/* * postscript.c - Dump objects in Postscript * * Written 2009-2012 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2009-2012 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "coord.h" #include "layer.h" #include "obj.h" #include "inst.h" #include "unparse.h" #include "gui_status.h" #include "gui_inst.h" #include "postscript.h" /* * A4 is 210 mm x 297 mm * US Letter is 216 mm x 279 mm * * We pick the smallest dimensions minus a bit of slack and center on the * printer page. */ #define PAGE_HALF_WIDTH mm_to_units(210/2.0-10) /* A4 */ #define PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT mm_to_units(279/2.0-15) /* US Letter */ /* * Page layout: * * HEADER DATE * --------------------------- HEADER_HEIGHT+DIVIDER_BORDER below top * | * | 2x * 10 x |<------------- roughly at 10/12 * | 1x * | * --------------------------- 50% height * Frames in boxes * */ #define PS_HEADER_HEIGHT mm_to_units(8) #define PS_DIVIDER_BORDER mm_to_units(2) #define PS_DIVIDER_WIDTH mm_to_units(0.5) #define PS_MISC_TEXT_HEIGHT mm_to_units(3) #define PS_DOT_DIST mm_to_units(0.03) #define PS_DOT_DIAM mm_to_units(0.01) #define PS_HATCH mm_to_units(0.1) #define PS_HATCH_LINE mm_to_units(0.015) #define PS_STRIPE mm_to_units(0.08) #define PS_RIM_LINE mm_to_units(0.02) #define PS_FONT_OUTLINE mm_to_units(0.025) #define PS_VEC_LINE mm_to_units(0.02) #define PS_VEC_ARROW_LEN mm_to_units(0.3) #define PS_VEC_ARROW_ANGLE 20 #define PS_VEC_TEXT_HEIGHT mm_to_units(3) /* ~8.5 pt, real mm */ #define PS_VEC_BASE_OFFSET mm_to_units(0.5) /* real mm */ #define PS_MEAS_LINE mm_to_units(0.1) /* real mm */ #define PS_MEAS_ARROW_LEN mm_to_units(0.15) #define PS_MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE 30 #define PS_MEAS_TEXT_HEIGHT mm_to_units(3) /* ~8.5 pt, real mm */ #define PS_MEAS_BASE_OFFSET mm_to_units(0.5) /* real mm */ #define PS_MEAS_MIN_HEIGHT (PS_MEAS_TEXT_HEIGHT/2) #define PS_CROSS_WIDTH mm_to_units(0.01) #define PS_CROSS_DASH mm_to_units(0.1) #define TEXT_HEIGHT_FACTOR 1.5 /* height/width of typical text */ struct postscript_params postscript_params = { .zoom = 0, .show_pad_names = 1, .show_stuff = 0, .label_vecs = 0, .show_meas = 1, }; static const struct postscript_params minimal_params; static struct postscript_params active_params; /* ----- Boxes ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct box { unit_type x, y; /* width and height */ unit_type x0, y0; /* lower left corner */ struct box *next; } *boxes = NULL; static void add_box(unit_type xa, unit_type ya, unit_type xb, unit_type yb) { struct box *box; box = alloc_type(struct box); box->x = xb-xa; box->y = yb-ya; box->x0 = xa; box->y0 = ya; box->next = boxes; boxes = box; } static void free_boxes(void) { struct box *next; while (boxes) { next = boxes->next; free(boxes); boxes = next; } } static int get_box(unit_type x, unit_type y, unit_type *xa, unit_type *ya) { struct box **box, **best = NULL; struct box *b; double size, best_size; for (box = &boxes; *box; box = &(*box)->next) { if ((*box)->x < x || (*box)->y < y) continue; size = (double) (*box)->x*(*box)->y; if (!best || size < best_size) { best = box; best_size = size; } } if (!best) return 0; b = *best; if (xa) *xa = b->x0; if (ya) *ya = b->y0+b->y-y; *best = b->next; add_box(b->x0+x, b->y0, b->x0+b->x, b->y0+b->y); add_box(b->x0, b->y0, b->x0+x, b->y0+b->y-y); free(b); return 1; } /* ----- Helper functions -------------------------------------------------- */ static void ps_string(FILE *file, const char *s) { fputc('(', file); while (*s) { if (*s == '(' || *s == ')' || *s == '\\') fputc('\\', file); fputc(*s, file); s++; } fputc(')', file); } /* ----- Items ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ps_pad_name(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { struct coord a = inst->base; struct coord b = inst->u.pad.other; const char *s; unit_type h, w; for (s = inst->u.pad.name; *s == ' '; s++); if (!*s) return; h = a.y-b.y; w = a.x-b.x; if (h < 0) h = -h; if (w < 0) w = -w; fprintf(file, "0 setgray /Helvetica-Bold findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, inst->u.pad.name); fprintf(file, " %d %d\n", w/2, h/2); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", (a.x+b.x)/2, (a.y+b.y)/2); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, inst->u.pad.name); fprintf(file, " center %d showoutlined newpath\n", PS_FONT_OUTLINE); } static const char *hatch(layer_type layers) { switch (layers_to_pad_type(layers)) { case pt_normal: return "crosspath"; case pt_bare: return "hatchpath"; case pt_paste: return "backhatchpath"; case pt_mask: return "dotpath"; case pt_trace: return "horpath"; default: abort(); } } static void ps_pad(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst, int show_name) { struct coord a = inst->base; struct coord b = inst->u.pad.other; fprintf(file, "0 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", PS_HATCH_LINE); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", a.x, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b.x, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b.x, b.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", a.x, b.y); fprintf(file, " closepath gsave %s grestore stroke\n", hatch(inst->u.pad.layers)); if (show_name && !inst->u.pad.hole) ps_pad_name(file, inst); } static void ps_rounded_rect(FILE *file, struct coord a, struct coord b) { unit_type h, w, r; sort_coord(&a, &b); h = b.y-a.y; w = b.x-a.x; if (h > w) { r = w/2; fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", b.x, b.y-r); fprintf(file, " %d %d %d 0 180 arc\n", a.x+r, b.y-r, r); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", a.x, a.y+r); fprintf(file, " %d %d %d 180 360 arc\n", a.x+r, a.y+r, r); } else { r = h/2; fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", b.x-r, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d %d -90 90 arc\n", b.x-r, a.y+r, r); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", a.x+r, b.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d %d 90 270 arc\n", a.x+r, a.y+r, r); } } static void ps_rpad(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst, int show_name) { fprintf(file, "0 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", PS_HATCH_LINE); ps_rounded_rect(file, inst->base, inst->u.pad.other); fprintf(file, " closepath gsave %s grestore stroke\n", hatch(inst->u.pad.layers)); if (show_name && !inst->u.pad.hole) ps_pad_name(file, inst); } static void ps_hole(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst, int show_name) { fprintf(file, "1 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", PS_RIM_LINE); ps_rounded_rect(file, inst->base, inst->u.hole.other); fprintf(file, " closepath gsave fill grestore\n"); fprintf(file, " 0 setgray stroke\n"); if (show_name && inst->u.hole.pad) ps_pad_name(file, inst->u.hole.pad); } static void ps_line(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { struct coord a = inst->base; struct coord b = inst->u.rect.end; fprintf(file, "1 setlinecap 0.5 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", inst->u.rect.width); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto %d %d lineto stroke\n", a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); } static void ps_rect(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { struct coord a = inst->base; struct coord b = inst->u.rect.end; fprintf(file, "1 setlinecap 0.5 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", inst->u.rect.width); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", a.x, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b.x, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b.x, b.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", a.x, b.y); fprintf(file, " closepath stroke\n"); } static void ps_arc(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { double a1, a2; a1 = inst->u.arc.a1; a2 = inst->u.arc.a2; if (a2 <= a1) a2 += 360; fprintf(file, "1 setlinecap 0.5 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", inst->u.arc.width); fprintf(file, " newpath %d %d %d %f %f arc stroke\n", inst->base.x, inst->base.y, inst->u.arc.r, a1, a2); } static void ps_frame(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { } static void ps_arrow(FILE *file, struct coord from, struct coord to, int len, int angle) { struct coord side, p; if (from.x == to.x && from.y == to.y) { side.x = 0; side.y = -len; } else { side = normalize(sub_vec(to, from), len); } p = add_vec(to, rotate(side, 180-angle)); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", p.x, p.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", to.x, to.y); p = add_vec(to, rotate(side, 180+angle)); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", p.x, p.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", to.x, to.y); fprintf(file, " stroke\n"); } static void ps_vec(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { struct coord a, b, c, d; char *s, *sx, *sy; a = inst->base; b = inst->u.vec.end; fprintf(file, "1 setlinecap 0 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", PS_VEC_LINE); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", a.x, a.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b.x, b.y); fprintf(file, " stroke\n"); ps_arrow(file, a, b, PS_VEC_ARROW_LEN, PS_VEC_ARROW_ANGLE); if (!active_params.label_vecs) return; sx = unparse(inst->vec->x); sy = unparse(inst->vec->y); s = stralloc_printf("(%s, %s)", sx, sy); free(sx); free(sy); c = add_vec(a, b); d = sub_vec(b, a); fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d moveto\n", c.x/2, c.y/2); fprintf(file, " /Helvetica-Bold findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d %d realsize\n", (int) (dist_point(a, b)-2*PS_VEC_ARROW_LEN), PS_VEC_TEXT_HEIGHT); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " %f rotate\n", atan2(d.y, d.x)/M_PI*180); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d realsize pop 0 hcenter\n", PS_VEC_BASE_OFFSET); fprintf(file, " show grestore\n"); free(s); } /* ----- Measurements ------------------------------------------------------ */ static unit_type guesstimate_text_height(const char *s, unit_type width, double zoom) { return width/strlen(s)*TEXT_HEIGHT_FACTOR*zoom; } static void ps_meas(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst, enum curr_unit unit, double zoom) { struct coord a0, b0, a1, b1; struct coord c, d; char *s; unit_type height, width, offset; a0 = inst->base; b0 = inst->u.meas.end; project_meas(inst, &a1, &b1); fprintf(file, "1 setlinecap 0 setgray %d realsize setlinewidth\n", PS_MEAS_LINE); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", a0.x, a0.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", a1.x, a1.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b1.x, b1.y); fprintf(file, " %d %d lineto\n", b0.x, b0.y); fprintf(file, " stroke\n"); ps_arrow(file, a1, b1, PS_MEAS_ARROW_LEN, PS_MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE); ps_arrow(file, b1, a1, PS_MEAS_ARROW_LEN, PS_MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE); s = format_len(inst->obj->u.meas.label ? inst->obj->u.meas.label : "", dist_point(a1, b1), unit); c = add_vec(a1, b1); d = sub_vec(b1, a1); /* * First try: put text between the arrows */ width = dist_point(a1, b1)-1.5*PS_MEAS_ARROW_LEN; offset = PS_MEAS_BASE_OFFSET; height = 0; if (guesstimate_text_height(s, width, zoom) < PS_MEAS_MIN_HEIGHT) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%s -> width %d height %d vs. %d\n", s, width, guesstimate_text_height(s, width, zoom), PS_MEAS_MIN_HEIGHT); #endif /* * Second try: push it above the arrows */ width = dist_point(a1, b1); offset += PS_MEAS_ARROW_LEN*sin(PS_MEAS_ARROW_ANGLE*M_PI/180)*zoom; if (guesstimate_text_height(s, width, zoom) < PS_MEAS_MIN_HEIGHT) { height = PS_MEAS_MIN_HEIGHT; width = strlen(s)*height; } } if (height) { fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d moveto\n", c.x/2, c.y/2); fprintf(file, " /Helvetica-Bold findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d realsize %d realsize\n", width, height); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " %f rotate\n", atan2(d.y, d.x)/M_PI*180); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d realsize hcenter\n", offset); fprintf(file, " show grestore\n"); } else { fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d moveto\n", c.x/2, c.y/2); fprintf(file, " /Helvetica-Bold findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d %d realsize\n", width, PS_MEAS_TEXT_HEIGHT); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " %f rotate\n", atan2(d.y, d.x)/M_PI*180); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d realsize hcenter\n", offset); fprintf(file, " show grestore\n"); } free(s); } /* ----- Print layers ------------------------------------------------------ */ static void ps_background(FILE *file, enum inst_prio prio, const struct inst *inst) { switch (prio) { case ip_line: ps_line(file, inst); break; case ip_rect: ps_rect(file, inst); break; case ip_circ: case ip_arc: ps_arc(file, inst); break; default: break; } } static void ps_foreground(FILE *file, enum inst_prio prio, const struct inst *inst, double zoom) { switch (prio) { case ip_pad_copper: case ip_pad_special: if (inst->obj->u.pad.rounded) ps_rpad(file, inst, active_params.show_pad_names); else ps_pad(file, inst, active_params.show_pad_names); break; case ip_hole: ps_hole(file, inst, active_params.show_pad_names); break; case ip_vec: if (active_params.show_stuff) ps_vec(file, inst); break; case ip_frame: if (active_params.show_stuff) ps_frame(file, inst); break; case ip_meas: if (active_params.show_meas) ps_meas(file, inst, curr_unit, zoom); break; default: break; } } /* ----- Package level ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void ps_cross(FILE *file, const struct inst *inst) { fprintf(file, "gsave 0 setgray %d setlinewidth\n", PS_CROSS_WIDTH); fprintf(file, " [%d] 0 setdash\n", PS_CROSS_DASH); fprintf(file, " %d 0 moveto %d 0 lineto\n", inst->bbox.min.x, inst->bbox.max.x); fprintf(file, " 0 %d moveto 0 %d lineto\n", inst->bbox.min.y, inst->bbox.max.y); fprintf(file, " stroke grestore\n"); } static void ps_draw_package(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, double zoom, int cross) { enum inst_prio prio; const struct inst *inst; fprintf(file, "gsave %f dup scale\n", zoom); if (cross) ps_cross(file, pkgs->insts[ip_frame]); FOR_INST_PRIOS_UP(prio) { FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkgs, prio, inst) ps_background(file, prio, inst); FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkg, prio, inst) ps_background(file, prio, inst); } FOR_INST_PRIOS_UP(prio) { FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkgs, prio, inst) ps_foreground(file, prio, inst, zoom); FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkg, prio, inst) ps_foreground(file, prio, inst, zoom); } fprintf(file, "grestore\n"); } /* ----- Object frames ----------------------------------------------------- */ static void ps_draw_frame(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, const struct inst *outer, double zoom) { enum inst_prio prio; const struct inst *inst; fprintf(file, "gsave %f dup scale\n", zoom); ps_cross(file, outer); FOR_INST_PRIOS_UP(prio) { FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkgs, prio, inst) if (inst->outer == outer) ps_background(file, prio, inst); FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkg, prio, inst) if (inst->outer == outer) ps_background(file, prio, inst); } FOR_INST_PRIOS_UP(prio) { FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkgs, prio, inst) if (inst->outer == outer) ps_foreground(file, prio, inst, zoom); FOR_PKG_INSTS(pkg, prio, inst) if (inst->outer == outer) ps_foreground(file, prio, inst, zoom); } fprintf(file, "grestore\n"); } static int generate_frames(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, const struct frame *frame, double zoom) { const struct inst *inst; unit_type x, y, xa, ya; unit_type cx, cy, border; int ok; /* * This doesn't work yet. The whole idea of just picking the current * instance of each object and drawing it is flawed, since we may have * very different sizes in a frame, so one big vector may dominate all * the finer details. * * Also, the amount of text can be large and force tiny fonts to make * things fit. * * A better approach would be to use a more qualitative display than a * quantitative one, emphasizing the logical structure of the drawing * and not the actual sizes. * * This could be done by ranking vectors by current, average, maximum, * etc. size, then let their size be determined by the amount of text * that's needed and the size of subordinate vectors. One difficulty * would be in making vectors with a fixed length ratio look correct, * particularly 1:1. * * Furthermore, don't write on the vector but put the text horizontally * on either the left or the right side. * * Frame references could be drawn by simply connecting a line to the * area of the respective frame. And let's not forget that we also need * to list the variables somewhere. */ return 0; while (frame) { if (frame->name) for (inst = pkg->insts[ip_frame]; inst; inst = inst->next) if (inst->u.frame.ref == frame) goto found_frame; frame = frame->next; } if (!frame) return 1; found_frame: border = PS_MEAS_TEXT_HEIGHT+PS_DIVIDER_WIDTH+PS_DIVIDER_BORDER/2; x = (inst->bbox.max.x-inst->bbox.min.x)*zoom+2*border; y = (inst->bbox.max.y-inst->bbox.min.y)*zoom+2*border; if (!get_box(x, y, &xa, &ya)) return 0; /* * Recurse down first, so that we only draw something if we can be sure * that all the rest can be drawn too. */ ok = generate_frames(file, pkg, frame->next, zoom); if (!ok) return 0; #if 1 fprintf(file, "0 setlinewidth 0.8 setgray\n"); fprintf(file, "%d %d moveto\n", xa+border, ya+border); fprintf(file, "%d %d lineto\n", xa+x-border, ya+border); fprintf(file, "%d %d lineto\n", xa+x-border, ya+y-border); fprintf(file, "%d %d lineto\n", xa+border, ya+y-border); fprintf(file, "closepath fill\n"); #endif cx = xa+x/2-(inst->bbox.min.x+inst->bbox.max.x)/2*zoom; cy = ya+y/2-(inst->bbox.min.y+inst->bbox.max.y)/2*zoom; fprintf(file, "%% Frame %s\n", frame->name ? frame->name : "(root)"); fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d translate\n", cx, cy); ps_draw_frame(file, pkg, inst, zoom); fprintf(file, "grestore\n"); return 1; } /* ----- Page level -------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ps_hline(FILE *file, int y) { fprintf(file, "gsave %d setlinewidth\n", PS_DIVIDER_WIDTH); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto\n", -PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, y); fprintf(file, " %d 0 rlineto stroke grestore\n", PAGE_HALF_WIDTH*2); } static void ps_header(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg) { fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d moveto\n", -PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT-PS_HEADER_HEIGHT); fprintf(file, " /Helvetica-Bold findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, pkg->name); fprintf(file, " %d %d\n", PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, PS_HEADER_HEIGHT); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, pkg->name); fprintf(file, " show grestore\n"); ps_hline(file, PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT-PS_HEADER_HEIGHT-PS_DIVIDER_BORDER); } static void ps_page(FILE *file, int page, const struct pkg *pkg) { fprintf(file, "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", page, page); fprintf(file, "%%%%BeginPageSetup\n"); fprintf(file, "currentpagedevice /PageSize get\n" " aload pop\n" " 2 div exch 2 div exch\n" " translate\n" " 72 %d div 1000 div dup scale\n", (int) MIL_UNITS); fprintf(file, "%%%%EndPageSetup\n"); fprintf(file, "[ /Title "); ps_string(file, pkg->name); fprintf(file, " /OUT pdfmark\n"); } static void ps_unit(FILE *file, unit_type x, unit_type y, unit_type w, unit_type h) { const char *s; switch (curr_unit) { case curr_unit_mm: s = "Dimensions in mm"; break; case curr_unit_mil: s = "Dimensions in mil"; break; case curr_unit_auto: return; default: abort(); } fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d moveto\n", x, y); fprintf(file, " /Helvetica findfont dup\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " %d %d\n", w, h); fprintf(file, " boxfont\n"); fprintf(file, " "); ps_string(file, s); fprintf(file, " show grestore\n"); } static void ps_package(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, int page) { struct bbox bbox; unit_type x, y; unit_type w, h; double f; unit_type c, d; int done; ps_page(file, page, pkg); ps_header(file, pkg); x = 2*PAGE_HALF_WIDTH-2*PS_DIVIDER_BORDER; y = PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT-PS_HEADER_HEIGHT-3*PS_DIVIDER_BORDER; bbox = inst_get_bbox(pkg); w = 2*(-bbox.min.x > bbox.max.x ? -bbox.min.x : bbox.max.x); h = 2*(-bbox.min.y > bbox.max.y ? -bbox.min.y : bbox.max.y); /* * Zoom such that we can fit at least one drawing */ if (w > x/2 || h > y) { f = (double) x/w; if ((double) y/h < f) f = (double) y/h; if (f > 1) f = 1; } else { for (f = 20; f > 1; f--) if (x/(f+2) >= w && y/f >= h) break; } /* * Decide if we have room for two, one, or zero smaller views */ c = y/2+PS_DIVIDER_BORDER; active_params = postscript_params; if (x/(f+2) >= w && y/3 > h) { /* main drawing */ fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d translate\n", (int) (x/(f+2)*f/2)-PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, c); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, f, 1); active_params = minimal_params; /* divider */ d = PAGE_HALF_WIDTH-2*x/(f+2); fprintf(file, "grestore gsave %d setlinewidth\n", PS_DIVIDER_WIDTH); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto 0 %d rlineto stroke\n", d-PS_DIVIDER_BORDER, PS_DIVIDER_BORDER, y); /* x1 package */ fprintf(file, "grestore gsave %d %d translate\n", (d+PAGE_HALF_WIDTH)/2, y/6*5+PS_DIVIDER_BORDER); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, 1, 1); /* x2 package */ fprintf(file, "grestore gsave %d %d translate\n", (d+PAGE_HALF_WIDTH)/2, y/3+PS_DIVIDER_BORDER); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, 2, 1); } else if (x/(f+1) >= w && y/2 > h) { /* main drawing */ fprintf(file, "gsave %d %d translate\n", (int) (x/(f+1)*f/2)-PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, c); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, f, 1); active_params = minimal_params; /* divider */ d = PAGE_HALF_WIDTH-x/(f+1); fprintf(file, "grestore gsave %d setlinewidth\n", PS_DIVIDER_WIDTH); fprintf(file, " %d %d moveto 0 %d rlineto stroke\n", d-PS_DIVIDER_BORDER, PS_DIVIDER_BORDER, y); /* x1 package */ fprintf(file, "grestore gsave %d %d translate\n", (d+PAGE_HALF_WIDTH)/2, c); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, 1, 1); } else { fprintf(file, "gsave 0 %d translate\n", c); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, f, 1); } fprintf(file, "grestore\n"); ps_unit(file, -PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, PS_DIVIDER_BORDER, PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, PS_MISC_TEXT_HEIGHT); ps_hline(file, 0); /* * Put the frames * * @@@ is it really a good idea to use the same zoom for all of them ? */ active_params.show_stuff = 1; active_params.label_vecs = 1; for (f = 20; f >= 0.1; f = f > 1 ? f-1 : f-0.1) { add_box(-PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, -PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT, PAGE_HALF_WIDTH, -PS_DIVIDER_BORDER); done = generate_frames(file, pkg, frames, f); free_boxes(); if (done) break; } fprintf(file, "showpage\n"); } /* ----- File level -------------------------------------------------------- */ static void prologue(FILE *file, int pages) { fprintf(file, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%Pages: %d\n", pages); fprintf(file, "%%%%EndComments\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%BeginDefaults\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%PageResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%EndDefaults\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%BeginProlog\n"); fprintf(file, "/dotpath {\n" " gsave flattenpath pathbbox clip newpath\n" " 1 setlinecap %d setlinewidth\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " llx %d urx {\n" " lly %d ury {\n" " 1 index exch moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke\n" " } for\n" " } for\n" " grestore newpath } def\n", PS_DOT_DIAM, PS_DOT_DIST, PS_DOT_DIST); fprintf(file, "/hatchpath {\n" " gsave flattenpath pathbbox clip newpath\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " lly ury sub %d urx llx sub {\n" /* for -(ury-lly) to urx-llx */ " llx add dup lly moveto\n" " ury lly sub add ury lineto stroke\n" " } for\n" " grestore newpath } def\n", PS_HATCH); fprintf(file, "/backhatchpath {\n" " gsave flattenpath pathbbox clip newpath\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " 0 %d ury lly sub urx llx sub add {\n" /* for 0 to urx-llx+ury-lly */ " llx add dup lly moveto\n" " ury lly sub sub ury lineto stroke\n" " } for\n" " grestore newpath } def\n", PS_HATCH); fprintf(file, "/crosspath {\n" " gsave hatchpath grestore backhatchpath } def\n"); fprintf(file, "/horpath {\n" " gsave flattenpath pathbbox clip newpath\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " lly %d ury {\n" /* for lly to ury */ " dup llx exch moveto\n" " urx exch lineto stroke\n" " } for\n" " grestore newpath } def\n", PS_STRIPE); /* * Stack: font string width height factor -> factor * * Hack: sometimes, scalefont can't produce a suitable font and just * gives us something zero-sized, which trips the division. We just * ignore this case for now. Since maxfont is used in pairs, the * second one may still succeed. */ fprintf(file, "/sdiv { dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if div } def\n" "/maxfont {\n" " gsave 0 0 moveto\n" " /f exch def /h exch def /w exch def\n" " exch f scalefont setfont\n" " false charpath flattenpath pathbbox\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " w urx llx sub sdiv h ury lly sub sdiv 2 copy gt { exch } if pop\n" " f mul grestore } def\n"); /* * Unrotate: - -> - */ fprintf(file, "/getscale { matrix currentmatrix dup 0 get dup mul exch 1 get dup mul\n" " add sqrt } def\n"); /* * Stack: string -> string */ fprintf(file, "/center {\n" " currentpoint /y exch def /x exch def\n" " gsave dup false charpath flattenpath pathbbox\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def\n" " /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " grestore\n" " x llx urx add 2 div sub y lly ury add 2 div sub rmoveto } def\n"); /* * Stack: string dist -> string */ fprintf(file, "/hcenter {\n" " /off exch def\n" " gsave matrix setmatrix dup false charpath flattenpath pathbbox\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " grestore\n" //" /currscale getscale def\n" " llx urx sub 2 div\n" //" off lly sub rmoveto } def\n"); " off rmoveto } def\n"); /* * Stack: string outline_width -> - */ fprintf(file, "/showoutlined {\n" " gsave 2 mul setlinewidth 1 setgray\n" " dup false charpath flattenpath stroke grestore\n" " show } def\n"); /* * Stack: string -> string */ fprintf(file, "/debugbox { gsave dup false charpath flattenpath pathbbox\n" " /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def\n" " 0 setgray 100 setlinewidth\n" " llx lly urx llx sub ury lly sub rectstroke grestore } def\n"); /* * Stack: int -> int */ fprintf(file, "/originalsize 1 0 matrix currentmatrix idtransform pop def\n" "/realsize {\n" " 254 div 72 mul 1000 div 0 matrix currentmatrix idtransform\n" " dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt\n" " originalsize div } def\n"); /* * Stack: font string x-size y-size -> - */ fprintf(file, "/boxfont { 4 copy 1000 maxfont maxfont scalefont setfont } def\n"); /* * Ignore pdfmark. From * http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdfmark_reference.pdf * Page 10, Example 1.1. */ fprintf(file, "/pdfmark where { pop }\n" " { /globaldict where { pop globaldict } { userdict } ifelse" " /pdfmark /cleartomark load put } ifelse\n"); fprintf(file, "%%%%EndProlog\n"); } static void epilogue(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "%%%%EOF\n"); } static int ps_for_all_pkg(FILE *file, void (*fn)(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, int page), const char *one) { struct pkg *pkg; int pages = 0; for (pkg = pkgs; pkg; pkg = pkg->next) if (pkg->name) if (!one || !strcmp(pkg->name, one)) pages++; if (one && !pages) { fprintf(stderr, "no package \"%s\" to select\n", one); errno = ENOENT; return 0; } prologue(file, pages); pages = 0; for (pkg = pkgs; pkg; pkg = pkg->next) if (pkg->name) if (!one || !strcmp(pkg->name, one)) fn(file, pkg, ++pages); epilogue(file); fflush(file); return !ferror(file); } int postscript(FILE *file, const char *one) { return ps_for_all_pkg(file, ps_package, one); } /* * Experimental. Doesn't work properly. */ static void ps_package_fullpage(FILE *file, const struct pkg *pkg, int page) { unit_type cx, cy; struct bbox bbox; double fx, fy, f; ps_page(file, page, pkg); active_params = postscript_params; bbox = inst_get_bbox(pkg); cx = (bbox.min.x+bbox.max.x)/2; cy = (bbox.min.y+bbox.max.y)/2; if (active_params.zoom) { f = active_params.zoom; } else { fx = 2.0*PAGE_HALF_WIDTH/(bbox.max.x-bbox.min.x); fy = 2.0*PAGE_HALF_HEIGHT/(bbox.max.y-bbox.min.y); f = fx < fy ? fx : fy; } fprintf(file, "%d %d translate\n", (int) (-cx*f), (int) (-cy*f)); ps_draw_package(file, pkg, f, 0); fprintf(file, "showpage\n"); } int postscript_fullpage(FILE *file, const char *one) { return ps_for_all_pkg(file, ps_package_fullpage, one); }