%{ /* * fpd.y - FootPrint Definition language * * Written 2009 by Werner Almesberger * Copyright 2009 by Werner Almesberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include "util.h" #include "error.h" #include "expr.h" #include "obj.h" extern struct expr *expr_result; static struct frame *curr_frame; static struct table *curr_table; static struct row *curr_row; static struct frame *last_frame = NULL; static struct vec *last_vec = NULL; static struct table **next_table; static struct loop **next_loop; static struct vec **next_vec; static struct obj **next_obj; static int n_vars, n_values; static struct frame *find_frame(const char *name) { struct frame *f; for (f = frames; f; f = f->next) if (f->name == name) return f; return NULL; } static struct vec *find_vec(const char *name) { struct vec *v; for (v = curr_frame->vecs; v; v = v->next) if (v->name == name) return v; return NULL; } static void set_frame(struct frame *frame) { curr_frame = frame; next_table = &frame->tables; next_loop = &frame->loops; next_vec = &frame->vecs; next_obj = &frame->objs; last_vec = NULL; } static void make_var(const char *id, struct expr *expr) { struct table *table; table = zalloc_type(struct table); table->vars = zalloc_type(struct var); table->vars->name = id; table->vars->frame = curr_frame; table->rows = zalloc_type(struct row); table->rows->values = zalloc_type(struct value); table->rows->values->expr = expr; table->rows->values->row = table->rows; *next_table = table; next_table = &table->next; } static void make_loop(const char *id, struct expr *from, struct expr *to) { struct loop *loop; loop = alloc_type(struct loop); loop->var.name = id; loop->var.next = NULL; loop->var.frame = curr_frame; loop->from.expr = from; loop->from.row = NULL; loop->from.next = NULL; loop->to.expr = to; loop->to.row = NULL; loop->to.next = NULL; loop->next = NULL; loop->active = 0; loop->initialized = 0; *next_loop = loop; next_loop = &loop->next; } static struct obj *new_obj(enum obj_type type) { struct obj *obj; obj = alloc_type(struct obj); obj->type = type; obj->next = NULL; return obj; } %} %union { struct num num; char *str; const char *id; struct expr *expr; struct frame *frame; struct table *table; struct var *var; struct row *row; struct value *value; struct vec *vec; struct obj *obj; }; %token START_FPD START_EXPR %token TOK_SET TOK_LOOP TOK_FRAME TOK_TABLE TOK_VEC %token TOK_PAD TOK_RECT TOK_LINE TOK_CIRC TOK_ARC TOK_MEAS %token NUMBER %token STRING %token ID LABEL %type table %type vars var %type rows %type row value %type vec base %type obj %type expr opt_expr add_expr mult_expr unary_expr primary_expr %% all: START_FPD fpd | START_EXPR expr { expr_result = $2; } ; fpd: { root_frame = zalloc_type(struct frame); set_frame(root_frame); } frame_defs frame_items { root_frame->prev = last_frame; if (last_frame) last_frame->next = root_frame; else frames = root_frame; } ; frame_defs: | frame_defs frame_def ; frame_def: TOK_FRAME ID '{' { if (find_frame($2)) { yyerrorf("duplicate frame \"%s\"", $2); YYABORT; } curr_frame = zalloc_type(struct frame); curr_frame->name = $2; set_frame(curr_frame); curr_frame->prev = last_frame; if (last_frame) last_frame->next = curr_frame; else frames = curr_frame; last_frame = curr_frame; } frame_items '}' { set_frame(root_frame); } ; frame_items: | frame_item frame_items ; frame_item: table | TOK_SET ID '=' expr { make_var($2, $4); } | TOK_LOOP ID '=' expr ',' expr { make_loop($2, $4, $6); } | vec | LABEL vec { if (find_vec($1)) { yyerrorf("duplicate vector \"%s\"", $1); YYABORT; } $2->name = $1; } | obj { *next_obj = $1; next_obj = &$1->next; } ; table: TOK_TABLE { $
$ = zalloc_type(struct table); *next_table = $
$; curr_table = $
$; n_vars = 0; } '{' vars '}' rows { $$ = $
2; $$->vars = $4; $$->rows = $6; $$->active = 0; next_table = &$$->next; } ; vars: var { $$ = $1; } | vars ',' var { struct var **walk; $$ = $1; for (walk = &$$; *walk; walk = &(*walk)->next); *walk = $3; } ; var: ID { $$ = alloc_type(struct var); $$->name = $1; $$->frame = curr_frame; $$->next = NULL; n_vars++; } ; rows: { $$ = NULL; } | '{' { $$ = alloc_type(struct row); $$->table = curr_table; curr_row = $$;; n_values = 0; } row '}' { if (n_vars != n_values) { yyerrorf("table has %d variables but row has " "%d values", n_vars, n_values); YYABORT; } $2->values = $3; } rows { $$ = $2; $$->next = $6; } ; row: value { $$ = $1; } | row ',' value { struct value **walk; $$ = $1; for (walk = &$$; *walk; walk = &(*walk)->next); *walk = $3; } ; value: expr { $$ = alloc_type(struct value); $$->expr = $1; $$->row = curr_row; $$->next = NULL; n_values++; } ; vec: TOK_VEC base '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = alloc_type(struct vec); $$->name = NULL; $$->base = $2; if ($2) $2->n_refs++; $$->x = $4; $$->y = $6; $$->n_refs = 0; $$->frame = curr_frame; $$->next = NULL; last_vec = $$; *next_vec = $$; next_vec = &$$->next; } ; base: '@' { $$ = NULL; } | '.' { $$ = last_vec; if (!$$) { yyerrorf(". without predecessor"); YYABORT; } } | ID { $$ = find_vec($1); if (!$$) { yyerrorf("unknown vector \"%s\"", $1); YYABORT; } } ; obj: TOK_PAD STRING base base { $$ = new_obj(ot_pad); $$->base = $3; $$->u.pad.name = $2; $$->u.pad.other = $4; } | TOK_RECT base base opt_expr { $$ = new_obj(ot_rect); $$->base = $2; $$->u.rect.other = $3; $$->u.rect.width = $4; } | TOK_LINE base base opt_expr { $$ = new_obj(ot_line); $$->base = $2; $$->u.line.other = $3; $$->u.line.width = $4; } | TOK_CIRC base base opt_expr { $$ = new_obj(ot_arc); $$->base = $2; $$->u.arc.start = $3; $$->u.arc.end = $3; $$->u.arc.width = $4; } | TOK_ARC base base base opt_expr { $$ = new_obj(ot_arc); $$->base = $2; $$->u.arc.start = $3; $$->u.arc.end = $4; $$->u.arc.width = $5; } | TOK_MEAS base base expr { $$ = new_obj(ot_meas); $$->base = $2; $$->u.meas.other = $3; $$->u.meas.offset = $4; } | TOK_FRAME ID base { $$ = new_obj(ot_frame); $$->base = $3; $$->u.frame = find_frame($2); if (!$$->u.frame) { yyerrorf("unknown frame \"%s\"", $2); YYABORT; } } ; opt_expr: { $$ = NULL; } | expr { $$ = $1; } ; expr: add_expr { $$ = $1; } ; add_expr: mult_expr { $$ = $1; } | add_expr '+' mult_expr { $$ = binary_op(op_add, $1, $3); } | add_expr '-' mult_expr { $$ = binary_op(op_sub, $1, $3); } ; mult_expr: unary_expr { $$ = $1; } | mult_expr '*' unary_expr { $$ = binary_op(op_mult, $1, $3); } | mult_expr '/' unary_expr { $$ = binary_op(op_div, $1, $3); } ; unary_expr: primary_expr { $$ = $1; } | '-' primary_expr { $$ = binary_op(op_minus, $2, NULL); } ; primary_expr: NUMBER { $$ = new_op(op_num); $$->u.num = $1; } | ID { $$ = new_op(op_var); $$->u.var = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ;