Protocol specification


<open TCP session>





SLP_TR 0|1 0|1

CLKM freq_mhz

SET register value

GET register

WRITE length raw-data

+length raw-data

SETRAM addr value


WAIT timeout_ms

Message format

Commands are not case-sensitive. Messages and comments consist of printable
ASCII characters and spaces.

Whitespace separating words is always exactly one space character.
Lines end with a * single newline, without trailing whitespace.
Numeric values are in C notation, i.e., 64, 0100, and 0x40 would all
represent the same value.

"raw-data" is a string of binary data of the indicated length. The other
formatting conventions remain valid after this string, i.e., it must be
followed by a single newline.

The device is implicitly opened when establishing a TCP session. The
device is implicitly closed when closing the TCP session.

Asynchrous interrupt notification

The WAIT command is not answered until an interrupt or until a timeout.
A timeout value of 0 means infinite. WAIT returns the value of the
IRQ_STATUS register. If WAIT times out before receiving an interrupt,
it returns 0.