mirror of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/ben-wpan.git synced 2024-09-28 23:48:32 +03:00

atusb: switched from the AT86RF230 to the AT86RF231, added missing RF ground

- atrf.sch: replaced the AT86RF230 with the AT86RF231
- atusb.sch, usb.sch, atrf.sch: removed TST signal
- atrf.sch: grounded former TST pin
- atusb.brd: updated for TST removal
- atusb.brd: increased space between SLP_TR and nRST_RF vias
- atusb.brd: connect U2 pin 6 to ground pad
- atusb.sch, usb.sch, atrf.sch, atusb.brd: changed version to 20110104
This commit is contained in:
Werner Almesberger 2011-01-04 01:19:54 -03:00
parent 56b93a12be
commit 9f8a77e879
5 changed files with 1169 additions and 1149 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon Jan 3 17:10:47 2011
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Tue Jan 4 00:55:48 2011
@ -14,223 +14,205 @@ EELAYER END
$Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 3 3
Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF230)"
Date "3 jan 2011"
Rev "101130"
Date "4 jan 2011"
Rev "20110104"
Comp "Werner Almesberger"
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Text Label 2950 3800 0 60 ~ 0
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Wire Wire Line
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6500 4500 6500 4850
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
2750 3800 3350 3800
Wire Wire Line
3650 6350 3650 6150
Wire Wire Line
3650 6150 3400 6150
Wire Wire Line
3400 6150 3150 6150
Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
1850 3900 2050 3900
Connection ~ 7850 1250
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7850 1050 7850 1250
Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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Connection ~ 9700 1150
Wire Wire Line
9900 1150 9700 1150
Wire Wire Line
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Connection ~ 10500 1650
Wire Wire Line
10100 1650 10500 1650
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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9500 3750 10400 3750
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6000 4650 6700 4650
Connection ~ 8100 5650
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8100 5650 8250 5650
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8250 5650 8250 5450
Wire Wire Line
8100 6350 8100 5650
Wire Wire Line
8100 5650 8100 5450
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8400 6350 8400 6150
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
9700 4050 9700 4500
Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
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8100 6950 8100 6750
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
6500 3900 6500 3750
Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
6500 3600 6500 2450
Wire Wire Line
6500 2450 7500 2450
Wire Wire Line
7500 2450 7650 2450
Wire Wire Line
7650 2450 7800 2450
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Connection ~ 6500 3600
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Wire Wire Line
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Wire Wire Line
10500 1150 10500 1650
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10500 1650 10500 1950
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10500 1950 10500 2450
Wire Wire Line
10500 2450 10500 2650
Wire Wire Line
10500 1950 10100 1950
Connection ~ 10500 1950
Wire Wire Line
8550 2650 8550 2450
Wire Wire Line
8550 2450 9700 2450
Wire Wire Line
9700 2450 9900 2450
Connection ~ 9700 2450
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7950 2650 7950 2450
Wire Wire Line
8250 2650 8250 2450
Wire Wire Line
8100 1250 8100 2650
Wire Wire Line
7600 2050 7600 1850
Wire Wire Line
8600 6150 8400 6150
Connection ~ 8400 6150
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2050 3900 2050 4600
Wire Wire Line
3400 6350 3400 6150
Connection ~ 3400 6150
Wire Wire Line
1850 3800 2250 3800
Wire Wire Line
6700 4200 5350 4200
Wire Wire Line
5350 4200 5350 3800
Wire Wire Line
5350 3800 4950 3800
Wire Wire Line
6700 4050 5150 4050
Wire Wire Line
5150 4050 5150 4200
Wire Wire Line
5150 4200 4950 4200
Wire Wire Line
4350 4000 4150 4000
3150 5000 3150 4200
Wire Wire Line
4350 5000 4350 4800
Wire Wire Line
3150 4200 3150 4300
4150 4000 4350 4000
Wire Wire Line
3150 4300 3150 5000
4950 4200 5150 4200
Wire Wire Line
5150 4200 5150 4050
Wire Wire Line
5150 4050 6700 4050
Wire Wire Line
4950 3800 5350 3800
Wire Wire Line
5350 3800 5350 4200
Wire Wire Line
5350 4200 6700 4200
Wire Wire Line
1850 3800 2250 3800
Connection ~ 3400 6150
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3400 6350 3400 6150
Wire Wire Line
2050 4600 2050 3900
Connection ~ 8400 6150
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8600 6150 8400 6150
Wire Wire Line
7600 2050 7600 1850
Wire Wire Line
8100 2650 8100 1250
Wire Wire Line
8250 2650 8250 2450
Wire Wire Line
7950 2650 7950 2450
Connection ~ 9700 2450
Wire Wire Line
9900 2450 8550 2450
Wire Wire Line
8550 2450 8550 2650
Connection ~ 10500 1950
Wire Wire Line
10500 1950 10100 1950
Wire Wire Line
10500 2650 10500 1150
Wire Wire Line
10500 1150 10300 1150
Wire Wire Line
9700 1350 9700 1150
Connection ~ 7500 2450
Wire Wire Line
6200 2450 7800 2450
Wire Wire Line
6200 2450 6200 4850
Connection ~ 6200 4350
Wire Wire Line
6700 4350 6200 4350
Wire Wire Line
8100 6950 8100 6750
Wire Wire Line
7500 5850 7500 5450
Connection ~ 9700 4500
Wire Wire Line
9700 4850 9700 4050
Wire Wire Line
9500 4500 9700 4500
Wire Wire Line
10400 3600 9500 3600
Wire Wire Line
10400 3900 9500 3900
Wire Wire Line
10400 4350 9500 4350
Wire Wire Line
8550 5850 8550 5450
Wire Wire Line
8400 5450 8400 6350
Wire Wire Line
8100 5450 8100 6350
Wire Wire Line
8250 5450 8250 5650
Wire Wire Line
8250 5650 8100 5650
Connection ~ 8100 5650
Wire Wire Line
6000 4650 6700 4650
Wire Wire Line
10400 4650 9500 4650
Wire Wire Line
9500 4200 10400 4200
Wire Wire Line
9500 3750 10400 3750
Wire Wire Line
9700 4050 9500 4050
Wire Wire Line
7950 5850 7950 5450
Wire Wire Line
7650 5450 7650 5650
Wire Wire Line
7650 5650 7500 5650
Connection ~ 7500 5650
Wire Wire Line
8400 6750 8400 6950
Wire Wire Line
9000 5850 9000 5450
Wire Wire Line
6200 3900 6700 3900
Connection ~ 6200 3900
Wire Wire Line
7800 2450 7800 2650
Wire Wire Line
7500 2650 7500 2450
Wire Wire Line
7650 2450 7650 2650
Connection ~ 7650 2450
Wire Wire Line
9700 2250 9700 2450
Wire Wire Line
10500 2450 10300 2450
Connection ~ 10500 2450
Wire Wire Line
10100 1650 10500 1650
Connection ~ 10500 1650
Wire Wire Line
8400 2650 8400 1150
Wire Wire Line
8400 1150 9900 1150
Connection ~ 9700 1150
Wire Wire Line
7950 2050 7950 1850
Wire Wire Line
7800 6350 7800 5450
Wire Wire Line
7600 1450 7600 1250
Wire Wire Line
7600 1250 8100 1250
Wire Wire Line
7850 1050 7850 1250
Connection ~ 7850 1250
Wire Wire Line
2050 3900 1850 3900
Wire Wire Line
3150 6350 3150 6150
Wire Wire Line
3150 6150 3650 6150
Wire Wire Line
3650 6150 3650 6350
Wire Wire Line
2750 3800 3350 3800
Wire Wire Line
4150 3800 4550 3800
Wire Wire Line
4150 4200 4550 4200
Wire Wire Line
3150 4200 3350 4200
Wire Wire Line
4350 4400 4350 3600
Connection ~ 4350 4000
Wire Wire Line
3350 4300 3150 4300
Connection ~ 3150 4300
Wire Wire Line
6700 3600 6200 3600
Connection ~ 6200 3600
U 1 1 4D2296C2
P 6500 4850
F 0 "#PWR22" H 6500 4850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 6500 4780 40 0000 C CNN
1 6500 4850
1 0 0 -1
L AT86RF231 U2
U 1 1 4D229690
P 8100 4050
F 0 "U2" H 7100 5250 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "AT86RF231" H 8100 4050 60 0000 C CNN
1 8100 4050
1 0 0 -1
Text Label 2950 3800 0 60 ~ 0
U 1 1 4CF4B348
@ -277,8 +259,6 @@ F 1 "2450FB15L0001" H 3750 3550 60 0000 C CNN
1 3750 4000
1 0 0 -1
Text HLabel 6000 4500 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text Label 9900 4650 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5750 4200 0 60 ~ 0
@ -404,10 +384,10 @@ F 1 "AGND" H 8250 2380 50 0000 C CNN
-1 0 0 1
U 1 1 4C641010
P 7950 1850
F 0 "#PWR25" H 7950 1850 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR26" H 7950 1850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 7950 1780 40 0000 C CNN
1 7950 1850
-1 0 0 1
@ -423,10 +403,10 @@ F 2 "0402" H 7950 2250 60 0001 C CNN
-1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640E02
P 10500 2650
F 0 "#PWR34" H 10500 2650 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR35" H 10500 2650 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 10500 2580 40 0000 C CNN
1 10500 2650
1 0 0 -1
@ -434,10 +414,10 @@ $EndComp
U 1 1 4C640D33
P 6500 4850
F 0 "#PWR026" H 6500 4850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "AGND" H 6500 4780 50 0000 C CNN
1 6500 4850
P 6200 4850
F 0 "#PWR026" H 6200 4850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "AGND" H 6200 4780 50 0000 C CNN
1 6200 4850
1 0 0 -1
@ -460,55 +440,55 @@ F 1 "AGND" H 9000 5780 50 0000 C CNN
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640C4C
P 8100 6950
F 0 "#PWR27" H 8100 6950 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR28" H 8100 6950 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 8100 6880 40 0000 C CNN
1 8100 6950
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640C48
P 8400 6950
F 0 "#PWR29" H 8400 6950 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR30" H 8400 6950 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 8400 6880 40 0000 C CNN
1 8400 6950
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640C14
P 7500 5850
F 0 "#PWR22" H 7500 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR23" H 7500 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 7500 5780 40 0000 C CNN
1 7500 5850
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640BFC
P 9700 4850
F 0 "#PWR33" H 9700 4850 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR34" H 9700 4850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 9700 4780 40 0000 C CNN
1 9700 4850
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640BF7
P 7950 5850
F 0 "#PWR26" H 7950 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR27" H 7950 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 7950 5780 40 0000 C CNN
1 7950 5850
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 4C640BD2
P 8550 5850
F 0 "#PWR30" H 8550 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR31" H 8550 5850 40 0001 C CNN
F 1 "DGND" H 8550 5780 40 0000 C CNN
1 8550 5850
1 0 0 -1
@ -586,14 +566,4 @@ F 6 "ESR=80R" V 9450 2250 60 0000 C CNN "Field3"
1 9700 1800
0 -1 -1 0
L AT86RF230 U2
U 1 1 4C609C4B
P 8100 4050
F 0 "U2" H 7100 5250 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "AT86RF230" H 8100 4050 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "QFN32" H 8100 4050 60 0001 C CNN
1 8100 4050
1 0 0 -1

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
update=Thu Dec 2 17:34:14 2010
update=Tue Jan 4 01:05:08 2011
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ShowSheetReferenceAndTitleBlock=1

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Thu Dec 2 22:05:04 2010
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Tue Jan 4 00:55:48 2011
@ -13,17 +13,28 @@ EELAYER 24 0
$Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 1 3
Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF230)"
Date "1 dec 2010"
Rev "101202"
Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF231)"
Date "4 jan 2011"
Rev "20110104"
Comp "Werner Almesberger"
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Wire Wire Line
4350 5050 7350 5050
S 2300 3400 2050 2050
U 4C609BEF
F0 "USB" 60
F1 "usb.sch" 60
F2 "nRST_RF" O R 4350 4700 60
F3 "SLP_TR" O R 4350 4850 60
F4 "IRQ_RF" I R 4350 4500 60
F5 "nSS" O R 4350 4300 60
F6 "SCLK" O R 4350 4150 60
F7 "MOSI" O R 4350 3850 60
F8 "MISO" I R 4350 4000 60
Wire Wire Line
7350 4850 4350 4850
Wire Wire Line
@ -61,20 +72,6 @@ $EndComp
Text Notes 900 1250 0 200 ~ 40
IEEE 802.15.4 USB TXRX
S 2300 3400 2050 2050
U 4C609BEF
F0 "USB" 60
F1 "usb.sch" 60
F2 "nRST_RF" O R 4350 4700 60
F3 "SLP_TR" O R 4350 4850 60
F4 "IRQ_RF" I R 4350 4500 60
F5 "nSS" O R 4350 4300 60
F6 "SCLK" O R 4350 4150 60
F7 "MOSI" O R 4350 3850 60
F8 "MISO" I R 4350 4000 60
F9 "TST" O R 4350 5050 60
S 7350 3450 1800 1950
U 4C609C08
F0 "RF" 60
@ -86,6 +83,5 @@ F5 "MISO" O L 7350 4000 60
F6 "MOSI" I L 7350 3850 60
F7 "nSS" I L 7350 4300 60
F8 "IRQ_RF" O L 7350 4500 60
F9 "TST" I L 7350 5050 60

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Mon Jan 3 16:32:06 2011
EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Tue Jan 4 00:55:48 2011
@ -14,14 +14,15 @@ EELAYER END
$Descr A4 11700 8267
Sheet 2 3
Title "IEEE 802.15.4 USB Transceiver (AT86RF230)"
Date "3 jan 2011"
Rev "101130"
Date "4 jan 2011"
Rev "20110104"
Comp "Werner Almesberger"
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
NoConn ~ 7200 1800
Text Notes 2600 5000 0 60 ~ 0
USB 2.0 limits the capacitative load\non full-speed drivers to 50 pF.
Wire Notes Line
@ -139,10 +140,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
2550 3350 2350 3350
Wire Wire Line
7650 1600 7650 1800
Wire Wire Line
7200 1800 7200 1150
Wire Wire Line
7200 1150 9800 1150
Wire Wire Line
8600 3350 9800 3350
Wire Notes Line
@ -183,8 +180,6 @@ F 1 "USB_A_PLUG " H 1750 2750 60 0000 C CNN
Text Notes 5750 6700 0 60 ~ 0
Space P11 through P14 at 100 mil interval close to board edge\nto allow use with a 0.1" header soldered to the board.
Text HLabel 9800 1150 2 60 Output ~ 0
Text Label 2550 3200 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 2550 3050 0 60 ~ 0