 48850 80 -1 +De 15 0 9 0 400 +Po 0 49943 49638 49943 49543 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 800 +Po 0 49304 48904 49304 48850 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 400 +Po 0 49943 49543 49304 48904 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 0 +Po 0 49304 48850 48950 48850 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 800 +Po 0 48700 48600 48950 48850 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 0 +Po 0 48700 48600 48700 48244 80 -1 +De 15 0 10 0 400 +Po 0 48110 48244 48110 48390 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 800 +Po 0 49350 46400 49850 46900 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 49850 46900 49850 47950 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 49850 47950 49550 48250 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 49550 48250 47550 48250 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 47550 48250 47500 48300 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 49188 45638 49188 45253 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 400 +Po 3 47500 48300 47500 48300 300 -1 +De 15 1 11 0 0 +Po 3 49350 45800 49350 45800 300 -1 +De 15 1 11 0 0 +Po 0 49188 45638 49350 45800 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 49350 45800 49350 46400 80 -1 +De 0 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 47700 48500 47500 48300 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 48000 48500 47700 48500 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 48110 48390 48000 48500 80 -1 +De 15 0 11 0 0 +Po 0 48402 45253 48402 45852 80 -1 +De 15 0 12 0 800 +Po 0 48504 45954 48504 46356 80 -1 +De 15 0 12 0 400 +Po 0 48402 45852 48504 45954 80 -1 +De 15 0 12 0 0 +Po 0 48700 46356 48700 45950 80 -1 +De 15 0 13 0 800 +Po 0 48795 45855 48795 45253 80 -1 +De 15 0 13 0 400 +Po 0 48700 45950 48795 45855 80 -1 +De 15 0 13 0 0 +Po 0 47756 46710 47610 46710 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 800 +Po 0 48205 45845 48205 45253 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 400 +Po 0 47850 46200 48205 45845 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 0 +Po 0 47700 46200 47850 46200 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 0 +Po 0 47600 46300 47700 46200 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 0 +Po 0 47600 46700 47600 46300 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 0 +Po 0 47610 46710 47600 46700 80 -1 +De 15 0 14 0 0 +Po 0 51296 47750 51296 47646 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 50210 47890 50600 47500 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 50600 47500 51150 47500 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 50210 47890 49950 47890 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51296 47646 51150 47500 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51296 48250 51550 48250 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 51296 47750 51550 47750 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 49290 48244 49290 48340 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 49290 48340 49350 48400 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 49350 48400 49750 48400 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 49750 48400 49950 48200 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 49950 48200 49950 47890 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 50927 49638 50927 49473 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 51550 49050 51550 48250 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51550 48250 51550 47750 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51400 49200 51550 49050 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51200 49200 51400 49200 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 50927 49473 51200 49200 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 51550 47750 52000 47750 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 0 +Po 0 52000 47750 52100 47850 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 400 +Po 0 49644 47890 49950 47890 100 -1 +De 15 0 15 0 800 +Po 0 47756 46907 47507 46907 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 800 +Po 3 47250 46550 47250 46550 300 -1 +De 15 1 16 0 0 +Po 0 47250 46550 47100 46400 80 -1 +De 0 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47812 43212 47812 43247 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 400 +Po 0 47100 46400 47100 45250 80 -1 +De 0 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47100 45250 47400 44950 80 -1 +De 0 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47400 44950 47400 43450 80 -1 +De 0 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47400 43450 46900 42950 80 -1 +De 0 0 16 0 0 +Po 3 46900 42950 46900 42950 300 -1 +De 15 1 16 0 0 +Po 0 47050 43100 46900 42950 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47700 43100 47050 43100 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47812 43212 47700 43100 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47250 46650 47250 46550 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47507 46907 47250 46650 80 -1 +De 15 0 16 0 0 +Po 0 47600 41600 47600 41478 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 0 +Po 0 47600 41478 47311 41189 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 47354 42050 46750 42050 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 46750 42050 46700 42000 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 0 +Po 0 48814 41750 49100 41750 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 3 49250 41600 49250 41600 300 -1 +De 15 1 17 0 0 +Po 0 49100 41750 49250 41600 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 0 +Po 0 48814 41495 49145 41495 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 49145 41495 49250 41600 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 0 +Po 0 49503 43955 48795 43955 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48795 43955 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 49503 43759 48991 43759 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48991 43759 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 49503 43562 49188 43562 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 49188 43562 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 49503 44545 48795 44545 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48795 44545 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48598 45253 48598 44348 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48598 44348 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48009 45253 48009 44741 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48009 44741 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 47497 44938 47812 44938 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 47812 44938 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 47497 43562 47812 43562 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 47812 43562 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 47497 43759 48009 43759 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48009 43759 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 47497 44152 48402 44152 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48402 44152 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 49188 43247 49188 43562 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 49188 43562 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48991 43247 48991 43759 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48991 43759 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48795 43247 48795 43955 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48795 43955 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48205 43247 48205 43955 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48205 43955 48500 44250 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 400 +Po 0 48009 43247 48009 43759 100 -1 +De 15 0 17 0 800 +Po 0 48009 43759 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1 +$POLYSCORNERS +52600 51650 0 0 +52600 47250 0 0 +52300 47250 0 0 +52300 47400 0 0 +52285 47477 0 0 +52241 47542 0 0 +51941 47841 0 0 +51877 47885 0 0 +51800 47900 0 0 +50432 47900 0 0 +50250 48082 0 0 +50250 48151 0 0 +50360 48151 0 0 +50470 48197 0 0 +50554 48281 0 0 +50599 48391 0 0 +50599 48510 0 0 +50553 48620 0 0 +50469 48704 0 0 +50359 48749 0 0 +50240 48749 0 0 +50130 48703 0 0 +50077 48650 0 0 +49232 48650 0 0 +49041 48841 0 0 +48977 48885 0 0 +48900 48900 0 0 +47050 48900 0 0 +46973 48885 0 0 +46908 48841 0 0 +46559 48491 0 0 +46515 48427 0 0 +46500 48350 0 0 +46500 51650 0 0 +46735 51650 0 0 +46664 51536 0 0 +46664 50750 0 1 +46664 50650 0 0 +46664 49864 0 0 +46807 49637 0 0 +47157 49484 0 0 +47257 49531 0 0 +47257 50650 0 0 +46664 50650 0 1 +46664 50750 0 0 +47257 50750 0 0 +47357 50750 0 1 +47357 50650 0 0 +47357 49531 0 0 +47457 49484 0 0 +47807 49637 0 0 +47950 49864 0 0 +47950 50650 0 0 +47357 50650 0 1 +47357 50750 0 0 +47950 50750 0 0 +47950 51536 0 0 +47878 51650 0 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+47867 39590 52600 39590 +47867 39670 52600 39670 +47859 39750 52600 39750 +47852 39830 52600 39830 +47926 39910 52600 39910 +47979 39990 52600 39990 +48015 40070 52600 40070 +48031 40150 52600 40150 +48040 40230 52600 40230 +48040 40310 52600 40310 +48040 40390 52600 40390 +48040 40470 52600 40470 +48040 40550 52600 40550 +48052 40630 52600 40630 +48132 40710 52600 40710 +48212 40790 52600 40790 +48292 40870 52600 40870 +48369 40950 52600 40950 +48422 41030 52600 41030 +48462 41110 52600 41110 +48478 41190 48579 41190 +48715 41190 48913 41190 +49050 41190 52600 41190 +48764 41270 48864 41270 +49166 41270 52600 41270 +48764 41350 48864 41350 +49209 41350 52600 41350 +48764 41430 48864 41430 +49190 41430 52600 41430 +48764 41510 48864 41510 +49151 41510 52600 41510 +49220 41590 52600 41590 +49204 41670 52600 41670 +49136 41750 52600 41750 +49205 41830 52600 41830 +49202 41910 52600 41910 +49151 41990 52600 41990 +49120 42070 52600 42070 +49100 42150 52600 42150 +48948 42230 52600 42230 +48967 42310 52600 42310 +48967 42390 52600 42390 +48967 42470 52600 42470 +48959 42550 52600 42550 +48952 42630 52600 42630 +48967 42710 52600 42710 +48967 42790 49689 42790 +48967 42870 49069 42870 +49109 42870 49267 42870 +49306 42870 49609 42870 +49429 42950 49529 42950 +47127 39350 47329 39350 +47021 39430 47329 39430 +46700 39510 46800 39510 +47165 39510 47176 39510 +47177 39510 47329 39510 +46700 39590 46800 39590 +47163 39590 47333 39590 +46700 39670 46800 39670 +47118 39670 47333 39670 +46500 39750 46504 39750 +46647 39750 46853 39750 +46995 39750 47340 39750 +46500 39830 47349 39830 +46500 39910 47275 39910 +46500 39990 47222 39990 +46500 40070 47186 40070 +46500 40150 47170 40150 +46500 40230 47160 40230 +46500 40310 47160 40310 +46500 40390 47160 40390 +46500 40470 47160 40470 +46500 40550 47160 40550 +46500 40630 47160 40630 +46500 40710 47160 40710 +46500 40790 47160 40790 +46500 40870 47129 40870 +46500 40950 47141 40950 +46500 41030 46951 41030 +47083 41030 47221 41030 +46500 41110 46916 41110 +47163 41110 47288 41110 +46500 41190 46909 41190 +47239 41190 47368 41190 +46500 41270 46928 41270 +47159 41270 47301 41270 +47323 41270 47448 41270 +46500 41350 46981 41350 +47079 41350 47221 41350 +47403 41350 47528 41350 +46500 41430 47144 41430 +47483 41430 47608 41430 +46500 41510 47140 41510 +47141 41510 47144 41510 +47493 41510 47688 41510 +46500 41590 47273 41590 +47377 41590 47782 41590 +46500 41670 47811 41670 +46500 41750 47086 41750 +47305 41750 47403 41750 +47622 41750 47731 41750 +46500 41830 47029 41830 +47305 41830 47403 41830 +46500 41910 47007 41910 +47305 41910 47403 41910 +46500 41990 47058 41990 +47305 41990 47403 41990 +46500 42070 47404 42070 +46500 42150 47007 42150 +47007 42150 47018 42150 +47305 42150 47403 42150 +46500 42230 47012 42230 +47305 42230 47403 42230 +47979 42230 48052 42230 +47305 42310 47403 42310 +47890 42310 48033 42310 +47310 42390 47437 42390 +47566 42390 48033 42390 +47390 42470 48033 42470 +47470 42550 48040 42550 +47550 42630 48049 42630 +47630 42710 48033 42710 +47710 42790 48033 42790 +47790 42870 47891 42870 +47930 42870 48033 42870 +$endFILLSEGMENTS +$endCZONE_OUTLINE +$CZONE_OUTLINE +ZInfo 4CF83195 17 "AGND" +ZLayer 15 +ZAux 5 E +ZClearance 100 T +ZMinThickness 100 +ZOptions 1 16 S 200 200 +ZCorner 52650 44250 0 +ZCorner 52650 43000 0 +ZCorner 49800 43000 0 +ZCorner 49650 43150 0 +ZCorner 49650 44250 1 +$POLYSCORNERS +52600 44200 0 0 +52600 43498 0 0 +50892 43498 0 0 +50917 43557 0 0 +50918 43593 0 0 +50856 43655 0 0 +50600 43655 0 0 +50600 43654 0 0 +50500 43654 0 0 +50500 43655 0 0 +50100 43655 0 0 +50100 43498 0 0 +50095 43498 0 0 +50095 43050 0 0 +49820 43050 0 0 +49700 43170 0 0 +49700 43267 0 0 +49779 43300 0 0 +49849 43370 0 0 +49882 43357 0 0 +49939 43357 0 0 +49938 43356 0 0 +49981 43357 0 0 +49939 43357 0 0 +50000 43418 0 0 +50000 43654 0 0 +50000 43655 0 0 +50000 43753 0 0 +50000 43754 0 0 +50100 43754 0 0 +50100 43753 0 0 +50500 43753 0 0 +50500 43754 0 0 +50600 43754 0 0 +50600 43753 0 0 +50856 43753 0 0 +50914 43811 0 0 +50931 43796 0 0 +51041 43751 0 0 +51160 43751 0 0 +51270 43797 0 0 +51354 43881 0 0 +51399 43991 0 0 +51399 44110 0 0 +51361 44200 1 0 +$endPOLYSCORNERS +$FILLSEGMENTS +49820 43050 50095 43050 +49740 43130 50095 43130 +49700 43210 50095 43210 +49756 43290 50095 43290 +49952 43370 50095 43370 +50000 43450 50095 43450 +50000 43530 50100 43530 +50906 43530 52600 43530 +50000 43610 50100 43610 +50901 43610 52600 43610 +50000 43690 52600 43690 +50873 43770 50995 43770 +51206 43770 52600 43770 +51323 43850 52600 43850 +51375 43930 52600 43930 +51399 44010 52600 44010 +51399 44090 52600 44090 +51373 44170 52600 44170 +$endFILLSEGMENTS +$endCZONE_OUTLINE +$CZONE_OUTLINE +ZInfo 4CF831BB 17 "AGND" +ZLayer 15 +ZAux 12 E +ZClearance 100 T +ZMinThickness 100 +ZOptions 1 16 S 200 200 +ZCorner 51200 47050 0 +ZCorner 51750 46500 0 +ZCorner 51750 45350 0 +ZCorner 52650 45350 0 +ZCorner 52650 44400 0 +ZCorner 49500 44400 0 +ZCorner 49500 45250 0 +ZCorner 49650 45400 0 +ZCorner 49650 46350 0 +ZCorner 49950 46350 0 +ZCorner 50050 46450 0 +ZCorner 50050 47050 1 +$POLYSCORNERS +50231 47000 0 0 +50258 46972 0 0 +50195 46909 0 0 +50157 46818 0 0 +50157 46761 0 1 +50157 46581 0 0 +50156 46538 0 0 +50157 46539 0 0 +50157 46581 0 1 +50157 46761 0 0 +50156 46762 0 0 +50157 46719 0 0 +50157 46761 0 0 +50218 46700 0 0 +50454 46700 0 0 +50455 46700 0 0 +50553 46700 0 0 +50554 46700 0 0 +50554 46600 0 0 +50553 46600 0 0 +50455 46600 0 0 +50454 46600 0 0 +50218 46600 0 0 +50157 46539 0 0 +50157 46482 0 0 +50161 46470 0 0 +50139 46448 0 0 +50101 46356 0 0 +50100 46144 0 0 +50162 46082 0 0 +50536 46082 0 0 +50636 46082 0 0 +50636 45982 0 0 +50536 45982 0 0 +50162 45982 0 0 +50100 45920 0 0 +50100 45718 0 0 +49550 45168 0 0 +49550 45229 0 0 +49700 45379 0 0 +49700 46300 0 0 +49970 46300 0 0 +50100 46429 0 0 +50100 47000 0 0 +50156 47000 0 1 +50156 46762 0 1 +50156 47000 1 0 +51121 46910 0 0 +51700 46331 0 0 +51700 46055 0 0 +51651 45937 0 0 +51651 45762 0 0 +51700 45645 0 0 +51700 45300 0 0 +52600 45300 0 0 +52600 44450 0 0 +50478 44449 0 0 +50439 44489 0 0 +50384 44526 0 0 +50356 44555 0 0 +50100 44555 0 0 +50100 44554 0 0 +50000 44554 0 0 +50000 44555 0 0 +50000 44653 0 0 +50000 44654 0 0 +50100 44654 0 0 +50100 44653 0 0 +50356 44653 0 0 +50418 44715 0 0 +50417 44744 0 0 +50775 44744 0 0 +50837 44682 0 0 +50928 44644 0 0 +51027 44644 0 0 +51102 44643 0 0 +51164 44705 0 0 +51164 45118 0 0 +51164 45218 0 0 +51264 45218 0 1 +51264 45118 0 0 +51264 44705 0 0 +51326 44643 0 0 +51401 44644 0 0 +51500 44644 0 0 +51591 44682 0 0 +51661 44752 0 0 +51699 44844 0 0 +51700 45056 0 0 +51638 45118 0 0 +51264 45118 0 1 +51264 45218 0 0 +51638 45218 0 0 +51700 45280 0 0 +51699 45492 0 0 +51661 45584 0 0 +51591 45654 0 0 +51567 45663 0 0 +51576 45672 0 0 +51599 45727 0 0 +51599 46336 0 0 +51577 46391 0 0 +51535 46433 0 0 +51480 46456 0 0 +51355 46456 0 0 +51348 46467 0 0 +51143 46671 0 0 +51143 46797 0 0 +51121 46852 0 0 +51079 46894 0 0 +51040 46909 1 0 +$endPOLYSCORNERS +$FILLSEGMENTS +49550 45168 49550 45168 +49569 45248 49630 45248 +49649 45328 49710 45328 +49700 45408 49790 45408 +49700 45488 49870 45488 +49700 45568 49950 45568 +49700 45648 50030 45648 +49700 45728 50100 45728 +49700 45808 50100 45808 +49700 45888 50100 45888 +49700 45968 50148 45968 +49700 46048 50636 46048 +49700 46128 50116 46128 +49700 46208 50100 46208 +49700 46288 50100 46288 +50039 46368 50105 46368 +50100 46448 50139 46448 +50100 46528 50157 46528 +50100 46608 50554 46608 +50100 46688 50554 46688 +50100 46768 50157 46768 +50100 46848 50169 46848 +50100 46928 50214 46928 +50478 44449 50478 44449 +50381 44529 52600 44529 +50000 44609 52600 44609 +50392 44689 50830 44689 +51148 44689 51280 44689 +51598 44689 52600 44689 +51164 44769 51264 44769 +51669 44769 52600 44769 +51164 44849 51264 44849 +51700 44849 52600 44849 +51164 44929 51264 44929 +51700 44929 52600 44929 +51164 45009 51264 45009 +51700 45009 52600 45009 +51164 45089 51264 45089 +51667 45089 52600 45089 +51164 45169 52600 45169 +51669 45249 52600 45249 +51699 45329 51700 45329 +51699 45409 51700 45409 +51699 45489 51700 45489 +51667 45569 51700 45569 +51596 45649 51699 45649 +51599 45729 51665 45729 +51599 45809 51651 45809 +51599 45889 51651 45889 +51599 45969 51664 45969 +51599 46049 51697 46049 +51599 46129 51700 46129 +51599 46209 51700 46209 +51599 46289 51700 46289 +51585 46369 51662 46369 +51496 46449 51582 46449 +51285 46529 51502 46529 +51205 46609 51422 46609 +51143 46689 51342 46689 +51143 46769 51262 46769 +51122 46849 51182 46849 +$endFILLSEGMENTS +$endCZONE_OUTLINE +$EndBOARD diff --git a/atusb-sil/atusb.cmp b/atusb-sil/atusb.cmp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb00693 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/atusb.cmp @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +Cmp-Mod V01 Genere par PcbNew le Sun Jan 23 01:25:02 2011 + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C63FE17; +Reference = ANT1; +ValeurCmp = 50R; +IdModule = MEANDER-110; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4CF4B034; +Reference = B1; +ValeurCmp = 2450FB15L0001; +IdModule = 0805-6; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6401AA; +Reference = C1; +ValeurCmp = 1uF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6401B3; +Reference = C2; +ValeurCmp = 100nF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C641710; +Reference = C3; +ValeurCmp = 22pF/RF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C641506; +Reference = C8; +ValeurCmp = 22pF/RF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C641509; +Reference = C9; +ValeurCmp = 22pF/RF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640A76; +Reference = C10; +ValeurCmp = 1uF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C641004; +Reference = C11; +ValeurCmp = 1uF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640A84; +Reference = C12; +ValeurCmp = 1uF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640A7E; +Reference = C13; +ValeurCmp = 1uF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640A73; +Reference = C14; +ValeurCmp = 12pF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640A7B; +Reference = C15; +ValeurCmp = 12pF; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4D3B018B; +Reference = C16; +ValeurCmp = NC; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4CF4AD1B; +Reference = CON1; +ValeurCmp = USB_A_PLUG_; +IdModule = USB-A-PLUG-SMT; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6402EE; +Reference = D1; +ValeurCmp = LTST-C190KRKT; +IdModule = 0603; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6401FE; +Reference = P11; +ValeurCmp = CONN_1; +IdModule = PAD_60x60; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C640200; +Reference = P12; +ValeurCmp = CONN_1; +IdModule = PAD_60x60; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C640202; +Reference = P13; +ValeurCmp = CONN_1; +IdModule = PAD_60x60; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C640203; +Reference = P14; +ValeurCmp = CONN_1; +IdModule = PAD_60x60; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C640CD5; +Reference = P16; +ValeurCmp = TST; +IdModule = PAD_60x60; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6402F2; +Reference = R1; +ValeurCmp = 68; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4CF4B07E; +Reference = R3; +ValeurCmp = 0R; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C609C36; +Reference = U1; +ValeurCmp = C8051F326; +IdModule = QFN28-SiLabs; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4D229690; +Reference = U2; +ValeurCmp = AT86RF231; +IdModule = QFN32-VHHD-6; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C6402FB; +Reference = VR1; +ValeurCmp = 5V6; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C640343; +Reference = VR2; +ValeurCmp = 5V6; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609BEF/4C64034D; +Reference = VR3; +ValeurCmp = 5V6; +IdModule = 0402; +EndCmp + +BeginCmp +TimeStamp = /4C609C08/4C63FA9F; +Reference = X1; +ValeurCmp = 16MHz; +IdModule = xtal4-3.2mmx2.5mm; +EndCmp + +EndListe diff --git a/atusb-sil/atusb.pro b/atusb-sil/atusb.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2ed466 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/atusb.pro @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +update=Sun Jan 23 11:40:02 2011 +last_client=pcbnew +[eeschema] +version=1 +LibDir= +NetFmt=1 +HPGLSpd=20 +HPGLDm=15 +HPGLNum=1 +offX_A4=0 +offY_A4=0 +offX_A3=0 +offY_A3=0 +offX_A2=0 +offY_A2=0 +offX_A1=0 +offY_A1=0 +offX_A0=0 +offY_A0=0 +offX_A=0 +offY_A=0 +offX_B=0 +offY_B=0 +offX_C=0 +offY_C=0 +offX_D=0 +offY_D=0 +offX_E=0 +offY_E=0 +RptD_X=0 +RptD_Y=100 +RptLab=1 +SimCmd= +UseNetN=0 +LabSize=60 +PrintMonochrome=1 +ShowSheetReferenceAndTitleBlock=1 +[eeschema/libraries] +LibName1=power +LibName2=device +LibName3=conn +LibName4=../components/at86rf231 +LibName5=../components/c8051f326 +LibName6=../components/usb_a_plug +LibName7=../components/xtal-4 +LibName8=../components/antenna +LibName9=../components/balun-smt6 +[cvpcb] +version=1 +NetIExt=net +[cvpcb/libraries] +EquName1=devcms +[pcbnew] +version=1 +PadDrlX=320 +PadDimH=600 +PadDimV=600 +BoardThickness=630 +SgPcb45=1 +TxtPcbV=800 +TxtPcbH=600 +TxtModV=600 +TxtModH=600 +TxtModW=120 +VEgarde=20 +DrawLar=50 +EdgeLar=50 +TxtLar=120 +MSegLar=150 +LastNetListRead=atusb.net +[pcbnew/libraries] +LibDir= +LibName1=../ants/meander +LibName2=../modules/usb_a_plug_smt +LibName3=../../kicad-libs/modules/pads +LibName4=../modules/qfn +LibName5=../../kicad-libs/modules/stdpass +LibName6=../modules/xtal-4 +LibName7=../modules/0805-6 diff --git a/atusb-sil/atusb.sch b/atusb-sil/atusb.sch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e1d136 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/atusb.sch @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sun Jan 23 01:33:33 2011 +LIBS:power +LIBS:device +LIBS:conn +LIBS:at86rf231 +LIBS:c8051f326 +LIBS:usb_a_plug +LIBS:xtal-4 +LIBS:antenna +LIBS:balun-smt6 +LIBS:atusb-cache +EELAYER 24 0 +EELAYER END +$Descr A4 11700 8267 +Sheet 1 3 +Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF231)" +Date "23 jan 2011" +Rev "20110123" +Comp "Werner Almesberger" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndDescr +$Sheet +S 2300 3400 2050 2050 +U 4C609BEF +F0 "USB" 60 +F1 "usb.sch" 60 +F2 "nRST_RF" O R 4350 4700 60 +F3 "SLP_TR" O R 4350 4850 60 +F4 "IRQ_RF" I R 4350 4500 60 +F5 "nSS" O R 4350 4300 60 +F6 "SCLK" O R 4350 4150 60 +F7 "MOSI" O R 4350 3850 60 +F8 "MISO" I R 4350 4000 60 +$EndSheet +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4850 4350 4850 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4500 4350 4500 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4150 4350 4150 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 3850 4350 3850 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4000 4350 4000 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4300 4350 4300 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 4700 4350 4700 +Wire Wire Line + 10000 6100 10000 6300 +$Comp +L PWR_FLAG #FLG01 +U 1 1 4C641B9C +P 10000 6100 +F 0 "#FLG01" H 10000 6370 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 10000 6330 30 0000 C CNN + 1 10000 6100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR02 +U 1 1 4C641B91 +P 10000 6300 +F 0 "#PWR02" H 10000 6300 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 10000 6230 30 0001 C CNN + 1 10000 6300 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 900 1250 0 200 ~ 40 +IEEE 802.15.4 USB TXRX +$Sheet +S 7350 3450 1800 1950 +U 4C609C08 +F0 "RF" 60 +F1 "atrf.sch" 60 +F2 "SLP_TR" I L 7350 4850 60 +F3 "nRST_RF" I L 7350 4700 60 +F4 "SCLK" I L 7350 4150 60 +F5 "MISO" O L 7350 4000 60 +F6 "MOSI" I L 7350 3850 60 +F7 "nSS" I L 7350 4300 60 +F8 "IRQ_RF" O L 7350 4500 60 +$EndSheet +$EndSCHEMATC diff --git a/atusb/fw/Makefile b/atusb-sil/fw/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/Makefile rename to atusb-sil/fw/Makefile diff --git a/atusb/fw/atusb/Makefile b/atusb-sil/fw/atusb/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/atusb/Makefile rename to atusb-sil/fw/atusb/Makefile diff --git a/atusb/fw/atusb/atusb.c b/atusb-sil/fw/atusb/atusb.c similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/atusb/atusb.c rename to atusb-sil/fw/atusb/atusb.c diff --git a/atusb/fw/atusb/descr.c b/atusb-sil/fw/atusb/descr.c similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/atusb/descr.c rename to atusb-sil/fw/atusb/descr.c diff --git a/atusb/fw/atusb/ep0.c b/atusb-sil/fw/atusb/ep0.c similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/atusb/ep0.c rename to atusb-sil/fw/atusb/ep0.c diff --git a/atusb/fw/boot/Makefile b/atusb-sil/fw/boot/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/boot/Makefile rename to atusb-sil/fw/boot/Makefile diff --git a/atusb/fw/common/Makefile b/atusb-sil/fw/common/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/common/Makefile rename to atusb-sil/fw/common/Makefile diff --git a/atusb/fw/common/Makefile.common b/atusb-sil/fw/common/Makefile.common similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/common/Makefile.common rename to atusb-sil/fw/common/Makefile.common diff --git a/atusb/fw/common/config.h b/atusb-sil/fw/common/config.h similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/common/config.h rename to atusb-sil/fw/common/config.h diff --git a/atusb/fw/common/io.h b/atusb-sil/fw/common/io.h similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/common/io.h rename to atusb-sil/fw/common/io.h diff --git a/atusb/fw/common/regs.h b/atusb-sil/fw/common/regs.h similarity index 100% rename from atusb/fw/common/regs.h rename to atusb-sil/fw/common/regs.h diff --git a/atusb-sil/fw/include/at86rf230.h b/atusb-sil/fw/include/at86rf230.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c3ae22 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/fw/include/at86rf230.h @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +/* + * include/at86rf230.h - AT86RF230/AT86RF231 protocol and register definitions + * + * Written 2008-2011 by Werner Almesberger + * Copyright 2008-2011 Werner Almesberger + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + */ + + +#ifndef AT86RF230_H +#define AT86RF230_H + +enum { + AT86RF230_REG_WRITE = 0xc0, /* 11... */ + AT86RF230_REG_READ = 0x80, /* 10... */ + AT86RF230_BUF_WRITE = 0x60, /* 011... */ + AT86RF230_BUF_READ = 0x20, /* 001... */ + AT86RF230_SRAM_WRITE = 0x40, /* 010... */ + AT86RF230_SRAM_READ = 0x00 /* 000... */ +}; + +#define MAX_PSDU 127 /* octets, see AT86RF230 manual section 8.1 */ +#define SRAM_SIZE 128 + + +/* --- Registers ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +enum { + REG_TRX_STATUS = 0x01, + REG_TRX_STATE = 0x02, + REG_TRX_CTRL_0 = 0x03, + + REG_TRX_CTRL_1 = 0x04, /* 231 only */ + + REG_PHY_TX_PWR = 0x05, + REG_PHY_RSSI = 0x06, + REG_PHY_ED_LEVEL = 0x07, + REG_PHY_CC_CCA = 0x08, + REG_CCA_THRES = 0x09, + + REG_RX_CTRL = 0x0a, /* 231 only */ + REG_SFD_VALUE = 0x0b, /* 231 only */ + REG_TRX_CTRL_2 = 0x0c, /* 231 only */ + REG_ANT_DIV = 0x0d, /* 231 only */ + + REG_IRQ_MASK = 0x0e, + REG_IRQ_STATUS = 0x0f, + REG_VREG_CTRL = 0x10, + REG_BATMON = 0x11, + REG_XOSC_CTRL = 0x12, + + REG_RX_SYN = 0x15, /* 231 only */ + REG_XAH_CTRL_1 = 0x17, /* 231 only */ + REG_FTN_CTRL = 0x18, /* 231 only */ + + REG_PLL_CF = 0x1a, + REL_PLL_DCU = 0x1b, + REG_PART_NUM = 0x1c, + REG_VERSION_NUM = 0x1d, + REG_MAN_ID_0 = 0x1e, + REG_MAN_ID_1 = 0x1f, + REG_SHORT_ADDR_0 = 0x20, + REG_SHORT_ADDR_1 = 0x21, + REG_PAN_ID_0 = 0x22, + REG_PAN_ID_1 = 0x23, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_0 = 0x24, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_1 = 0x25, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_2 = 0x26, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_3 = 0x27, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_4 = 0x28, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_5 = 0x29, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_6 = 0x2a, + REG_IEEE_ADDR_7 = 0x2b, + + REG_XAH_CTRL_0 = 0x2c, /* XAH_CTRL in 230 */ + REG_CSMA_SEED_0 = 0x2d, + REG_CSMA_SEED_1 = 0x2e, + REG_CSMA_BE = 0x2f, /* 231 only */ + + REG_CONT_TX_0 = 0x36, + REG_CONT_TX_1 = 0x3d, /* 230 only */ +}; + +/* --- TRX_STATUS --- ------------------------------------------------------ */ + +#define CCA_DONE (1 << 7) +#define CCA_STATUS (1 << 6) + +#define TRX_STATUS_SHIFT 0 +#define TRX_STATUS_MASK 0x1f + +enum { + TRX_STATUS_P_ON = 0x00, /* reset default */ + TRX_STATUS_BUSY_RX = 0x01, + TRX_STATUS_BUSY_TX = 0x02, + TRX_STATUS_RX_ON = 0x06, + TRX_STATUS_TRX_OFF = 0x08, + TRX_STATUS_PLL_ON = 0x09, + TRX_STATUS_SLEEP = 0x0f, + TRX_STATUS_BUSY_RX_AACK = 0x11, + TRX_STATUS_BUSY_TX_ARET = 0x12, + TRX_STATUS_RX_AACK_ON = 0x16, + TRX_STATUS_TX_ARET_ON = 0x19, + TRX_STATUS_RX_ON_NOCLK = 0x1c, + TRX_STATUS_RX_AACK_ON_NOCLK = 0x1d, + TRX_STATUS_BUSY_RX_AACK_NOCLK = 0x1e, + TRX_STATUS_TRANSITION = 0x1f /* ..._IN_PROGRESS */ +}; + +/* --- TRX_STATE ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define TRAC_STATUS_SHIFT 5 +#define TRAC_STATUS_MASK 7 + +enum { + TRAC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, /* reset default */ + TRAC_STATUS_SUCCESS_DATA_PENDING = 1, + TRAC_STATUS_SUCCESS_WAIT_FOR_ACK = 2, /* 231 only */ + TRAC_STATUS_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE = 3, + TRAC_STATUS_NO_ACK = 5, + TRAC_STATUS_INVALID = 7 +}; + +#define TRX_CMD_SHIFT 0 +#define TRX_CMD_MASK 0x1f + +enum { + TRX_CMD_NOP = 0x00, /* reset default */ + TRX_CMD_TX_START = 0x02, + TRX_CMD_FORCE_TRX_OFF = 0x03, + TRX_CMD_FORCE_PLL_ON = 0x04, /* 231 only */ + TRX_CMD_RX_ON = 0x06, + TRX_CMD_TRX_OFF = 0x08, + TRX_CMD_PLL_ON = 0x09, + TRX_CMD_RX_AACK_ON = 0x16, + TRX_CMD_TX_ARET_ON = 0x19, +}; + +/* --- TRX_CTRL_0 ---------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define PAD_IO_SHIFT 6 +#define PAD_IO_MASK 3 + +enum { + PAD_IO_2mA, /* reset default */ + PAD_IO_4mA, + PAD_IO_6mA, + PAD_IO_8mA +}; + +#define PAD_IO_CLKM_SHIFT 4 +#define PAD_IO_CLKM_MASK 3 + +enum { + PAD_IO_CLKM_2mA, + PAD_IO_CLKM_4mA, /* reset default */ + PAD_IO_CLKM_5mA, + PAD_IO_CLKM_8mA, +}; + +#define CLKM_SHA_SEL (1 << 3) + +#define CLKM_CTRL_SHIFT 0 +#define CLKM_CTRL_MASK 7 + +enum { + CLKM_CTRL_OFF = 0, + CLKM_CTRL_1MHz = 1, /* reset default */ + CLKM_CTRL_2MHz = 2, + CLKM_CTRL_4MHz = 3, + CLKM_CTRL_8MHz = 4, + CLKM_CTRL_16MHz = 5 +}; + +/* --- TRX_CTRL_1 (231 only) ----------------------------------------------- */ + +#define PA_EXT_EN (1 << 7) +#define IRQ_2_EXT_EN (1 << 6) +#define TX_AUTO_CRC_ON (1 << 5) /* 231 location */ +#define RX_BL_CTRL (1 << 4) + +#define SPI_CMD_MODE_SHIFT 2 +#define SPI_CMD_MODE_MASK 3 + +enum { + SPI_CMD_MODE_EMPTY = 0, /* reset default */ + SPI_CMD_MODE_TRX_STATUS = 1, + SPI_CMD_MODE_PHY_RSSI = 2, + SPI_CMD_MODE_IRQ_STATUS = 3, +}; + +#define IRQ_MASK_MODE (1 << 1) +#define IRQ_POLARITY (1 << 0) + +/* --- PHY_TX_PWR ---------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define TX_AUTO_CRC_ON_230 (1 << 7) /* 230 location */ + +#define PA_BUF_LT_SHIFT 6 +#define PA_BUF_LT_MASK 3 + +#define PA_LT_SHIFT 4 +#define PA_LT_MASK 3 + +#define TX_PWR_SHIFT 0 +#define TX_PWR_MASK 0x0f + +/* --- PHY_RSSI ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + +#define RX_CRC_VALID (1 << 7) + +#define RND_VALUE_SHIFT 5 /* 231 only */ +#define RND_VALUE_MASK 3 + +#define RSSI_SHIFT 0 +#define RSSI_MASK 0x1f + +/* --- PHY_CC_CCA ---------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define CCA_REQUEST (1 << 7) + +#define CCA_MODE_SHIFT 5 +#define CCA_MODE_MASK 3 + +enum { + CCA_MODE_CARRIER_OR_ENERGY = 0, /* 231 only */ + CCA_MODE_ENERGY = 1, /* reset default */ + CCA_MODE_CARRIER = 2, + CCA_MODE_CARRIER_AND_ENERGY = 3 +}; + +#define CHANNEL_SHIFT 0 +#define CHANNEL_MASK 0x1f + +/* --- CCA_THRES ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define CCA_ED_THRES_SHIFT 0 +#define CCA_ED_THRES_MASK 0x0f + +/* --- RX_CTRL (231 only) -------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define PDT_THRES_SHIFT 0 +#define PDT_THRES_MASK 0x0f + +enum { + PDT_THRES_DEFAULT = 0x07, /* reset default */ + PDT_THRES_DIVERSITY = 0x03, +}; + +/* --- TRX_CTRL_2 (231 only) ----------------------------------------------- */ + +#define RX_SAFE_MODE (1 << 7) + +#define OQPSK_DATA_RATE_SHIFT 0 +#define OQPSK_DATA_RATE_MASK 3 + +enum { + OQPSK_DATA_RATE_250 = 0, /* reset default */ + OQPSK_DATA_RATE_500 = 1, + OQPSK_DATA_RATE_1000 = 2, + OQPSK_DATA_RATE_2000 = 3 +}; + +/* --- ANT_DIV (231 only) -------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define ANT_SEL (1 << 7) +#define ANT_DIV_EN (1 << 3) +#define ANT_EXT_SW_EN (1 << 2) + +#define ANT_CTRL_SHIFT 0 +#define ANT_CTRL_MASK 3 + +enum { + ANT_CTRL_ANT_0 = 1, + ANT_CTRL_ANT_1 = 2, + ANT_CTRL_NODIV = 3, /* reset default */ +}; + +/* --- IRQ_MASK/IRQ_STATUS ------------------------------------------------- */ + +enum { + IRQ_PLL_LOCK = 1 << 0, + IRQ_PLL_UNLOCK = 1 << 1, + IRQ_RX_START = 1 << 2, + IRQ_TRX_END = 1 << 3, + IRQ_CCA_ED_DONE = 1 << 4, /* 231 only */ + IRQ_AMI = 1 << 5, /* 231 only */ + IRQ_TRX_UR = 1 << 6, + IRQ_BAT_LOW = 1 << 7 +}; + +/* --- VREG_CTRL ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define AVREG_EXT (1 << 7) +#define AVDD_OK (1 << 6) +#define DVREG_EXT (1 << 3) +#define DVDD_OK (1 << 2) + +/* --- BATMON -------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define BATMON_OK (1 << 5) +#define BATMON_HR (1 << 4) + +#define BATMON_VTH_SHIFT 0 +#define BATMON_VTH_MASK 0x0f + +/* --- XOSC_CTRL ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define XTAL_MODE_SHIFT 4 +#define XTAL_MODE_MASK 0x0f + +enum { + XTAL_MODE_OFF = 0x0, /* 230 only */ + XTAL_MODE_EXT = 0x4, + XTAL_MODE_INT = 0xf /* reset default */ +}; + +#define XTAL_TRIM_SHIFT 4 +#define XTAL_TRIM_MASK 0x0f + +/* --- RX_SYN (231 only) --------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define RX_PDT_DIS (1 << 7) + +#define RX_PDT_LEVEL_SHIFT 0 +#define RX_PDT_LEVEL_MASK 0xf + +/* --- XAH_CTRL_1 (231 only) ----------------------------------------------- */ + +#define AACK_FLTR_RES_FT (1 << 5) +#define AACK_UPLD_RES_FT (1 << 4) +#define AACK_ACK_TIME (1 << 2) +#define AACK_PROM_MODE (1 << 1) + +/* --- FTN_CTRL (231 only) ------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define FTN_START (1 << 7) + +/* --- PLL_CF -------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define PLL_CF_START (1 << 7) + +/* --- PLL_DCU ------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define PLL_DCU_START (1 << 7) + +/* --- XAH_CTRL_0 (XAH_CTRL in 230) ---------------------------------------- */ + +#define MAX_FRAME_RETRIES_SHIFT 4 +#define MAX_FRAME_RETRIES_MASK 0x0f + +#define MAX_CSMA_RETRIES_SHIFT 1 +#define MAX_CSMA_RETRIES_MASK 0x07 + +#define SLOTTED_OPERATION (1 << 0) /* 231 only */ + +/* --- CSMA_SEED_1 --------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define MIN_BE_SHIFT_230 6 /* 230 location */ +#define MIN_BE_MASK_230 3 + +#define AACK_FVN_MODE_SHIFT 6 /* 231 only */ +#define AACK_FVN_MODE_MASK 3 + +enum { + AACK_FVN_MODE_0 = 0, + AACK_FVN_MODE_01 = 1, /* reset default */ + AACK_FVN_MODE_012 = 2, + AACK_FVN_MODE_ANY = 3 +}; + +#define AACK_SET_PD (1 << 5) +#define AACK_DIS_ACK (1 << 4) /* 231 only */ +#define I_AM_COORD (1 << 3) + +#define CSMA_SEED_1_SHIFT 0 +#define CSMA_SEED_1_MASK 7 + +/* --- CSMA_BE ------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define MAX_BE_SHIFT 4 +#define MAX_BE_MASK 0x0f + +#define MIN_BE_SHIFT 0 /* 231 location */ +#define MIN_BE_MASK 0x0f + +/* --- REG_CONT_TX_0 ------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#define CONT_TX_MAGIC 0x0f + +/* --- REG_CONT_TX_1 (230 only) -------------------------------------------- */ + +#define CONT_TX_MOD 0x00 /* modulated */ +#define CONT_TX_M2M 0x10 /* f_CH-2 MHz */ +#define CONT_TX_M500K 0x80 /* f_CH-0.5 MHz */ +#define CONT_TX_P500K 0xc0 /* f_CH+0.5 MHz */ + +#endif /* !AT86RF230_H */ diff --git a/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/ep0.h b/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/ep0.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..382aa92 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/ep0.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* + * include/atusb/ep0.h - EP0 extension protocol + * + * Written 2008-2011 by Werner Almesberger + * Copyright 2008-2011 Werner Almesberger + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + */ + + +#ifndef EP0_H +#define EP0_H + +/* + * Direction bRequest wValue wIndex wLength + * + * ->host ATUSB_ID - - 3 + * ->host ATUSB_BUILD - - #bytes + * host-> ATUSB_RESET - - 0 + * + * host-> ATUSB_RF_RESET - - 0 + * ->host ATUSB_POLL_INT - - 1 + * host-> ATUSB_TEST - - 0 + * + * host-> ATUSB_REG_WRITE value addr 0 + * ->host ATUSB_REG_READ - addr 1 + * host-> ATUSB_BUF_WRITE - - #bytes + * ->host ATUSB_BUF_READ - - #bytes + * host-> ATUSB_SRAM_WRITE - addr #bytes + * ->host ATUSB_SRAM_READ - addr #bytes + */ + +/* + * EP0 protocol: + * + * 0.0 initial release + * 0.1 addition of ATUSB_TEST + */ + +#define EP0ATUSB_MAJOR 0 /* EP0 protocol, major revision */ +#define EP0ATUSB_MINOR 1 /* EP0 protocol, minor revision */ + +#define HW_TYPE_100813 0 /* 2010-08-13 */ +#define HW_TYPE_101216 1 /* 2010-12-16 */ +#define HW_TYPE_110131 2 /* 2011-01-31, ATmega32U2-based */ + + +/* + * bmRequestType: + * + * D7 D6..5 D4...0 + * | | | + * direction (0 = host->dev) + * type (2 = vendor) + * recipient (0 = device) + */ + + +#define ATUSB_TO_DEV(req) (0x40 | (req) << 8) +#define ATUSB_FROM_DEV(req) (0xc0 | (req) << 8) + + +enum atspi_requests { + ATUSB_ID = 0x00, + ATUSB_BUILD, + ATUSB_RESET, + ATUSB_RF_RESET = 0x10, + ATUSB_POLL_INT, + ATUSB_TEST, + ATUSB_REG_WRITE = 0x20, + ATUSB_REG_READ, + ATUSB_BUF_WRITE, + ATUSB_BUF_READ, + ATUSB_SRAM_WRITE, + ATUSB_SRAM_READ, +}; + + +void ep0_init(void); + +#endif /* !EP0_H */ diff --git a/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/usb-ids.h b/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/usb-ids.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b094fd --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/fw/include/atusb/usb-ids.h @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* + * include/atusb/usb-ids.h - USB vendor and product IDs + * + * Written 2009, 2010 by Werner Almesberger + * Copyright 2009, 2010 Werner Almesberger + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + */ + + +#ifndef USB_IDS_H +#define USB_IDS_H + +/* + * Platform-specific settings + * + * USB_VENDOR = Qi Hardware + * USB_PRODUCT = 802.15.4, device 0 + * -- - - + */ + +#define USB_VENDOR 0x20b7 /* Qi Hardware */ +#define USB_PRODUCT 0x1540 /* ben-wpan, AT86RF230-based */ + +#endif /* !USB_IDS_H */ diff --git a/atusb-sil/usb.sch b/atusb-sil/usb.sch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b32d849 --- /dev/null +++ b/atusb-sil/usb.sch @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Sun Jan 23 01:33:33 2011 +LIBS:power +LIBS:device +LIBS:conn +LIBS:at86rf231 +LIBS:c8051f326 +LIBS:usb_a_plug +LIBS:xtal-4 +LIBS:antenna +LIBS:balun-smt6 +LIBS:atusb-cache +EELAYER 24 0 +EELAYER END +$Descr A4 11700 8267 +Sheet 2 3 +Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF230)" +Date "23 jan 2011" +Rev "20110123" +Comp "Werner Almesberger" +Comment1 "" +Comment2 "" +Comment3 "" +Comment4 "" +$EndDescr +NoConn ~ 7200 1800 +Text Notes 2600 5000 0 60 ~ 0 +USB 2.0 limits the capacitative load\non full-speed drivers to 50 pF. +Wire Notes Line + 6950 900 6900 900 +Wire Notes Line + 6900 900 6900 1450 +Wire Wire Line + 6900 1600 6900 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 8600 3200 9800 3200 +Wire Wire Line + 9800 1600 7650 1600 +Wire Wire Line + 8600 3050 9800 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 9800 1450 7500 1450 +Wire Wire Line + 7500 1450 7500 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 9800 1300 7350 1300 +Wire Wire Line + 7350 1300 7350 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 5600 1150 5600 2750 +Wire Wire Line + 5600 1150 6050 1150 +Wire Wire Line + 6050 900 5850 900 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 1800 6750 900 +Wire Wire Line + 5800 2900 5600 2900 +Wire Wire Line + 6400 6150 6400 5500 +Wire Wire Line + 6400 5500 6600 5500 +Wire Wire Line + 6600 5500 6600 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 6900 6150 6900 4600 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 4800 5600 4800 +Connection ~ 5600 3650 +Wire Wire Line + 5600 4800 5600 3650 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 4550 3700 4750 +Wire Wire Line + 3100 4550 3100 4750 +Connection ~ 3400 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 3400 4050 3400 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 4900 5150 5100 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 3350 5800 3350 +Wire Wire Line + 1200 2900 1000 2900 +Wire Wire Line + 1200 3350 1000 3350 +Connection ~ 1000 3350 +Wire Wire Line + 1000 2900 1000 3550 +Wire Wire Line + 2550 3550 2550 3350 +Wire Wire Line + 2350 3050 4000 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 5800 3500 5150 3500 +Connection ~ 5150 3500 +Wire Wire Line + 4750 4900 4750 5100 +Wire Wire Line + 3100 4050 3100 3200 +Connection ~ 3100 3200 +Wire Wire Line + 2350 2900 3700 2900 +Wire Wire Line + 3400 4550 3400 4750 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 3650 5800 3650 +Connection ~ 3700 3650 +Connection ~ 4750 3650 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 6150 6750 4600 +Connection ~ 6750 4800 +Wire Wire Line + 7050 4600 7050 6150 +Wire Wire Line + 8100 4600 8100 4800 +Wire Wire Line + 5800 3200 4150 3200 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 3200 4000 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 2350 3200 4000 3200 +Wire Wire Line + 4000 3200 4150 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 4150 3050 5800 3050 +Wire Wire Line + 5600 2750 5800 2750 +Wire Wire Line + 4750 4500 4750 3650 +Wire Wire Line + 5150 2700 5150 4500 +Connection ~ 5150 3350 +Wire Wire Line + 3700 2900 3700 4050 +Wire Wire Line + 6750 900 6550 900 +Wire Wire Line + 5250 900 5450 900 +Wire Wire Line + 2550 3350 2350 3350 +Wire Wire Line + 7650 1600 7650 1800 +Wire Wire Line + 8600 3350 9800 3350 +Wire Notes Line + 6850 900 8300 900 +Text Notes 6850 850 0 60 ~ 0 +ID: open 1008xx, GND: 1012xx +$Comp +L GND #PWR03 +U 1 1 4CF859A9 +P 6900 1600 +F 0 "#PWR03" H 6900 1600 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 6900 1530 30 0001 C CNN + 1 6900 1600 + -1 0 0 1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 7050 1800 +NoConn ~ 8600 3500 +$Comp +L C8051F326 U1 +U 1 1 4C609C36 +P 7200 3200 +F 0 "U1" H 6200 4400 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "C8051F326" H 7200 3200 60 0000 C CNN +F 2 "QFN28-SiLabs" H 7200 3200 60 0001 C CNN + 1 7200 3200 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +NoConn ~ 7200 4600 +NoConn ~ 7350 4600 +$Comp +L USB_A_PLUG~ CON1 +U 1 1 4CF4AD1B +P 1750 3150 +F 0 "CON1" H 1950 3600 60 0000 C CNN +F 1 "USB_A_PLUG " H 1750 2750 60 0000 C CNN + 1 1750 3150 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Notes 5750 6700 0 60 ~ 0 +Space P11 through P14 at 100 mil interval close to board edge\nto allow use with a 0.1" header soldered to the board. +Text Label 2550 3200 0 60 ~ 0 +D+ +Text Label 2550 3050 0 60 ~ 0 +D- +Text Notes 1100 1200 0 200 ~ 40 +USB +$Comp +L VDD #PWR04 +U 1 1 4C64122B +P 5150 2700 +F 0 "#PWR04" H 5150 2800 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "VDD" H 5150 2810 30 0000 C CNN + 1 5150 2700 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR05 +U 1 1 4C6408C7 +P 5150 5100 +F 0 "#PWR05" H 5150 5100 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5150 5030 30 0001 C CNN + 1 5150 5100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR06 +U 1 1 4C6408C5 +P 4750 5100 +F 0 "#PWR06" H 4750 5100 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 4750 5030 30 0001 C CNN + 1 4750 5100 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR07 +U 1 1 4C6408BA +P 5600 2900 +F 0 "#PWR07" H 5600 2900 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5600 2830 30 0001 C CNN + 1 5600 2900 + 0 1 1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR08 +U 1 1 4C6408AD +P 5250 900 +F 0 "#PWR08" H 5250 900 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 5250 830 30 0001 C CNN + 1 5250 900 + 0 1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR09 +U 1 1 4C6408A8 +P 8100 4800 +F 0 "#PWR09" H 8100 4800 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 8100 4730 30 0001 C CNN + 1 8100 4800 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR010 +U 1 1 4C6408A3 +P 6400 6150 +F 0 "#PWR010" H 6400 6150 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 6400 6080 30 0001 C CNN + 1 6400 6150 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR011 +U 1 1 4C64089F +P 2550 3550 +F 0 "#PWR011" H 2550 3550 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 2550 3480 30 0001 C CNN + 1 2550 3550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR012 +U 1 1 4C640899 +P 1000 3550 +F 0 "#PWR012" H 1000 3550 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 1000 3480 30 0001 C CNN + 1 1000 3550 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR013 +U 1 1 4C640896 +P 3700 4750 +F 0 "#PWR013" H 3700 4750 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3700 4680 30 0001 C CNN + 1 3700 4750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR014 +U 1 1 4C64088F +P 3400 4750 +F 0 "#PWR014" H 3400 4750 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3400 4680 30 0001 C CNN + 1 3400 4750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L GND #PWR015 +U 1 1 4C64088A +P 3100 4750 +F 0 "#PWR015" H 3100 4750 30 0001 C CNN +F 1 "GND" H 3100 4680 30 0001 C CNN + 1 3100 4750 + 1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text Label 6600 5950 1 60 ~ 0 +GND +Text Label 7050 5950 1 60 ~ 0 +C2D +Text Label 6750 5950 1 60 ~ 0 +VBUS +Text Label 6900 5950 1 60 ~ 0 +C2CK +Text HLabel 9800 1450 2 60 Output ~ 0 +nRST_RF +Text HLabel 9800 1300 2 60 Output ~ 0 +SLP_TR +$Comp +L VR VR3 +U 1 1 4C64034D +P 3700 4300 +F 0 "VR3" V 3780 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "5V6" V 3700 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0402" H 3700 4300 60 0001 C CNN +F 4 "33pF" V 3600 4400 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" + 1 3700 4300 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L VR VR2 +U 1 1 4C640343 +P 3400 4300 +F 0 "VR2" V 3480 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "5V6" V 3400 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0402" H 3400 4300 60 0001 C CNN +F 4 "33pF" V 3300 4400 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" + 1 3400 4300 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L VR VR1 +U 1 1 4C6402FB +P 3100 4300 +F 0 "VR1" V 3180 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "5V6" V 3100 4300 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0402" H 3100 4300 60 0001 C CNN +F 4 "33pF" V 3000 4400 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" + 1 3100 4300 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +$Comp +L R R1 +U 1 1 4C6402F2 +P 6300 900 +F 0 "R1" V 6380 900 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "68" V 6300 900 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0402" H 6300 900 60 0001 C CNN + 1 6300 900 + 0 -1 -1 0 +$EndComp +$Comp +L LED D1 +U 1 1 4C6402EE +P 5650 900 +F 0 "D1" H 5650 1000 50 0000 C CNN +F 1 "LTST-C190KRKT" H 5650 800 50 0000 C CNN +F 2 "0603" H 5650 900 60 0001 C CNN + 1 5650 900 + -1 0 0 -1 +$EndComp +Text HLabel 6050 1150 2 60 Input ~ 0 +IRQ_RF +Text HLabel 9800 3350 2 60 Output ~ 0 +nSS +Text HLabel 9800 1600 2 60 Output ~ 0 +SCLK +Text HLabel 9800 3200 2 60 Output ~ 0 +MOSI +Text HLabel 9800 3050 2 60 Input ~ 0 +MISO 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