/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "textdialog.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "utilities.h" using namespace std; TextDialog::TextDialog(GMenu2X *gmenu2x, const string &title, const string &description, const string &icon, vector *text) : Dialog(gmenu2x) { this->text = text; this->title = title; this->description = description; this->icon = icon; preProcess(); } void TextDialog::preProcess() { unsigned i = 0; while (i < text->size()) { /* Clean the end of the string, allowing lines that are indented at * the start to stay as such. */ string line = rtrim(text->at(i)); if (gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(line) > (int) gmenu2x->resX - 15) { /* At least one full character must fit, in order to advance. */ size_t fits = 1; while (fits < line.length() && !isUTF8Starter(line[fits])) { fits++; } size_t doesntFit = fits; /* This preprocessing finds an upper bound on the number of * bytes of full characters that fit on the screen, 2^n, in * n steps. */ do { fits = doesntFit; /* what didn't fit has been determined to fit by a previous iteration */ doesntFit = min(2 * fits, line.length()); while (doesntFit < line.length() && !isUTF8Starter(line[doesntFit])) { doesntFit++; } } while (doesntFit <= line.length() && gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(line.substr(0, doesntFit)) <= (int) gmenu2x->resX - 15); /* End this loop when N characters fit but N + 1 don't. */ while (fits + 1 < doesntFit) { size_t guess = fits + (doesntFit - fits) / 2; if (!isUTF8Starter(line[guess])) { size_t oldGuess = guess; /* Adjust the guess to the nearest UTF-8 starter that is * not 'fits' or 'doesntFit'. */ for (size_t offset = 1; offset < (doesntFit - fits) / 2 - 1; offset++) { if (isUTF8Starter(line[guess - offset])) { guess -= offset; break; } else if (isUTF8Starter(line[guess + offset])) { guess += offset; break; } } /* If there's no such character, exit early. */ if (guess == oldGuess) { break; } } if (gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(line.substr(0, guess)) <= (int) gmenu2x->resX - 15) { fits = guess; } else { doesntFit = guess; } } /* The line shall be split at the last space-separated word that * fully fits, or otherwise at the last character that fits. */ size_t lastSpace = line.find_last_of(" \t\r", fits); if (lastSpace != string::npos) { fits = lastSpace; } /* Insert the rest in a new slot after this line. * TODO (Nebuleon) Don't use a vector for this, because all later * elements are moved, which is inefficient. */ text->insert(text->begin() + i + 1, ltrim(line.substr(fits))); line = rtrim(line.substr(0, fits)); } /* Put the trimmed whole line or the smaller split of the split line * back into the same slot */ text->at(i) = line; i++; } } void TextDialog::drawText(vector *text, unsigned int y, unsigned int firstRow, unsigned int rowsPerPage) { const int fontHeight = gmenu2x->font->getLineSpacing(); for (unsigned i = firstRow; i < firstRow + rowsPerPage && i < text->size(); i++) { const string &line = text->at(i); int rowY = y + (i - firstRow) * fontHeight; if (line == "----") { // horizontal ruler rowY += fontHeight / 2; gmenu2x->s->box(5, rowY, gmenu2x->resX - 16, 1, 255, 255, 255, 130); gmenu2x->s->box(5, rowY+1, gmenu2x->resX - 16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 130); } else { gmenu2x->font->write(gmenu2x->s, line, 5, rowY); } } gmenu2x->drawScrollBar(rowsPerPage, text->size(), firstRow); } void TextDialog::exec() { bool close = false; Surface bg(gmenu2x->bg); //link icon if (!fileExists(icon)) drawTitleIcon("icons/ebook.png",true,&bg); else drawTitleIcon(icon,false,&bg); writeTitle(title,&bg); writeSubTitle(description,&bg); gmenu2x->drawButton(&bg, "start", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"], gmenu2x->drawButton(&bg, "cancel", "", gmenu2x->drawButton(&bg, "down", gmenu2x->tr["Scroll"], gmenu2x->drawButton(&bg, "up", "", 5)-10))-10); bg.convertToDisplayFormat(); const int fontHeight = gmenu2x->font->getLineSpacing(); unsigned int contentY, contentHeight; tie(contentY, contentHeight) = gmenu2x->getContentArea(); const unsigned rowsPerPage = contentHeight / fontHeight; contentY += (contentHeight % fontHeight) / 2; unsigned firstRow = 0; while (!close) { bg.blit(gmenu2x->s, 0, 0); drawText(text, contentY, firstRow, rowsPerPage); gmenu2x->s->flip(); switch(gmenu2x->input.waitForPressedButton()) { case InputManager::UP: if (firstRow > 0) firstRow--; break; case InputManager::DOWN: if (firstRow + rowsPerPage < text->size()) firstRow++; break; case InputManager::ALTLEFT: if (firstRow >= rowsPerPage-1) firstRow -= rowsPerPage-1; else firstRow = 0; break; case InputManager::ALTRIGHT: if (firstRow + rowsPerPage*2 -1 < text->size()) { firstRow += rowsPerPage-1; } else { firstRow = text->size() < rowsPerPage ? 0 : text->size() - rowsPerPage; } break; case InputManager::SETTINGS: case InputManager::CANCEL: close = true; break; default: break; } } }