In well-described fonts, this enables multi-line text (e.g. in manuals) to be
more readable.
The term "height" is also replaced with "line spacing" in Font's code.
It was only used to share implementation between IconButton and Link.
However, there was only one non-trivial method, handleTS(), and that
method used a different code path for each use case: doubleClick was
always false for IconButton and always true for Link. So the total
amount of code was actually reduced by eliminating this code sharing.
The main motivation for this split is that I can now freely refactor
Link without having to worry about IconButton.
Each part of the code deals with either Links or IconButtons, but
not both: the base class is only used to share implementation and
not interface. Make this explicit by doing private inheritance.
Originally the font implementation was based on SFont, but it was
recently replaced by an SDL_ttf based implementation, so the name
no longer made sense.
I cheated a bit by declaring ASFont as friend, but all other outside
access now happens via methods.
I removed the "saveScreenshot" method since the code calling it is
commented out and I never heard anyone complain about missing this