
require "parser.pl";
require "misc.pl";

sub usage
    print STDERR <<"END";
usage: $0 [-c] [-f|-t] [-r] [-s/from/to/ ...] ...

  -c           generate CSV output (default: generate formatted text)
  -f           generate SMT fab output (default: generate shopping list)
  -r           sort by component reference (default: sort by part number)
  -s/from/to/  substitute description and treat result as reference
  -t           print the total number of items and the total cost.
               -t cannot be combined with -c or -f.

$shop = 1;
$by_pn = 1;
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-./) {
    if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-s/) {
	&usage unless &dsc_xlat_arg($');
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-c") {
	$csv = 1;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-f") {
	$shop = 0;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-r") {
	$by_pn = 0;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-t") {
	$total = 1;
    } else {
    shift @ARGV;

&usage if $total && !$shop;
&usage if $total && $csv;


$out[0][0] = "Pos";
$out[1][0] = "Qty";
$out[2][0] = "P/N";
$out[3][0] = "Description";

if ($shop) {
    $out[4][0] = "Value";
    $out[5][0] = "";
} else {
    $out[4][0] = "Ref";

for (sort { $by_pn ? $a cmp $b : &cmp_cref($order{$a}[3], $order{$b}[3]) }
  keys %order) {
    push(@{ $out[0] }, ++$n);
    push(@{ $out[1] }, $shop ? $order{$_}[0] : @{ $order{$_} }-3);
    @f = split(/\s+/, $_);
    push(@{ $out[2] }, $shop ? $f[1] : "$f[0] $f[1]");
    my $dsc = &dsc_find($_);
    print STDERR "$_: no description\n" unless defined $dsc;
    push(@{ $out[3] }, defined $dsc ? $dsc : "???");
    if ($shop) {
	push(@{ $out[4] }, $order{$_}[1]);
	push(@{ $out[5] }, sprintf("%.2f", $order{$_}[2]));
	$price{$order{$_}[1]} += $order{$_}[2];
    } else {
	my @r = @{ $order{$_} };
	push(@{ $out[4] }, join(", ", @r[3..$#r]));

if ($csv) {
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{ $out[0] }; $i++) {
	for ($j = 0; $j <= $#out; $j++) {
	    print "," if $j;
	    if ($i && $j < 2) {
		print $out[$j][$i];
	    } else {
		my $s = $out[$j][$i];
		$s =~ s/"/''/g;
		print "\"$s\"";
	print "\n";

for (@out) {
    push(@max, 0);
    if (length $_->[0]) {
	$max[$last_pos] = $last_len if defined $last_pos;
	$last_pos = $#max;
	$last_len = length $_->[0];
$i = 0;
for (@out) {
    $first = 1;
    for (@{ $_ }) {
	next if $first-- > 0;
	$max[$i] = length $_ if length $_ > $max[$i];

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{ $out[0] }; $i++) {
    $l = "";
    for ($j = 0; $j != 6; $j++) {
	my $s = $out[$j][$i];;
	$l .= $s if $j == 2 || $j == 3 || $j == 4;
	$l .= " " x ($max[$j]-length $s);
	$l .= $s if $j == 0 || $j == 1 || $j == 5;
	$l .= "  " unless $j == 5;
    $l =~ s/\s*$//;
    print "$l\n";

if ($total) {
    print "$n item".($n == 1 ? "" : "s");
    for (sort keys %price) {
	print ", $_ $price{$_}";
    print "\n";