<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Eeshow help</TITLE></HEAD> <H1>Key functions in GUI mode</H1> <TABLE> <TR> <TD>+ or = <TD>zoom in <TR> <TD>- <TD>zoom out <TR> <TD>* <TD>zoom to extents <TR> <TD>Home <TD>go to the top sheet <TR> <TD>Delete or Backspace <TD>go to the next higher sheet in hierarchy <TR> <TD>PgUp <TD>go to the previous sheet in sequence <TR> <TD>PgDn <TD>go to the next sheet in sequence <TR> <TD>Tab <TD>toggle between old and new revision <TR> <TD>Esc <TD>cancel current action (exit history, close pop-up, de-highlight glabel, close help) <TR> <TD>H <TD>open/close help window <TR> <TD>D <TD>when comparing revisions, show difference <TR> <TD>N <TD>show newer sheet <TR> <TD>O <TD>show older sheet <TR> <TD>Q <TD>quit the viewer </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>