/* * expr.c - Expressions and values * * Written 2009, 2010, 2012 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2009, 2010, 2012 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include "util.h" #include "error.h" #include "obj.h" #include "unparse.h" #include "fpd.h" #include "expr.h" struct num undef = { .type = nt_none }; /* ----- error reporting --------------------------------------------------- */ void fail_expr(const struct expr *expr) { char *s; s = unparse(expr); fail("in \"%s\" at line %d", s, expr->lineno); free(s); } /* ----- unit conversion --------------------------------------------------- */ /* * If an expression contains a typo, we may get large exponents. Thus, we just * "sprintf" in order to be able to handle any integer. Since the number of * different exponents in a session will still be small, we use "unique" to * give us a constant string, so that we don't have to worry about memory * allocation. */ const char *str_unit(struct num n) { const char *unit; char buf[20]; /* @@@ plenty */ if (n.exponent == 0) return ""; switch (n.type) { case nt_mm: unit = "mm"; break; case nt_mil: unit = "mil"; break; default: abort(); } if (n.exponent == 1) return unit; sprintf(buf, "%s^%d", unit, n.exponent); return unique(buf); } int to_unit(struct num *n) { if (!is_distance(*n)) { fail("%s^%d is not a distance", n->type == nt_mm ? "mm" : n->type == nt_mil ? "mil" : "?", n->exponent); return 0; } switch (n->type) { case nt_mil: n->n = mil_to_units(n->n); break; case nt_mm: n->n = mm_to_units(n->n); break; default: abort(); } return 1; } /* ----- primary expressions ----------------------------------------------- */ struct num op_string(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { fail("cannot evaluate string"); return undef; } struct num op_num(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { return self->u.num; } /* * We have two modes of operation: during instantiation and editing, after * instantiation. During instantiation, we follow curr_row and curr_parent. * These pointers are NULL when instantiation finishes, and we use this as a * signal that we're now in editing mode. In editing mode, the "active" values * are used instead of the "current" ones. */ struct num eval_var(const struct frame *frame, const char *name) { const struct table *table; const struct loop *loop; const struct value *value; struct var *var; struct num res; for (table = frame->tables; table; table = table->next) { value = table->curr_row ? table->curr_row->values : table->active_row->values; for (var = table->vars; var; var = var->next) { if (var->name == name) { if (var->visited) { fail("recursive evaluation through " "\"%s\"", name); return undef; } var->visited = 1; res = eval_num(value->expr, frame); var->visited = 0; return res; } value = value->next; } } for (loop = frame->loops; loop; loop = loop->next) if (loop->var.name == name) { if (loop->curr_value == UNDEF) return make_num(loop->n+loop->active); if (!loop->initialized) { fail("uninitialized loop \"%s\"", name); return undef; } return make_num(loop->curr_value); } if (frame->curr_parent) return eval_var(frame->curr_parent, name); if (frame->active_ref) return eval_var(frame->active_ref->frame, name); return undef; } static const char *eval_string_var(const struct frame *frame, const char *name) { const struct table *table; const struct loop *loop; const struct value *value; struct var *var; const char *res; for (table = frame->tables; table; table = table->next) { value = table->curr_row ? table->curr_row->values : table->active_row->values; for (var = table->vars; var; var = var->next) { if (var->name == name) { if (var->visited) return NULL; var->visited = 1; res = eval_str(value->expr, frame); var->visited = 0; return res; } value = value->next; } } for (loop = frame->loops; loop; loop = loop->next) if (loop->var.name == name) return NULL; if (frame->curr_parent) return eval_string_var(frame->curr_parent, name); if (frame->active_ref) return eval_string_var(frame->active_ref->frame, name); return NULL; } struct num op_var(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { struct num res; res = eval_var(frame, self->u.var); if (is_undef(res)) fail("undefined variable \"%s\"", self->u.var); return res; } /* ----- arithmetic -------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct num compatible_sum(struct num *a, struct num *b) { struct num res; if (a->type != b->type) { if (a->type == nt_mil) { a->type = nt_mm; a->n = mil_to_mm(a->n, a->exponent); } if (b->type == nt_mil) { b->type = nt_mm; b->n = mil_to_mm(b->n, a->exponent); } } if (a->exponent != b->exponent) { fail("incompatible exponents (%d, %d)", a->exponent, b->exponent); return undef; } res.type = a->type; res.exponent = a->exponent; res.n = 0; /* keep gcc happy */ return res; } static struct num compatible_mult(struct num *a, struct num *b, int exponent) { struct num res; if (a->type != b->type) { if (a->type == nt_mil) { a->type = nt_mm; a->n = mil_to_mm(a->n, a->exponent); } if (b->type == nt_mil) { b->type = nt_mm; b->n = mil_to_mm(b->n, b->exponent); } } res.type = a->type; res.exponent = exponent; res.n = 0; /* keep gcc happy */ return res; } static struct num sin_cos(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame, double (*fn)(double arg)) { struct num res; res = eval_num(self->u.op.a, frame); if (is_undef(res)) return undef; if (!is_dimensionless(res)) { fail("angle must be dimensionless"); return undef; } res.n = fn(res.n/180.0*M_PI); return res; } struct num op_sin(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { return sin_cos(self, frame, sin); } struct num op_cos(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { return sin_cos(self, frame, cos); } struct num op_sqrt(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { struct num res; res = eval_num(self->u.op.a, frame); if (is_undef(res)) return undef; if (res.exponent & 1) { fail("exponent of sqrt argument must be a multiple of two"); return undef; } if (res.n < 0) { fail("argument of sqrt must be positive"); return undef; } res.n = sqrt(res.n); res.exponent >>= 1; return res; } struct num op_minus(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { struct num res; res = eval_num(self->u.op.a, frame); if (!is_undef(res)) res.n = -res.n; return res; } struct num op_floor(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { struct num res; res = eval_num(self->u.op.a, frame); if (!is_undef(res)) res.n = floor(res.n); return res; } #define BINARY \ struct num a, b, res; \ \ a = eval_num(self->u.op.a, frame); \ if (is_undef(a)) \ return undef; \ b = eval_num(self->u.op.b, frame); \ if (is_undef(b)) \ return undef; struct num op_add(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { BINARY; res = compatible_sum(&a, &b); if (is_undef(res)) return undef; res.n = a.n+b.n; return res; } struct num op_sub(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { BINARY; res = compatible_sum(&a, &b); if (is_undef(res)) return undef; res.n = a.n-b.n; return res; } struct num op_mult(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { BINARY; res = compatible_mult(&a, &b, a.exponent+b.exponent); res.n = a.n*b.n; return res; } struct num op_div(const struct expr *self, const struct frame *frame) { BINARY; if (!b.n) { fail("division by zero"); return undef; } res = compatible_mult(&a, &b, a.exponent-b.exponent); res.n = a.n/b.n; return res; } /* ----- expression construction ------------------------------------------- */ struct expr *new_op(op_type op) { struct expr *expr; expr = alloc_type(struct expr); expr->op = op; expr->lineno = lineno; return expr; } struct expr *binary_op(op_type op, struct expr *a, struct expr *b) { struct expr *expr; expr = new_op(op); expr->u.op.a = a; expr->u.op.b = b; return expr; } const char *eval_str(const struct expr *expr, const struct frame *frame) { if (expr->op == op_string) return expr->u.str; if (expr->op == op_var) return eval_string_var(frame, expr->u.var); return NULL; } struct num eval_num(const struct expr *expr, const struct frame *frame) { return expr->op(expr, frame); } /* ----- string expansion -------------------------------------------------- */ char *expand(const char *name, const struct frame *frame) { int len = strlen(name); char *buf = alloc_size(len+1); char num_buf[100]; /* enough :-) */ const char *s, *s0; char *var; const char *var_unique, *value_string; struct num value; int i, value_len; i = 0; for (s = name; *s; s++) { if (*s != '$') { buf[i++] = *s; continue; } s0 = ++s; if (*s != '{') { while (is_id_char(*s, s == s0)) s++; if (s == s0) { if (*s) { goto invalid; } else { fail("incomplete variable name"); goto fail; } } var = strnalloc(s0, s-s0); len -= s-s0+1; s--; } else { s++; while (*s != '}') { if (!*s) { fail("unfinished \"${...}\""); goto fail; } if (!is_id_char(*s, s == s0+1)) goto invalid; s++; } var = strnalloc(s0+1, s-s0-1); len -= s-s0+2; } if (!frame) continue; var_unique = unique(var); free(var); value_string = eval_string_var(frame, var_unique); if (value_string) { value_len = strlen(value_string); } else { value = eval_var(frame, var_unique); if (is_undef(value)) { fail("undefined variable \"%s\"", var_unique); goto fail; } value_len = snprintf(num_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "%lg%s", value.n, str_unit(value)); value_string = num_buf; } len += value_len; buf = realloc(buf, len+1); if (!buf) abort(); strcpy(buf+i, value_string); i += value_len; } buf[i] = 0; return buf; invalid: fail("invalid character in variable name"); fail: free(buf); return NULL; } /* ----- make a number -----------------------------------------------------*/ struct expr *new_num(struct num num) { struct expr *expr; expr = new_op(op_num); expr->u.num = num; return expr; } /* ----- expression-only parser -------------------------------------------- */ struct expr *parse_expr(const char *s) { scan_expr(s); return yyparse() ? NULL : expr_result; } static void vacate_op(struct expr *expr) { if (expr->op == op_num || expr->op == op_var) return; if (expr->op == op_string) { free(expr->u.str); return; } if (expr->op == op_minus || expr->op == op_floor || expr->op == op_sin || expr->op == op_cos || expr->op == op_sqrt) { free_expr(expr->u.op.a); return; } if (expr->op == op_add || expr->op == op_sub || expr->op == op_mult || expr->op == op_div) { free_expr(expr->u.op.a); free_expr(expr->u.op.b); return; } abort(); } void free_expr(struct expr *expr) { vacate_op(expr); free(expr); } /* ----- [var =] value, ... shortcuts -------------------------------------- */ int parse_var(const char *s, const char **id, struct value **values, int max_values) { const struct value *value; int n; scan_var(s); if (yyparse()) return -1; if (id) *id = var_id; *values = var_value_list; n = 0; for (value = var_value_list; value; value = value->next) n++; if (max_values == -1 || n <= max_values) return n; free_values(var_value_list, 0); return -1; } int parse_values(const char *s, struct value **values) { const struct value *value; int n; scan_values(s); if (yyparse()) return -1; *values = var_value_list; n = 0; for (value = var_value_list; value; value = value->next) n++; return n; } void free_values(struct value *values, int keep_expr) { struct value *next; while (values) { next = values->next; if (!keep_expr) free_expr(values->expr); free(values); values = next; } }