MASTER = db/all.equ db/all.dsc db/all.inv
PARTS = avx-cersmt johanson-cergp murata-grm panasonic-erj stackpole-rmcf \
        tdk-c yageo-cc yageo-rc

.SECONDARY:		# prevent *.cache from being automatically deleted

.PHONY:			all clean rebuild update spotless count

all:			$(MASTER) \
			  $(PARTS:%=db/%.equ) \
			  $(PARTS:%=db/%.inv) \

db/%.cache:		db/%.equ
			awk '/^#END/ { exit } /^DIGI-KEY / { print $$2 }' $< | \
			  perl ./ query \
			  `[ -r $@ ] && echo '' -i $@` >$(@)_ || \
			  { rm -f $@ $(@)_; exit 1; }
			mv $(@)_ $@

			mkdir -p db

# We need "db" to create the directory. However, this also means that any
# change in the db/ directory triggers a rebuild of all.equ. This is cheap, so
# this is nothing but a small cosmetic issue.

db/all.equ:		db Makefile
			for n in $(PARTS); do echo "include $$n.equ"; done >$@

db/all.inv:		Makefile
			for n in $(PARTS); do echo "include $$n.inv"; done >$@

db/all.dsc:		Makefile
			for n in $(PARTS); do echo "include $$n.dsc"; done >$@

db/%.equ:		%.catq
			perl ./ $< >$@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }

db/%.inv:		db/%.cache
			perl ./ inv $< >$@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }

db/%.dsc:		db/%.cache
			perl ./ dsc $< >$@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }

# --- Cleanup -----------------------------------------------------------------

# We have various levels of cleanup:
# - clean: remove left-over temporary files
# - rebuild: remove everything that can be rebuilt from cached data
# - update: remove the short-lived inventory and pricing cache too
# - again: remove also the long-lived equivalences cache
# "clean" does not disturb use of the database. The run-time cost of recovering
# from "rebuild" is small. What takes a lot of time is "update". The additional
# cost of "spotless" is small again.

			rm -f $(PARTS:%=db/%.cache_)

rebuild:		clean
			rm -f $(MASTER)
			rm -f $(PARTS:%=db/%.inv)
			rm -f $(PARTS:%=db/%.dsc)

update:			rebuild
			rm -f $(PARTS:%=db/%.cache)

spotless:		update
			rm -f $(PARTS:%=db/%.equ)

			grep DIGI-KEY db/*.equ | wc -l