/* * layer.c - PCB layers on a pad * * Written 2009-2011 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2009-2011 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ /* * We don't reject solder paste pads that don't cover anything yet. * That way, things can be constructed step by step without getting blue * screens all the time. */ #include #include "error.h" #include "overlap.h" #include "inst.h" #include "obj.h" #include "layer.h" /* * Shorthands for the layers we use in a general sense. */ #define LAYER_COPPER_TOP (1 << layer_top) #define LAYER_PASTE_TOP (1 << layer_paste_top) #define LAYER_MASK_TOP (1 << layer_mask_top) #define LAYER_COPPER_BOTTOM (1 << layer_bottom) #define LAYER_PASTE_BOTTOM (1 << layer_paste_bottom) #define LAYER_MASK_BOTTOM (1 << layer_mask_bottom) /* ----- Conversion between pad types and layer sets ----------------------- */ layer_type pad_type_to_layers(enum pad_type type) { layer_type layers = 0; switch (type) { case pt_normal: layers = LAYER_PASTE_TOP; /* fall through */ case pt_bare: layers |= LAYER_COPPER_TOP | LAYER_MASK_TOP; break; case pt_trace: layers |= LAYER_COPPER_TOP; break; case pt_paste: layers = LAYER_PASTE_TOP; break; case pt_mask: layers = LAYER_MASK_TOP; break; default: abort(); } return layers; } enum pad_type layers_to_pad_type(layer_type layers) { if (layers & LAYER_COPPER_TOP) { if (layers & LAYER_PASTE_TOP) return pt_normal; if (layers & LAYER_MASK_TOP) return pt_bare; return pt_trace; } else { if (layers & LAYER_PASTE_TOP) return pt_paste; if (layers & LAYER_MASK_TOP) return pt_mask; abort(); } } /* ----- layers in mechanical holes ---------------------------------------- */ layer_type mech_hole_layers(void) { return LAYER_PASTE_TOP | LAYER_PASTE_BOTTOM | LAYER_MASK_TOP | LAYER_MASK_BOTTOM; } /* ----- Refine layers after instantiation --------------------------------- */ static int refine_overlapping(struct inst *copper, struct inst *other) { if (other->u.pad.layers & LAYER_PASTE_TOP) { copper->u.pad.layers &= ~LAYER_PASTE_TOP; if (!inside(other, copper)) { fail("solder paste without copper underneath " "(\"%s\" line %d, \"%s\" line %d)", copper->u.pad.name, copper->obj->lineno, other->u.pad.name, other->obj->lineno); instantiation_error = other->obj; return 0; } } if (other->u.pad.layers & LAYER_MASK_TOP) copper->u.pad.layers &= ~LAYER_MASK_TOP; return 1; } static int refine_copper(const struct pkg *pkg_copper, struct inst *copper, enum allow_overlap allow) { const struct pkg *pkg; struct inst *other; for (pkg = pkgs; pkg; pkg = pkg->next) { /* * Pads in distinct packages can happily coexist. */ if (pkg != pkgs && pkg_copper != pkgs && pkg_copper != pkg) continue; for (other = pkg->insts[ip_pad_copper]; other; other = other->next) if (copper != other && overlap(copper, other, allow)) { fail("overlapping copper pads " "(\"%s\" line %d, \"%s\" line %d)", copper->u.pad.name, copper->obj->lineno, other->u.pad.name, other->obj->lineno); instantiation_error = copper->obj; return 0; } for (other = pkg->insts[ip_pad_special]; other; other = other->next) if (overlap(copper, other, ao_none)) if (!refine_overlapping(copper, other)) return 0; } return 1; } static void mirror_layers(layer_type *layers) { if (*layers & LAYER_COPPER_TOP) *layers |= LAYER_COPPER_BOTTOM; if (*layers & LAYER_PASTE_TOP) *layers |= LAYER_PASTE_BOTTOM; if (*layers & LAYER_MASK_TOP) *layers |= LAYER_MASK_BOTTOM; } int refine_layers(enum allow_overlap allow) { const struct pkg *pkg; struct inst *copper; for (pkg = pkgs; pkg; pkg = pkg->next) for (copper = pkg->insts[ip_pad_copper]; copper; copper = copper->next) { if (!refine_copper(pkg, copper, allow)) return 0; if (copper->u.pad.hole) mirror_layers(&copper->u.pad.layers); } return 1; }