diff --git a/prod/doc/test.hmac b/prod/doc/test.hmac index da9ff15..05207c3 100644 --- a/prod/doc/test.hmac +++ b/prod/doc/test.hmac @@ -111,7 +111,31 @@ should always pass the enumeration test. -@@@ +The GPIO scan outputs a series of test patterns on the I/O lines driving +the transceiver and compares the state at which the lines settle with a +set of expected values. This allows the detection of unconnected pins +and of shorted traces. +

+If the GPIO scan encounters an inconsistency, it fails the test and writes +a report to the +file _log. This report contains a list of GPIO pins with their +configuration, the expected value, and their actual value. +

+For example, a short between SLP_TR and VDD on an atben board would +be reported as follows: +

+name    cfg exp got
+SCLK    Z   -   1
+MISO    Z   -   1
+SLP_TR  Z   0   1       ***
+MOSI    Z   -   1
+nSEL    Z   1   1
+IRQ     Z   0   0
+at "zzlzhl", next "# reset state"
+The configuration is 0 for a pin driven low, 1 for a pin driven +high, Z for a pin in Hi-Z state, and R for Hi-Z state with a +pull-up.