Software setup Flashing Functional test Fault analysis Introduction PC installation Ben installation Ben setup Test profiles
Before performing any production tests, various pieces of software need to be installed on Ben and PC, and configuration settings @@@
@@@ @@@ @@@ The binary of the application running on atusb is transferred from the PC. To download a pre-compiled version, use this command:
wget -O atusb.bin \
Instructions for building the binary from sources are here. To simplify accessing the Ben via TCP/IP, its IP address should be registered in the hosts file on the PC. If the Ben is running OpenWrt, use the following command:
echo ben >>/etc/hosts

If the Ben is running Jlime, the address would be as follows:

echo ben >>/etc/hosts

If using the same PC with Bens running OpenWrt and Jlime, one may choose different host names depending on the distribution, and adapt the commands used in the production and testing process accordingly. For example,

echo ben >>/etc/hosts
echo jlime >>/etc/hosts
@@@ To enable password-less remote access from the PC, set up network access to the Ben and run the following command:
ssh ben 'cat >>/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys' <~/.ssh/
@@@ The atusb boot loader is flashed using avrdude. A pre-compiled static binary (suitable for OpenWrt and Jlime) can be installed by running the following two command on the Ben:
tar -xz -C / -f avrdude-5.10-de72af351f661b538add81cbc9965278a2f8c40c.tar.gz
Instructions for building avrdude from sources are here. The binary of the boot loader running on atusb is transferred from the Ben. To download a pre-compiled version, use this command:
wget -O boot.hex \
Instructions for building the binary from sources are here.
The configuration setting described in this section are lost on each reset or reboot and either need to be entered again. Alternatively, a setup script running at boot time can be written. Once the Ben has booted and started USB networking, the interface on the PC side is configured as follows:
ifconfig usb0 up

These are the settings for OpenWrt, assuming the network device is called "usb0". If using Jlime, the command would be as follows:

ifconfig usb0 up
Before running any of the ben-wpan utilities, other users of the 8:10 card slot have to be disabled. In a Ben running the regular OpenWrt or Jlime distribution, the only such user that is automatically started is the MMC kernel driver. The following command disables it:
echo jz4740-mmc.0 >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/jz4740-mmc/unbind

If a WPAN-enabled kernel has been installed, the AT86RF230 driver takes the place of the MMC driver. To disable it, run

echo spi2.0 >/sys/bus/spi/drivers/at86rf230/unbind
On the Ben, launch the proxy daemon. We pass the option -b to background it:
atrf-proxy -b
Some of the functional tests measure characteristics that are strongly influenced by the test setup. It is therefore not possible to provide universally applicable reference values, but they have to be measured in the actual test environment. Insert a known to be good atben board and run the following command directly on the Ben to record the reference value for the clock count with an accuracy of about +/−20 ppm:
atrf-xtal 1000 >ben.xtal

This takes about 5 seconds.

Note that the result depends on the tolerance of the crystal in the Ben and is also affected by temperature. Good accuracy can therefore only be obtained if this measurement is performed individually on each Ben, and if a stable temperature is maintained. @@@

Last update: 2011-05-27  Werner Almesberger