/* * kicad/lib-render.c - Render component from library * * Written 2016 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2016 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "diag.h" #include "gfx/misc.h" #include "gfx/style.h" #include "gfx/gfx.h" #include "gfx/text.h" #include "kicad/sch.h" #include "kicad/lib.h" /* ----- Drawing ----------------------------------------------------------- */ static void draw_poly(const struct lib_poly *poly, const int m[6]) { int n = poly->points; int x[n]; int y[n]; int i; for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { x[i] = mx(poly->x[i], poly->y[i], m); y[i] = my(poly->x[i], poly->y[i], m); } gfx_poly(n, x, y, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_NONE, LAYER_COMP_DWG); switch (poly->fill) { case 'N': break; case 'F': gfx_poly(n, x, y, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; case 'f': gfx_poly(n, x, y, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG_BG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; default: abort(); } } static void draw_rect(const struct lib_rect *rect, const int m[6]) { int sx = mx(rect->sx, rect->sy, m); int sy = my(rect->sx, rect->sy, m); int ex = mx(rect->ex, rect->ey, m); int ey = my(rect->ex, rect->ey, m); gfx_rect(sx, sy, ex, ey, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_NONE, LAYER_COMP_DWG); switch (rect->fill) { case 'N': break; case 'F': gfx_rect(sx, sy, ex, ey, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; case 'f': gfx_rect(sx, sy, ex, ey, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG_BG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; default: abort(); } } static void draw_circ(const struct lib_circ *circ, const int m[6]) { int x = mx(circ->x, circ->y, m); int y = my(circ->x, circ->y, m); int r = circ->r; gfx_circ(x, y, r, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_NONE, LAYER_COMP_DWG); switch (circ->fill) { case 'N': break; case 'F': gfx_circ(x, y, r, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; case 'f': gfx_circ(x, y, r, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_COMP_DWG_BG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; default: abort(); } } static void draw_arc(const struct lib_arc *arc, const int m[6]) { int a = matrix_to_angle(m); int x = mx(arc->x, arc->y, m); int y = my(arc->x, arc->y, m); int sa = angle_add(arc->start_a, a); int ea = angle_add(arc->end_a, a); if (matrix_is_mirrored(m)) { sa = 180 - sa; ea = 180 - ea; while (ea < sa) ea += 360; while (ea - sa > 360) ea -= 360; if (ea - sa >= 180) { swap(sa, ea); sa += 360; } } /* * cr_arc (and maybe others) close the arc if filling, so we supply a * foreground color as well. Other objects are closed and don't need * need a foreground color when filling. */ switch (arc->fill) { case 'N': break; case 'F': gfx_arc(x, y, arc->r, sa, ea, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_COMP_DWG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; case 'f': gfx_arc(x, y, arc->r, sa, ea, COLOR_COMP_DWG_BG, COLOR_COMP_DWG_BG, LAYER_COMP_DWG_BG); break; default: assert(0); } gfx_arc(x, y, arc->r, sa, ea, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_NONE, LAYER_COMP_DWG); } static void draw_pin_name(const struct comp *comp, const struct lib_pin *pin, const int m[6], int dx, int dy, int rot, enum text_align hor) { int ox, oy, sx, sy; if (!strcmp(pin->name, "~")) return; if (comp->name_offset) { ox = dx * (pin->length + comp->name_offset); oy = dy * (pin->length + comp->name_offset); sx = sy = 0; } else { ox = dx * pin->length / 2; oy = dy * pin->length / 2; sx = mxr(-dy * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, dx * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, m); sy = myr(-dy * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, dx * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, m); if (sx > 0) sx = -sx; if (sy > 0) sy = -sy; } struct text txt = { .s = pin->name, .x = mx(pin->x + ox, pin->y + oy, m) + sx, .y = my(pin->x + ox, pin->y + oy, m) + sy, .size = pin->name_size, .rot = rot, .hor = comp->name_offset ? hor : text_mid, .vert = comp->name_offset ? text_mid : text_min, }; text_rot(&txt, matrix_to_angle(m)); if (matrix_is_mirrored(m)) { if ((txt.rot % 180) == 0) txt.hor = text_flip(txt.hor); else txt.vert = text_flip(txt.vert); } switch (txt.rot) { case 180: case 270: text_flip_x(&txt); break; default: break; } text_fig(&txt, COLOR_PIN_NAME, LAYER_PIN_NAME); } static void draw_pin_num(const struct comp *comp, const struct lib_pin *pin, const int m[6], int dx, int dy, int rot, enum text_align hor) { int ox, oy, sx, sy; ox = dx * pin->length / 2; oy = dy * pin->length / 2; sx = mxr(-dy * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, dx * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, m); sy = myr(-dy * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, dx * PIN_NUM_OFFSET, m); if (sx > 0) sx = -sx; if (sy > 0) sy = -sy; if (!comp->name_offset) { sx = -sx; sy = -sy; } struct text txt = { .s = pin->number, .x = mx(pin->x + ox, pin->y + oy, m) + sx, .y = my(pin->x + ox, pin->y + oy, m) + sy, .size = pin->number_size, .rot = rot, .hor = text_mid, .vert = comp->name_offset ? text_min : text_max, }; text_rot(&txt, matrix_to_angle(m) % 180); if (matrix_is_mirrored(m)) { switch (txt.rot) { case 0: txt.hor = text_flip(txt.hor); break; case 90: break; case 180: txt.hor = text_flip(txt.hor); break; case 270: break; } } switch (txt.rot) { case 180: case 270: text_flip_x(&txt); break; default: break; } text_fig(&txt, COLOR_PIN_NUMBER, LAYER_PIN_NUMBER); } static void draw_pin(const struct comp *comp, const struct lib_pin *pin, const int m[6]) { int x[2], y[2]; int dx = 0, dy = 0; int rot; enum text_align hor; switch (pin->orient) { case 'U': dy = 1; rot = 90; hor = text_min; break; case 'D': dy = -1; rot = 90; hor = text_max; break; case 'R': dx = 1; rot = 0; hor = text_min; break; case 'L': dx = -1; rot = 0; hor = text_max; break; default: abort(); } x[0] = mx(pin->x, pin->y, m); y[0] = my(pin->x, pin->y, m); x[1] = mx(pin->x + dx * pin->length, pin->y + dy * pin->length, m); y[1] = my(pin->x + dx * pin->length, pin->y + dy * pin->length, m); gfx_poly(2, x, y, COLOR_COMP_DWG, COLOR_NONE, LAYER_COMP_DWG); if (comp->show_pin_name) draw_pin_name(comp, pin, m, dx, dy, rot, hor); if (comp->show_pin_num) draw_pin_num(comp, pin, m, dx, dy, rot, hor); } static void draw_text(const struct lib_text *text, const int m[6]) { struct text txt = { .s = text->s, .size = text->dim, .x = mx(text->x, text->y, m), .y = my(text->x, text->y, m), .rot = angle_add(text->orient / 10, matrix_to_angle(m)), }; decode_alignment(&txt, text->hor_align, text->vert_align); switch (txt.rot) { case 180: case 270: /* @@@ consolidate this with text_flip_x */ txt.rot = angle_add(txt.rot, 180); txt.hor = text_flip(txt.hor); txt.vert = text_flip(txt.vert); // text_flip_x(&txt); break; default: break; } if (matrix_is_mirrored(m)) switch (txt.rot) { case 0: case 180: txt.hor = text_flip(txt.hor); break; case 90: case 270: txt.vert = text_flip(txt.vert); break; default: abort(); } text_fig(&txt, COLOR_COMP_DWG, WIDTH_COMP_DWG); } static void draw(const struct comp *comp, const struct lib_obj *obj, const int m[6]) { switch (obj->type) { case lib_obj_poly: draw_poly(&obj->u.poly, m); break; case lib_obj_rect: draw_rect(&obj->u.rect, m); break; case lib_obj_circ: draw_circ(&obj->u.circ, m); break; case lib_obj_arc: draw_arc(&obj->u.arc, m); break; case lib_obj_text: draw_text(&obj->u.text, m); break; case lib_obj_pin: draw_pin(comp, &obj->u.pin, m); break; default: abort(); } } const struct comp *lib_find(const struct lib *lib, const char *name) { const struct comp *comp; const struct comp_alias *alias; for (comp = lib->comps; comp; comp = comp->next) { if (!strcmp(comp->name, name)) return comp; for (alias = comp->aliases; alias; alias = alias->next) if (!strcmp(alias->name, name)) return comp; } error("\"%s\" not found\n", name); return NULL; } bool lib_field_visible(const struct comp *comp, int n) { return (comp->visible >> n) & 1; } static void missing_component(const int m[4]) { int sx = mx(0, 0, m); int sy = my(0, 0, m); int ex = mx(MISSING_WIDTH, MISSING_HEIGHT, m); int ey = my(MISSING_WIDTH, MISSING_HEIGHT, m); gfx_rect(sx, sy, ex, ey, COLOR_MISSING_FG, COLOR_MISSING_BG, LAYER_COMP_DWG); } void lib_render(const struct comp *comp, unsigned unit, unsigned convert, const int m[4]) { const struct lib_obj *obj; if (!comp) { missing_component(m); return; } if (!unit) unit = 1; for (obj = comp->objs; obj; obj = obj->next) { if (obj->unit && obj->unit != unit) continue; if (obj->convert && obj->convert != convert) continue; draw(comp, obj, m); } }