/* * gui_inst.c - GUI, instance functions * * Written 2009 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2009 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "coord.h" #include "inst.h" #include "gui.h" #include "gui_util.h" #include "gui_style.h" #include "gui_inst.h" #define DA GDK_DRAWABLE(ctx->widget->window) /* ----- coordinate translation -------------------------------------------- */ struct coord translate(const struct draw_ctx *ctx, struct coord pos) { pos.x -= ctx->center.x; pos.y -= ctx->center.y; pos.x /= ctx->scale; pos.y /= ctx->scale; pos.y = -pos.y; pos.x += ctx->widget->allocation.width/2; pos.y += ctx->widget->allocation.height/2; //fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", (int) pos.x, (int) pos.y); return pos; } struct coord canvas_to_coord(const struct draw_ctx *ctx, int x, int y) { struct coord pos; x -= ctx->widget->allocation.width/2; y -= ctx->widget->allocation.height/2; y = -y; pos.x = x*ctx->scale+ctx->center.x; pos.y = y*ctx->scale+ctx->center.y; return pos; } /* ----- drawing primitives ------------------------------------------------ */ static void draw_eye(struct draw_ctx *ctx, GdkGC *gc, struct coord center, int r1, int r2) { draw_circle(DA, gc, TRUE, center.x, center.y, r1); draw_circle(DA, gc, FALSE, center.x, center.y, r2); } #define MAX_POINTS 10 static void draw_poly(struct draw_ctx *ctx, GdkGC *gc, int fill, const struct coord *points, int n_points) { GdkPoint gp[MAX_POINTS]; int i; if (n_points > MAX_POINTS) abort(); for (i = 0; i != n_points; i++) { gp[i].x = points[i].x; gp[i].y = points[i].y; } if (fill) gdk_draw_polygon(DA, gc, fill, gp, n_points); else { gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, gp[0].x, gp[0].y, gp[1].x, gp[1].y); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, gp[1].x, gp[1].y, gp[2].x, gp[2].y); } } static void draw_arrow(struct draw_ctx *ctx, GdkGC *gc, int fill, struct coord from, struct coord to, int len, double angle) { struct coord p[3]; struct coord side; if (from.x == to.x && from.y == to.y) { side.x = 0; side.y = -len; } else { side = normalize(sub_vec(to, from), len); } p[0] = add_vec(to, rotate(side, 180-angle)); p[1] = to; p[2] = add_vec(to, rotate(side, 180+angle)); draw_poly(ctx, gc, fill, p, 3); } static enum mode get_mode(struct inst *self) { if (selected_inst == self) return mode_selected; if (self->active) return self->in_path ? mode_active_in_path : mode_active; return self->in_path ? mode_inactive_in_path : mode_inactive; } /* ----- vec --------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_vec(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type d; d = dist_point(pos, self->u.rect.end)/scale; return d > VEC_EYE_R ? -1 : d; } /* * The circles at a vector's tip enjoy the highest selection priority. However, * users will probably also expected a click on a nicely exposed stem to work. * So we give it second look after having exhausted all other options. */ unit_type gui_dist_vec_fallback(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type d; d = dist_line(pos, self->base, self->u.rect.end)/scale; return d > SELECT_R ? -1 : d; } void gui_hover_vec(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord center = translate(ctx, self->u.rect.end); GdkGC *gc; gc = gc_vec[mode_hover]; draw_circle(DA, gc, FALSE, center.x, center.y, VEC_EYE_R); } void gui_highlight_vec(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord center = translate(ctx, self->u.rect.end); draw_circle(DA, gc_highlight, FALSE, center.x, center.y, VEC_EYE_R); } void gui_draw_vec(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord from = translate(ctx, self->base); struct coord to = translate(ctx, self->u.rect.end); GdkGC *gc; gc = gc_vec[get_mode(self)]; draw_arrow(ctx, gc, TRUE, from, to, VEC_ARROW_LEN, VEC_ARROW_ANGLE); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y); draw_circle(DA, gc, FALSE, to.x, to.y, VEC_EYE_R); } /* ----- line -------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_line(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type r, d; r = self->u.rect.width/scale/2; if (r < SELECT_R) r = SELECT_R; d = dist_line(pos, self->base, self->u.rect.end)/scale; return d > r ? -1 : d; } void gui_draw_line(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord min = translate(ctx, self->base); struct coord max = translate(ctx, self->u.rect.end); GdkGC *gc; gc = gc_obj[get_mode(self)]; set_width(gc, self->u.rect.width/ctx->scale); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y); } /* ----- rect -------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_rect(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type r, d; r = self->u.rect.width/scale/2; if (r < SELECT_R) r = SELECT_R; d = dist_rect(pos, self->base, self->u.rect.end)/scale; return d > r ? -1 : d; } void gui_draw_rect(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord min = translate(ctx, self->base); struct coord max = translate(ctx, self->u.rect.end); GdkGC *gc; sort_coord(&min, &max); gc = gc_obj[get_mode(self)]; set_width(gc, self->u.rect.width/ctx->scale); gdk_draw_rectangle(DA, gc, FALSE, min.x, min.y, max.x-min.x, max.y-min.y); } /* ----- pad --------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_pad(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type d; if (inside_rect(pos, self->base, self->u.pad.other)) return SELECT_R; d = dist_rect(pos, self->base, self->u.pad.other)/scale; return d > SELECT_R ? -1 : d; } void gui_draw_pad(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord min = translate(ctx, self->base); struct coord max = translate(ctx, self->u.pad.other); GdkGC *gc; struct coord c; unit_type h, w; gc = gc_pad[get_mode(self)]; sort_coord(&min, &max); gdk_draw_rectangle(DA, gc, TRUE, min.x, min.y, max.x-min.x, max.y-min.y); gc = gc_ptext[get_mode(self)]; c = add_vec(min, max); h = max.y-min.y; w = max.x-min.x; render_text(DA, gc, c.x/2, c.y/2, w <= h*1.1 ? 0 : 90, self->u.pad.name, PAD_FONT, 0.5, 0.5, w-2*PAD_BORDER, h-2*PAD_BORDER); } /* ----- arc --------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_arc(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { struct coord c = self->base; struct coord p; unit_type r, d_min, d; double angle, a1, a2; r = self->u.arc.width/scale/2; if (r < SELECT_R) r = SELECT_R; /* check endpoints */ p = rotate_r(c, self->u.arc.r, self->u.arc.a1); d_min = hypot(pos.x-p.x, pos.y-p.y); p = rotate_r(c, self->u.arc.r, self->u.arc.a2); d = hypot(pos.x-p.x, pos.y-p.y); if (d < d_min) d_min = d; if (d_min/scale <= r) return d; /* distance from the circle containing the arc */ d = dist_circle(pos, c, self->u.arc.r)/scale; if (d > r) return -1; if (self->u.arc.a1 == self->u.arc.a2) return d; /* see if we're close to the part that's actually drawn */ angle = theta(c, pos); a1 = self->u.arc.a1; a2 = self->u.arc.a2; if (angle < 0) angle += 360; if (a2 < a1) a2 += 360; if (angle < a1) angle += 360; return angle >= a1 && angle <= a2 ? d : -1; } void gui_draw_arc(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord center = translate(ctx, self->base); GdkGC *gc; gc = gc_obj[get_mode(self)]; set_width(gc, self->u.arc.width/ctx->scale); draw_arc(DA, gc, FALSE, center.x, center.y, self->u.arc.r/ctx->scale, self->u.arc.a1, self->u.arc.a2); } /* ----- meas -------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct coord offset_vec(struct coord a, struct coord b, const struct inst *self) { struct coord res; double f; res.x = a.y-b.y; res.y = b.x-a.x; if (res.x == 0 && res.y == 0) return res; f = self->u.meas.offset/hypot(res.x, res.y); res.x *= f; res.y *= f; return res; } unit_type gui_dist_meas(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { struct coord a, b, off; unit_type d; off = offset_vec(self->base, self->u.meas.end, self); a = add_vec(self->base, off); b = add_vec(self->u.meas.end, off); d = dist_line(pos, a, b)/scale; return d > SELECT_R ? -1 : d; } void gui_draw_meas(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord a0, b0, a1, b1, off, c, d; GdkGC *gc; double len; const char *label = self->u.meas.meas ? self->u.meas.meas->label ? self->u.meas.meas->label : "" : ""; char *s; a0 = translate(ctx, self->base); b0 = translate(ctx, self->u.meas.end); a1 = self->base; b1 = self->u.meas.end; switch (self->u.meas.meas ? self->u.meas.meas->type : mt_xy_next) { case mt_xy_next: case mt_xy_max: break; case mt_x_next: case mt_x_max: b1.y = a1.y; break; case mt_y_next: case mt_y_max: b1.x = a1.x; break; default: abort(); } off = offset_vec(a1, b1, self); len = units_to_mm(dist_point(a1, b1)); a1 = translate(ctx, add_vec(a1, off)); b1 = translate(ctx, add_vec(b1, off)); gc = gc_meas[get_mode(self)]; gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, a0.x, a0.y, a1.x, a1.y); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, b0.x, b0.y, b1.x, b1.y); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, a1.x, a1.y, b1.x, b1.y); draw_arrow(ctx, gc, FALSE, a1, b1, MEAS_ARROW_LEN, MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE); draw_arrow(ctx, gc, FALSE, b1, a1, MEAS_ARROW_LEN, MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE); c = add_vec(a1, b1); d = sub_vec(b1, a1); s = stralloc_printf("%s%lgmm", label, len); render_text(DA, gc, c.x/2, c.y/2, -atan2(d.y, d.x)/M_PI*180, s, MEAS_FONT, 0.5, -MEAS_BASELINE_OFFSET, dist_point(a1, b1)-1.5*MEAS_ARROW_LEN, 0); free(s); } /* ----- frame ------------------------------------------------------------- */ unit_type gui_dist_frame_eye(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type d; d = dist_point(pos, self->base)/scale; return d > FRAME_EYE_R2 ? -1 : d; } static unit_type dist_from_corner_line(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, struct coord vec, unit_type scale) { struct coord ref; ref.x = self->bbox.min.x; ref.y = self->bbox.max.y; return dist_line(pos, ref, add_vec(ref, vec))/scale; } unit_type gui_dist_frame(struct inst *self, struct coord pos, unit_type scale) { unit_type d_min, d; struct coord vec; d_min = dist_point(pos, self->base)/scale; vec.x = FRAME_SHORT_X*scale; vec.y = 0; d = dist_from_corner_line(self, pos, vec, scale); if (d < d_min) d_min = d; vec.x = 0; vec.y = FRAME_SHORT_Y*scale; d = dist_from_corner_line(self, pos, vec, scale); if (d < d_min) d_min = d; return d_min > SELECT_R ? -1 : d_min; } void gui_hover_frame(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord center = translate(ctx, self->base); GdkGC *gc; gc = gc_frame[mode_hover]; draw_circle(DA, gc, FALSE, center.x, center.y, FRAME_EYE_R2); } void gui_draw_frame(struct inst *self, struct draw_ctx *ctx) { struct coord center = translate(ctx, self->base); struct coord corner = { self->bbox.min.x, self->bbox.max.y }; GdkGC *gc; gc = self->u.frame.active ? gc_active_frame : gc_frame[get_mode(self)]; draw_eye(ctx, gc, center, FRAME_EYE_R1, FRAME_EYE_R2); if (!self->u.frame.ref->name) return; corner = translate(ctx, corner); corner.x -= FRAME_CLEARANCE; corner.y -= FRAME_CLEARANCE; gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, corner.x, corner.y, corner.x+FRAME_SHORT_X, corner.y); gdk_draw_line(DA, gc, corner.x, corner.y, corner.x, corner.y+FRAME_SHORT_Y); render_text(DA, gc, corner.x, corner.y, 0, self->u.frame.ref->name, FRAME_FONT, 0, -FRAME_BASELINE_OFFSET, 0, 0); }