#!/bin/sh -e DIR=/home/moko/svn.openmoko.org/developers/werner/cncmap RECT=$DIR/rect/rect ALIGN=$DIR/align/align ZMAP=$DIR/zmap/zmap GP2RML=$DIR/gp2rml/gp2rml CAMEO=../../../cae-tools/cameo/cameo GEN=${1:-./pcb.pl} rdata="19.6 13.0 -56.2 19.6 53.1 -56.1 110.7 14.1 -56.2" rdate="15.9 13.1 -57.2 15.9 77.4 -57.1 120.8 15.1 -57.0" rdate="17.2 9.5 -57.0 21.5 76.2 -57.1 126.8 9.0 -56.9" rdata="8.1 11.2 -56.3 8.1 80.1 -56.1 117.2 12.8 -55.9" # lower Z by 0.3 mm relative to average (-56.1) Z=-56.6 rect=`$RECT $rdata | awk '{$3 = ""; print}'` $GEN | awk '{ if ($3 != "") $3 += '$Z'; print $0; }' | $CAMEO -d 0.4445 | $ALIGN 0 1 $rect | # angle, reference (lower left corner), rect $GP2RML 2 0.5 0.5 # clearance, xy speed, z speed # since everything is in the same plane, z clearance must be thickness plus # real clearance !