- atspi-rssid/gui.c (sweep, label_channels): moved geometry values to
- atspi-rssid/gui.c (CBIG, CSMALL, label_channels): moved color values to
- tools/Makefile.common: CFLAGS and OBJS can now be target-specific
- tools/atspi-rssi/Makefile: add SDL, SDL_gfx, and the GUI object files
when building on the host
- tools/atspi-rssi/Makefile: set -DHAVE_GFX when building on the host
- tools/atspi-rssi/atspi-rssi.c (usage, main): new option -g to use GUI
- tools/atspi-rssi/atspi-rssi.c (main): rename variable for the number of
sweeps in non-GUI mode from "sweeps" to "arg", since it may have other
uses in the future
- tools/atspi-rssi/digit.h, tools/atspi-rssi/digit.c: draw 7 segment style
- tools/atspi-rssi/zgrid.h, tools/atspi-rssi/zgrid.c: display a surface in
faux 3D with SDL/SDL_gfx
- tools/tools/atspi-rssi/gui.h, tools/atspi-rssi/gui.c: display RSSI scans
as a scrolling 3D profile