/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK #include #endif #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "linkapp.h" #include "menu.h" #include "filelister.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "debug.h" using namespace std; Menu::Menu(GMenu2X *gmenu2x, Touchscreen &ts) : gmenu2x(gmenu2x) , ts(ts) { iFirstDispSection = 0; readSections(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/sections"); readSections(GMenu2X::getHome() + "/sections"); sort(sections.begin(),sections.end(),case_less()); setSectionIndex(0); readLinks(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK { struct dirent *dptr; DIR *dirp = opendir(CARD_ROOT); if (dirp) { while ((dptr = readdir(dirp))) { if (dptr->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; readPackages((string) CARD_ROOT + dptr->d_name + "/apps"); } closedir(dirp); } } #endif } Menu::~Menu() { freeLinks(); } uint Menu::firstDispRow() { return iFirstDispRow; } void Menu::readSections(std::string parentDir) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dptr; dirp = opendir(parentDir.c_str()); if (!dirp) return; while ((dptr = readdir(dirp))) { if (dptr->d_name[0] == '.' || dptr->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; string filepath = parentDir + "/" + dptr->d_name; if (find(sections.begin(), sections.end(), (string)dptr->d_name) == sections.end()) { sections.push_back((string)dptr->d_name); vector ll; links.push_back(ll); } } closedir(dirp); } void Menu::loadIcons() { //reload section icons for (uint i=0; isc.getSkinFilePath(sectionIcon).empty()) gmenu2x->sc.add("skin:"+sectionIcon); //check link's icons string linkIcon; for (uint x=0; xsize(); x++) { linkIcon = sectionLinks(i)->at(x)->getIcon(); LinkApp *linkapp = dynamic_cast(sectionLinks(i)->at(x)); if (linkIcon.substr(0,5)=="skin:") { linkIcon = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath(linkIcon.substr(5,linkIcon.length())); if (linkapp != NULL && !fileExists(linkIcon)) linkapp->searchIcon(); else sectionLinks(i)->at(x)->setIconPath(linkIcon); } else if (!fileExists(linkIcon)) { if (linkapp != NULL) linkapp->searchIcon(); } } } } /*==================================== SECTION MANAGEMENT ====================================*/ void Menu::freeLinks() { for (vector< vector >::iterator section = links.begin(); section::iterator link = section->begin(); linkend(); link++) delete *link; } vector *Menu::sectionLinks(int i) { if (i<0 || i>(int)links.size()) i = selSectionIndex(); if (i<0 || i>(int)links.size()) return NULL; return &links[i]; } void Menu::decSectionIndex() { setSectionIndex(iSection-1); } void Menu::incSectionIndex() { setSectionIndex(iSection+1); } uint Menu::firstDispSection() { return iFirstDispSection; } int Menu::selSectionIndex() { return iSection; } const string &Menu::selSection() { return sections[iSection]; } void Menu::setSectionIndex(int i) { if (i<0) i=sections.size()-1; else if (i>=(int)sections.size()) i=0; iSection = i; if (i>(int)iFirstDispSection+2) iFirstDispSection = i-2; else if (i<(int)iFirstDispSection) iFirstDispSection = i; iLink = 0; iFirstDispRow = 0; } /*==================================== LINKS MANAGEMENT ====================================*/ bool Menu::addActionLink(uint section, const string &title, LinkRunAction action, const string &description, const string &icon) { if (section>=sections.size()) return false; Link *link = new Link(gmenu2x, ts, action); link->setSize(gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"], gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkHeight"]); link->setTitle(title); link->setDescription(description); if (gmenu2x->sc.exists(icon) || (icon.substr(0,5)=="skin:" && !gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath(icon.substr(5,icon.length())).empty()) || fileExists(icon)) link->setIcon(icon); sectionLinks(section)->push_back(link); return true; } bool Menu::addLink(string path, string file, string section) { if (section=="") section = selSection(); else if (find(sections.begin(),sections.end(),section)==sections.end()) { //section directory doesn't exists if (!addSection(section)) return false; } //strip the extension from the filename string title = file; string::size_type pos = title.rfind("."); if (pos!=string::npos && pos>0) { string ext = title.substr(pos, title.length()); transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), (int(*)(int)) tolower); title = title.substr(0, pos); } string linkpath = GMenu2X::getHome() + "/sections"; if (!fileExists(linkpath)) mkdir(linkpath.c_str(), 0755); linkpath = GMenu2X::getHome() + "/sections/" + section; if (!fileExists(linkpath)) mkdir(linkpath.c_str(), 0755); linkpath += "/" + title; int x=2; while (fileExists(linkpath)) { stringstream ss; linkpath = ""; ss << x; ss >> linkpath; linkpath = GMenu2X::getHome()+"/sections/"+section+"/"+title+linkpath; x++; } INFO("Adding link: '%s'\n", linkpath.c_str()); if (path[path.length()-1]!='/') path += "/"; //search for a manual pos = file.rfind("."); string exename = path+file.substr(0,pos); string manual = ""; if (fileExists(exename+".man.png")) { manual = exename+".man.png"; } else if (fileExists(exename+".man.jpg")) { manual = exename+".man.jpg"; } else if (fileExists(exename+".man.jpeg")) { manual = exename+".man.jpeg"; } else if (fileExists(exename+".man.bmp")) { manual = exename+".man.bmp"; } else if (fileExists(exename+".man.txt")) { manual = exename+".man.txt"; } else { //scan directory for a file like *readme* FileLister fl(path, false); fl.setFilter(".txt"); fl.browse(); bool found = false; for (uint x=0; xfont->getTextWidth(shorttitle)>gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"]) { while (gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(shorttitle+"..")>gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"]) shorttitle = shorttitle.substr(0,shorttitle.length()-1); shorttitle += ".."; } ofstream f(linkpath.c_str()); if (f.is_open()) { f << "title=" << shorttitle << endl; f << "exec=" << exec << endl; if (!description.empty()) f << "description=" << description << endl; if (!icon.empty()) f << "icon=" << icon << endl; if (!manual.empty()) f << "manual=" << manual << endl; f.close(); sync(); int isection = find(sections.begin(),sections.end(),section) - sections.begin(); if (isection>=0 && isection<(int)sections.size()) { INFO("Section: '%s(%i)'\n", sections[isection].c_str(), isection); LinkApp* link = new LinkApp(gmenu2x, ts, gmenu2x->input, linkpath.c_str()); link->setSize(gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"],gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkHeight"]); links[isection].push_back( link ); } } else { ERROR("Error while opening the file '%s' for write.\n", linkpath.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool Menu::addSection(const string §ionName) { string sectiondir = GMenu2X::getHome() + "/sections"; if (!fileExists(sectiondir)) mkdir(sectiondir.c_str(), 0755); sectiondir = sectiondir + "/" + sectionName; if (mkdir(sectiondir.c_str(), 0755) == 0) { sections.push_back(sectionName); vector ll; links.push_back(ll); return true; } return false; } void Menu::deleteSelectedLink() { bool icon_used = false; string iconpath = selLink()->getIconPath(); INFO("Deleting link '%s'\n", selLink()->getTitle().c_str()); if (selLinkApp()!=NULL) unlink(selLinkApp()->getFile().c_str()); sectionLinks()->erase( sectionLinks()->begin() + selLinkIndex() ); setLinkIndex(selLinkIndex()); for (vector< vector >::iterator section = links.begin(); !icon_used && section::iterator link = section->begin(); !icon_used && linkend(); link++) icon_used = !iconpath.compare((*link)->getIconPath()); if (!icon_used) gmenu2x->sc.del(iconpath); } void Menu::deleteSelectedSection() { INFO("Deleting section '%s'\n", selSection().c_str()); gmenu2x->sc.del("sections/"+selSection()+".png"); links.erase( links.begin()+selSectionIndex() ); sections.erase( sections.begin()+selSectionIndex() ); setSectionIndex(0); //reload sections } bool Menu::linkChangeSection(uint linkIndex, uint oldSectionIndex, uint newSectionIndex) { if (oldSectionIndexsize()) { sectionLinks(newSectionIndex)->push_back( sectionLinks(oldSectionIndex)->at(linkIndex) ); sectionLinks(oldSectionIndex)->erase( sectionLinks(oldSectionIndex)->begin()+linkIndex ); //Select the same link in the new position setSectionIndex(newSectionIndex); setLinkIndex(sectionLinks(newSectionIndex)->size()-1); return true; } return false; } void Menu::linkLeft() { if (iLink%gmenu2x->linkColumns == 0) setLinkIndex( sectionLinks()->size()>iLink+gmenu2x->linkColumns-1 ? iLink+gmenu2x->linkColumns-1 : sectionLinks()->size()-1 ); else setLinkIndex(iLink-1); } void Menu::linkRight() { if (iLink%gmenu2x->linkColumns == (gmenu2x->linkColumns-1) || iLink == (int)sectionLinks()->size()-1) setLinkIndex(iLink-iLink%gmenu2x->linkColumns); else setLinkIndex(iLink+1); } #define DIV_ROUND_UP(n,d) (((n) + (d) - 1) / (d)) void Menu::linkUp() { int l = iLink-gmenu2x->linkColumns; if (l<0) { unsigned int rows; rows = DIV_ROUND_UP(sectionLinks()->size(), gmenu2x->linkColumns); l = (rows*gmenu2x->linkColumns)+l; if (l >= (int)sectionLinks()->size()) l -= gmenu2x->linkColumns; } setLinkIndex(l); } void Menu::linkDown() { uint l = iLink+gmenu2x->linkColumns; if (l >= sectionLinks()->size()) { unsigned int rows, curCol; rows = DIV_ROUND_UP(sectionLinks()->size(), gmenu2x->linkColumns); curCol = DIV_ROUND_UP(iLink + 1, gmenu2x->linkColumns); if (rows > curCol) l = sectionLinks()->size()-1; else l %= gmenu2x->linkColumns; } setLinkIndex(l); } int Menu::selLinkIndex() { return iLink; } Link *Menu::selLink() { if (sectionLinks()->size()==0) return NULL; return sectionLinks()->at(iLink); } LinkApp *Menu::selLinkApp() { return dynamic_cast(selLink()); } void Menu::setLinkIndex(int i) { if (i<0) i=sectionLinks()->size()-1; else if (i>=(int)sectionLinks()->size()) i=0; if (i>=(int)(iFirstDispRow*gmenu2x->linkColumns+gmenu2x->linkColumns*gmenu2x->linkRows)) iFirstDispRow = i/gmenu2x->linkColumns-gmenu2x->linkRows+1; else if (i<(int)(iFirstDispRow*gmenu2x->linkColumns)) iFirstDispRow = i/gmenu2x->linkColumns; iLink = i; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK void Menu::readPackages(std::string parentDir) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dptr; vector linkfiles; dirp = opendir(parentDir.c_str()); if (!dirp) return; while ((dptr = readdir(dirp))) { char *c; std::string path; unsigned int i; struct ParserData *pdata; if (dptr->d_type != DT_REG) continue; c = strrchr(dptr->d_name, '.'); if (!c) /* File without extension */ continue; if (strcasecmp(c + 1, "opk")) continue; if (dptr->d_name[0] == '.') { // Ignore hidden files. // Mac OS X places these on SD cards, probably to store metadata. continue; } path = parentDir + '/' + dptr->d_name; pdata = opk_open(path.c_str()); if (!pdata) { ERROR("Unable to open OPK %s\n", path.c_str()); continue; } for (;;) { bool has_metadata = false; LinkApp *link; for (;;) { string::size_type pos; const char *str = opk_open_metadata(pdata); if (!str) break; /* Strip .desktop */ string metadata(str); pos = metadata.rfind('.'); metadata = metadata.substr(0, pos); /* Keep only the platform name */ pos = metadata.rfind('.'); metadata = metadata.substr(pos + 1); if (metadata.compare(PLATFORM) == 0) { has_metadata = true; break; } } if (!has_metadata) break; link = new LinkApp(gmenu2x, ts, gmenu2x->input, path.c_str(), pdata); link->setSize(gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"], gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkHeight"]); addSection(link->getCategory()); for (i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { if (sections[i] == link->getCategory()) { links[i].push_back(link); break; } } } opk_close(pdata); } closedir(dirp); } #endif void Menu::readLinksOfSection(std::string path, std::vector &linkfiles) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dptr; if ((dirp = opendir(path.c_str())) == NULL) return; while ((dptr = readdir(dirp))) { if (dptr->d_type != DT_REG) continue; string filepath = path + "/" + dptr->d_name; linkfiles.push_back(filepath); } closedir(dirp); } void Menu::readLinks() { vector linkfiles; iLink = 0; iFirstDispRow = 0; string filepath; for (uint i=0; isections.size() ? iSection : i); readLinksOfSection(GMENU2X_SYSTEM_DIR "/sections/" + sections[correct], linkfiles); readLinksOfSection(GMenu2X::getHome() + "/sections/" + sections[correct], linkfiles); sort(linkfiles.begin(), linkfiles.end(),case_less()); for (uint x=0; xinput, linkfiles[x].c_str()); link->setSize(gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkWidth"], gmenu2x->skinConfInt["linkHeight"]); if (link->targetExists()) links[i].push_back(link); else delete link; } } } void Menu::renameSection(int index, const string &name) { sections[index] = name; }