/* * gfx/gfx.c - Generate graphical output for Eeschema items * * Written 2016 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2016 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include "gfx/style.h" #include "gfx/text.h" #include "gfx/gfx.h" void *gfx_ctx; static const struct gfx_ops *gfx_ops; void gfx_line(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, int color, unsigned layer) { if (gfx_ops->line) { gfx_ops->line(gfx_ctx, sx, sy, ex, ey, color, layer); return; } int vx[] = { sx, ex }; int vy[] = { sy, ey }; gfx_poly(2, vx, vy, color, COLOR_NONE, layer); } void gfx_rect(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, int color, int fill_color, unsigned layer) { if (gfx_ops->rect) { gfx_ops->rect(gfx_ctx, sx, sy, ex, ey, color, fill_color, layer); return; } int vx[] = { sx, ex, ex, sx, sx }; int vy[] = { sy, sy, ey, ey, sy }; gfx_poly(5, vx, vy, color, fill_color, layer); } void gfx_poly(int points, const int x[points], const int y[points], int color, int fill_color, unsigned layer) { gfx_ops->poly(gfx_ctx, points, x, y, color, fill_color, layer); } void gfx_circ(int x, int y, int r, int color, int fill_color, unsigned layer) { gfx_ops->circ(gfx_ctx, x, y, r, color, fill_color, layer); } void gfx_arc(int x, int y, int r, int sa, int ea, int color, int fill_color, unsigned layer) { gfx_ops->arc(gfx_ctx, x, y, r, sa, ea, color, fill_color, layer); } void gfx_text(int x, int y, const char *s, unsigned size, enum text_align align, int rot, unsigned color, unsigned layer) { gfx_ops->text(gfx_ctx, x, y, s, size, align, rot, color, layer); } void gfx_tag(const char *s, unsigned points, const int x[points], int const y[points]) { if (gfx_ops->tag) gfx_ops->tag(gfx_ctx, s, points, x, y); } unsigned gfx_text_width(const char *s, unsigned size) { return gfx_ops->text_width(gfx_ctx, s, size); } void gfx_init(const struct gfx_ops *ops, int argc, char *const *argv) { gfx_ctx = ops->init(argc, argv); gfx_ops = ops; } void gfx_new_sheet(void) { if (gfx_ops->new_sheet) gfx_ops->new_sheet(gfx_ctx); } bool gfx_multi_sheet(void) { return !!gfx_ops->new_sheet; } void gfx_end(void) { if (gfx_ops->end) gfx_ops->end(gfx_ctx); }