#include "colors.inc"
#include "NAME.inc"

 * POV-Ray defaults to a "camera" coordinate system that can be confusing.
 * We use a traditional mathematical/engineering view, with a view from
 * X-/Y-/Z+ into the X/Y plane.

camera {
    location <-30, -80, 40>
    look_at <20, 20, 0>
    sky z
    right -1280/900*x

background { color White }

light_source {
    <-200, -300, 200>
    color White

light_source {
    <100, -500, -50>
    color White

 * Mark the coordinate axes:
 * - a red unit sphere at the center
 * - three green spheres at x = 10*i
 * - two blue spheres at y = 10*i
 * - one yellow sphere at z = 10

sphere { < 0,  0,  0>, 1 pigment { color Red } }
sphere { <10,  0,  0>, 1 pigment { color Green } }
sphere { <20,  0,  0>, 1 pigment { color Green } }
sphere { <30,  0,  0>, 1 pigment { color Green } }
sphere { < 0, 10,  0>, 1 pigment { color Blue } }
sphere { < 0, 20,  0>, 1 pigment { color Blue } }
sphere { < 0,  0, 10>, 1 pigment { color Yellow } }

#declare Finish = finish {
    brilliance 2
    phong 0.8
    phong_size 100
    ambient 0.2

object {
    pigment { rgbf <0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2> }
    finish { Finish }
    rotate <0, 0, 30>

object {
    pigment { rgbf <1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2> }
    finish { Finish }
    translate <0, 0, 25>
    rotate <0, 20, 80>

object {
    pigment { rgbf <0.8, 1, 1, 0.2> }
    finish { Finish }
    rotate <180, 0, 0>
    translate <0, 0, 13>
    rotate <0, 10, -140>
    translate <60, 0, 0>

object {
    box { <-50, -50, -0.1> <0, 0, 0.1> }
    pigment { rgb <1, 0.5, 0.5> }
    finish { ambient rgb <1, 0, 0> }