mirror of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/cae-tools.git synced 2025-03-04 19:18:21 +02:00

cameo: add two test cases (exhibiting brokenness)

This commit is contained in:
Werner Almesberger 2012-05-01 23:48:32 -03:00
parent fcb508f1ef
commit c2bfbd5a5e
6 changed files with 1343 additions and 0 deletions

cameo/test/2/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.PHONY: all plot
echo 'plot "in.gp" with lines, "out.gp" with lines' | gnuplot -persist

cameo/test/2/doit Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
../../cameo <<EOF
#gnuplot 3 in.gp
#area 0.13
gnuplot 110mil in.gp
area 0.5mm
write out.gp

cameo/test/2/in.gp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
-5 -5
55 -5
55 30
-5 30
-5 -5
1.500000 0.000000
1.401895 0.003212
1.304211 0.012833
1.207365 0.028822
1.111771 0.051111
1.017841 0.079605
0.925975 0.114181
0.836567 0.154691
0.750000 0.200962
0.666645 0.252796
0.586858 0.309970
0.510981 0.372240
0.439340 0.439340
0.372240 0.510981
0.309970 0.586858
0.252796 0.666645
0.200962 0.750000
0.154691 0.836567
0.114181 0.925975
0.079605 1.017841
0.051111 1.111771
0.028822 1.207365
0.012833 1.304211
0.003212 1.401895
0.000000 1.500000
0.000000 22.900000
0.003212 22.998105
0.012833 23.095789
0.028822 23.192635
0.051111 23.288229
0.079605 23.382159
0.114181 23.474025
0.154691 23.563433
0.200962 23.650000
0.252796 23.733355
0.309970 23.813142
0.372240 23.889019
0.439340 23.960660
0.510981 24.027760
0.586858 24.090030
0.666645 24.147204
0.750000 24.199038
0.836567 24.245309
0.925975 24.285819
1.017841 24.320395
1.111771 24.348889
1.207365 24.371178
1.304211 24.387167
1.401895 24.396788
1.500000 24.400000
49.400000 1.500000
49.396788 1.401895
49.387167 1.304211
49.371178 1.207365
49.348889 1.111771
49.320395 1.017841
49.285819 0.925975
49.245309 0.836567
49.199038 0.750000
49.147204 0.666645
49.090030 0.586858
49.027760 0.510981
48.960660 0.439340
48.889019 0.372240
48.813142 0.309970
48.733355 0.252796
48.650000 0.200962
48.563433 0.154691
48.474025 0.114181
48.382159 0.079605
48.288229 0.051111
48.192635 0.028822
48.095789 0.012833
47.998105 0.003212
47.900000 0.000000
47.900000 24.400000
47.998105 24.396788
48.095789 24.387167
48.192635 24.371178
48.288229 24.348889
48.382159 24.320395
48.474025 24.285819
48.563433 24.245309
48.650000 24.199038
48.733355 24.147204
48.813142 24.090030
48.889019 24.027760
48.960660 23.960660
49.027760 23.889019
49.090030 23.813142
49.147204 23.733355
49.199038 23.650000
49.245309 23.563433
49.285819 23.474025
49.320395 23.382159
49.348889 23.288229
49.371178 23.192635
49.387167 23.095789
49.396788 22.998105
49.400000 22.900000
4.000000 2.000000
3.901865 2.002409
3.803966 2.009631
3.706539 2.021647
3.609819 2.038429
3.514040 2.059937
3.419431 2.086119
3.326220 2.116912
3.234633 2.152241
3.144890 2.192021
3.057207 2.236157
2.971795 2.284543
2.888860 2.337061
2.808601 2.393585
2.731213 2.453979
2.656882 2.518098
2.585786 2.585786
2.518098 2.656882
2.453979 2.731213
2.393585 2.808601
2.337061 2.888860
2.284543 2.971795
2.236157 3.057207
2.192021 3.144890
2.152241 3.234633
2.116912 3.326220
2.086119 3.419431
2.059937 3.514040
2.038429 3.609819
2.021647 3.706539
2.009631 3.803966
2.002409 3.901865
2.000000 4.000000
2.000000 20.400000
2.002409 20.498135
2.009631 20.596034
2.021647 20.693461
2.038429 20.790181
2.059937 20.885960
2.086119 20.980569
2.116912 21.073780
2.152241 21.165367
2.192021 21.255110
2.236157 21.342793
2.284543 21.428205
2.337061 21.511140
2.393585 21.591399
2.453979 21.668787
2.518098 21.743118
2.585786 21.814214
2.656882 21.881902
2.731213 21.946021
2.808601 22.006415
2.888860 22.062939
2.971795 22.115457
3.057207 22.163843
3.144890 22.207979
3.234633 22.247759
3.326220 22.283088
3.419431 22.313881
3.514040 22.340063
3.609819 22.361571
3.706539 22.378353
3.803966 22.390369
3.901865 22.397591
4.000000 22.400000
47.400000 4.000000
47.397591 3.901865
47.390369 3.803966
47.378353 3.706539
47.361571 3.609819
47.340063 3.514040
47.313881 3.419431
47.283088 3.326220
47.247759 3.234633
47.207979 3.144890
47.163843 3.057207
47.115457 2.971795
47.062939 2.888860
47.006415 2.808601
46.946021 2.731213
46.881902 2.656882
46.814214 2.585786
46.743118 2.518098
46.668787 2.453979
46.591399 2.393585
46.511140 2.337061
46.428205 2.284543
46.342793 2.236157
46.255110 2.192021
46.165367 2.152241
46.073780 2.116912
45.980569 2.086119
45.885960 2.059937
45.790181 2.038429
45.693461 2.021647
45.596034 2.009631
45.498135 2.002409
45.400000 2.000000
45.400000 22.400000
45.498135 22.397591
45.596034 22.390369
45.693461 22.378353
45.790181 22.361571
45.885960 22.340063
45.980569 22.313881
46.073780 22.283088
46.165367 22.247759
46.255110 22.207979
46.342793 22.163843
46.428205 22.115457
46.511140 22.062939
46.591399 22.006415
46.668787 21.946021
46.743118 21.881902
46.814214 21.814214
46.881902 21.743118
46.946021 21.668787
47.006415 21.591399
47.062939 21.511140
47.115457 21.428205
47.163843 21.342793
47.207979 21.255110
47.247759 21.165367
47.283088 21.073780
47.313881 20.980569
47.340063 20.885960
47.361571 20.790181
47.378353 20.693461
47.390369 20.596034
47.397591 20.498135
47.400000 20.400000
1.500000 0.000000
47.900000 0.000000
49.400000 1.500000
49.400000 10.900000
49.400000 10.900000
47.400000 10.900000
47.400000 10.900000
47.400000 4.000000
45.400000 2.000000
4.000000 2.000000
2.000000 4.000000
2.000000 20.400000
4.000000 22.400000
45.400000 22.400000
47.400000 20.400000
47.400000 19.500000
47.400000 19.500000
49.400000 19.500000
49.400000 19.500000
49.400000 22.900000
47.900000 24.400000
1.500000 24.400000
0.000000 22.900000
0.000000 1.500000

cameo/test/3/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.PHONY: all plot
echo 'plot "in.gp" with lines, "out.gp" with lines' | gnuplot -persist

cameo/test/3/doit Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
../../cameo <<EOF
#gnuplot 3 in.gp
#area 0.13
gnuplot 110mil in.gp
area 0.5mm
write out.gp

cameo/test/3/in.gp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff