#!/usr/bin/perl # # fpdoc - Generate a PDF with the footprints used in a specific project # # Written 2011 by Werner Almesberger # Copyright 2011 Werner Almesberger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # sub usage { print STDERR "usage: $0 [-a module ...] pro-file pdf-file\n\n"; print STDERR " -a module add the specified module\n"; exit(1); } while ($ARGV[0] eq "-a") { shift(@ARGV); &usage unless @ARGV; $need{shift @ARGV} = 1; } &usage if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/; &usage unless @ARGV == 2; $pro = $ARGV[0]; $out = $ARGV[1]; ($base = $pro) =~ s|\.pro$||; $pos = "${base}Front.pos"; $cmp = "$base.cmp"; my $on = 0; open(FILE, $pro) || die "$pro: $!"; while (<FILE>) { chop; if (m|^\[pcbnew/libraries\]|) { $on = 1; next; } $on = 0 if /^\[/; next unless $on; next unless /LibName\d+=/; my $mod = "$'.mod"; my $fpd = "$'.fpd"; open(MOD, $mod) || die "$mod: $!"; while (<MOD>) { chop; next unless /^\$MODULE\s+/; $fpd{$'} = $fpd; } close MOD; } close FILE; push(@INC, split(":", $ENV{"PATH"})); do "pos2fab" || die "pos2fab: $!"; # # We iterate over the items in the .pos file so that we skip NC and virtual # components. # for (@order) { $need{$fp{$_}} = 1 if defined $fp{$_}; } for (keys %need) { die "don't have $_" unless defined $fpd{$_}; } exec "fpd2pdf", "-o", $out, map { "$fpd{$_}:$_" } sort keys %need;