/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 by Massimiliano Torromeo * * massimiliano.torromeo@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "linkapp.h" #include "debug.h" #include "delegate.h" #include "gmenu2x.h" #include "launcher.h" #include "layer.h" #include "menu.h" #include "selector.h" #include "surface.h" #include "textmanualdialog.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBXDGMIME #include #endif using namespace std; static array tokens = { "%f", "%F", "%u", "%U", }; /** * Displays the launch message (loading screen). */ class LaunchLayer: public Layer { public: LaunchLayer(LinkApp& app) : app(app) {} void paint(Surface &s) override { app.drawLaunch(s); } bool handleButtonPress(InputManager::Button) override { return true; } bool handleTouchscreen(Touchscreen&) override { return true; } private: LinkApp& app; }; #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK LinkApp::LinkApp(GMenu2X *gmenu2x_, const char* linkfile, struct OPK *opk, const char *metadata_) #else LinkApp::LinkApp(GMenu2X *gmenu2x_, const char* linkfile) #endif : Link(gmenu2x_, BIND(&LinkApp::start)) { manual = ""; file = linkfile; #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ setClock(gmenu2x->getDefaultAppClock()); #else setClock(0); #endif selectordir = ""; selectorfilter = "*"; icon = iconPath = ""; selectorbrowser = true; editable = true; edited = false; bool appTakesFileArg = true; #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK isOPK = !!opk; if (isOPK) { string::size_type pos; const char *key, *val; size_t lkey, lval; int ret; metadata.assign(metadata_); opkFile = file; pos = file.rfind('/'); opkMount = file.substr(pos+1); pos = opkMount.rfind('.'); opkMount = opkMount.substr(0, pos); file = gmenu2x->getHome() + "/sections/"; appTakesFileArg = false; while ((ret = opk_read_pair(opk, &key, &lkey, &val, &lval))) { if (ret < 0) { ERROR("Unable to read meta-data\n"); break; } char buf[lval + 1]; sprintf(buf, "%.*s", lval, val); if (!strncmp(key, "Categories", lkey)) { category = buf; pos = category.find(';'); if (pos != category.npos) category = category.substr(0, pos); file += category + '/' + opkMount; } else if ((!strncmp(key, "Name", lkey) && title.empty()) || !strncmp(key, ("Name[" + gmenu2x->tr["Lng"] + "]").c_str(), lkey)) { title = buf; } else if ((!strncmp(key, "Comment", lkey) && description.empty()) || !strncmp(key, ("Comment[" + gmenu2x->tr["Lng"] + "]").c_str(), lkey)) { description = buf; } else if (!strncmp(key, "Terminal", lkey)) { consoleApp = !strncmp(val, "true", lval); } else if (!strncmp(key, "X-OD-Manual", lkey)) { manual = buf; } else if (!strncmp(key, "Icon", lkey)) { /* Read the icon from the OPK only * if it doesn't exist on the skin */ this->icon = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/" + (string) buf + ".png"); if (this->icon.empty()) this->icon = (string) linkfile + '#' + buf + ".png"; iconPath = this->icon; updateSurfaces(); } else if (!strncmp(key, "Exec", lkey)) { string tmp = buf; for (auto token : tokens) { if (tmp.find(token) != tmp.npos) { selectordir = CARD_ROOT; appTakesFileArg = true; break; } } continue; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBXDGMIME if (!strncmp(key, "MimeType", lkey)) { string mimetypes = buf; selectorfilter = ""; while ((pos = mimetypes.find(';')) != mimetypes.npos) { int nb = 16; char *extensions[nb]; string mimetype = mimetypes.substr(0, pos); mimetypes = mimetypes.substr(pos + 1); nb = xdg_mime_get_extensions_from_mime_type( mimetype.c_str(), extensions, nb); while (nb--) { selectorfilter += (string) extensions[nb] + ','; free(extensions[nb]); } } /* Remove last comma */ if (!selectorfilter.empty()) { selectorfilter.erase(selectorfilter.end()); DEBUG("Compatible extensions: %s\n", selectorfilter.c_str()); } continue; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXDGMIME */ } opkMount = (string) "/mnt/" + opkMount + '/'; edited = true; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBOPK */ string line; ifstream infile (file.c_str(), ios_base::in); while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) { line = trim(line); if (line.empty()) continue; if (line[0]=='#') continue; string::size_type position = line.find("="); string name = trim(line.substr(0,position)); string value = trim(line.substr(position+1)); if (name == "clock") { setClock( atoi(value.c_str()) ); } else if (name == "selectordir") { if (appTakesFileArg) setSelectorDir(value); } else if (name == "selectorbrowser") { if (value=="false") selectorbrowser = false; } else if (!isOpk()) { if (name == "title") { title = value; } else if (name == "description") { description = value; } else if (name == "launchmsg") { launchMsg = value; } else if (name == "icon") { setIcon(value); } else if (name == "exec") { exec = value; } else if (name == "params") { params = value; } else if (name == "manual") { manual = value; } else if (name == "consoleapp") { if (value == "true") consoleApp = true; } else if (name == "selectorfilter") { setSelectorFilter( value ); } else if (name == "editable") { if (value == "false") editable = false; } else WARNING("Unrecognized option: '%s'\n", name.c_str()); } else WARNING("Unrecognized option: '%s'\n", name.c_str()); } infile.close(); if (iconPath.empty()) searchIcon(); } void LinkApp::loadIcon() { if (icon.compare(0, 5, "skin:") == 0) { string linkIcon = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath( icon.substr(5, string::npos)); if (!fileExists(linkIcon)) searchIcon(); else setIconPath(linkIcon); } else if (!fileExists(icon)) { searchIcon(); } } const string &LinkApp::searchIcon() { if (!iconPath.empty()) return iconPath; string execicon = exec; string::size_type pos = exec.rfind("."); if (pos != string::npos) execicon = exec.substr(0,pos); execicon += ".png"; string exectitle = execicon; pos = execicon.rfind("/"); if (pos != string::npos) string exectitle = execicon.substr(pos+1,execicon.length()); if (!gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/"+exectitle).empty()) iconPath = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/"+exectitle); else if (fileExists(execicon)) iconPath = execicon; else iconPath = gmenu2x->sc.getSkinFilePath("icons/generic.png"); return iconPath; } int LinkApp::clock() { return iclock; } const string &LinkApp::clockStr(int maxClock) { if (iclock>maxClock) setClock(maxClock); return sclock; } void LinkApp::setClock(int mhz) { iclock = mhz; stringstream ss; sclock = ""; ss << iclock << "MHz"; ss >> sclock; edited = true; } bool LinkApp::targetExists() { return fileExists(exec); } bool LinkApp::save() { if (!edited) return false; DEBUG("Saving file: %s\n", file.c_str()); ofstream f(file.c_str()); if (f.is_open()) { if (!isOpk()) { if (!title.empty() ) f << "title=" << title << endl; if (!description.empty() ) f << "description=" << description << endl; if (!launchMsg.empty() ) f << "launchmsg=" << launchMsg << endl; if (!icon.empty() ) f << "icon=" << icon << endl; if (!exec.empty() ) f << "exec=" << exec << endl; if (!params.empty() ) f << "params=" << params << endl; if (!manual.empty() ) f << "manual=" << manual << endl; if (consoleApp ) f << "consoleapp=true" << endl; if (selectorfilter != "*") f << "selectorfilter=" << selectorfilter << endl; } if (iclock != 0 ) f << "clock=" << iclock << endl; if (!selectordir.empty() ) f << "selectordir=" << selectordir << endl; if (!selectorbrowser ) f << "selectorbrowser=false" << endl; f.close(); sync(); return true; } else ERROR("Error while opening the file '%s' for write.\n", file.c_str()); return false; } void LinkApp::drawLaunch(Surface& s) { //Darkened background s.box(0, 0, gmenu2x->resX, gmenu2x->resY, 0,0,0,150); string text = getLaunchMsg().empty() ? gmenu2x->tr.translate("Launching $1", getTitle().c_str(), nullptr) : gmenu2x->tr.translate(getLaunchMsg().c_str(), nullptr); int textW = gmenu2x->font->getTextWidth(text); int boxW = 62+textW; int halfBoxW = boxW/2; //outer box s.box(gmenu2x->halfX-2-halfBoxW, gmenu2x->halfY-23, halfBoxW*2+5, 47, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BG]); //inner rectangle s.rectangle(gmenu2x->halfX-halfBoxW, gmenu2x->halfY-21, boxW, 42, gmenu2x->skinConfColors[COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BORDER]); int x = gmenu2x->halfX+10-halfBoxW; /*if (!getIcon().empty()) gmenu2x->sc[getIcon()]->blit(gmenu2x->s,x,104); else gmenu2x->sc["icons/generic.png"]->blit(gmenu2x->s,x,104);*/ iconSurface->blit(s, x, gmenu2x->halfY - 16); gmenu2x->font->write(s, text, x + 42, gmenu2x->halfY + 1, Font::HAlignLeft, Font::VAlignMiddle); } void LinkApp::start() { if (selectordir.empty()) { gmenu2x->queueLaunch(prepareLaunch(""), make_shared(*this)); } else { selector(); } } void LinkApp::showManual() { if (manual.empty()) return; #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK if (isOPK) { vector readme; char *ptr; struct OPK *opk; int err; void *buf; size_t len; opk = opk_open(opkFile.c_str()); if (!opk) { WARNING("Unable to open OPK to read manual\n"); return; } err = opk_extract_file(opk, manual.c_str(), &buf, &len); if (err < 0) { WARNING("Unable to read manual from OPK\n"); return; } opk_close(opk); ptr = (char *) buf; string str(ptr, len); free(buf); if (manual.substr(manual.size()-8,8)==".man.txt") { TextManualDialog tmd(gmenu2x, getTitle(), getIconPath(), str); tmd.exec(); } else { TextDialog td(gmenu2x, getTitle(), "ReadMe", getIconPath(), str); td.exec(); } return; } #endif if (!fileExists(manual)) return; // Png manuals if (manual.substr(manual.size()-8,8)==".man.png") { #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ //Raise the clock to speed-up the loading of the manual gmenu2x->setSafeMaxClock(); #endif auto pngman = OffscreenSurface::loadImage(manual); if (!pngman) { return; } auto bg = OffscreenSurface::loadImage(gmenu2x->confStr["wallpaper"]); if (!bg) { bg = OffscreenSurface::emptySurface(gmenu2x->s->width(), gmenu2x->s->height()); } bg->convertToDisplayFormat(); stringstream ss; string pageStatus; bool close = false, repaint = true; int page = 0, pagecount = pngman->width() / 320; ss << pagecount; string spagecount; ss >> spagecount; #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ //Lower the clock gmenu2x->setMenuClock(); #endif while (!close) { OutputSurface& s = *gmenu2x->s; if (repaint) { bg->blit(s, 0, 0); pngman->blit(s, -page*320, 0); gmenu2x->drawBottomBar(s); gmenu2x->drawButton(s, "start", gmenu2x->tr["Exit"], gmenu2x->drawButton(s, "cancel", "", gmenu2x->drawButton(s, "right", gmenu2x->tr["Change page"], gmenu2x->drawButton(s, "left", "", 5)))); ss.clear(); ss << page+1; ss >> pageStatus; pageStatus = gmenu2x->tr["Page"]+": "+pageStatus+"/"+spagecount; gmenu2x->font->write(s, pageStatus, 310, 230, Font::HAlignRight, Font::VAlignMiddle); s.flip(); repaint = false; } switch(gmenu2x->input.waitForPressedButton()) { case InputManager::SETTINGS: case InputManager::CANCEL: close = true; break; case InputManager::LEFT: if (page > 0) { page--; repaint = true; } break; case InputManager::RIGHT: if (page < pagecount-1) { page++; repaint=true; } break; default: break; } } return; } // Txt manuals if (manual.substr(manual.size()-8,8)==".man.txt") { string text(readFileAsString(manual.c_str())); TextManualDialog tmd(gmenu2x, getTitle(), getIconPath(), text); tmd.exec(); return; } //Readmes string str, line; ifstream infile(manual.c_str(), ios_base::in); if (infile.is_open()) { while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) { str.append(line).append("\n"); } infile.close(); TextDialog td(gmenu2x, getTitle(), "ReadMe", getIconPath(), str); td.exec(); } } void LinkApp::selector(int startSelection, const string &selectorDir) { //Run selector interface Selector sel(gmenu2x, this, selectorDir); int selection = sel.exec(startSelection); if (selection!=-1) { const string &selectedDir = sel.getDir(); if (!selectedDir.empty()) { selectordir = selectedDir; } gmenu2x->writeTmp(selection, selectedDir); gmenu2x->queueLaunch( prepareLaunch(selectedDir + sel.getFile()), make_shared(*this)); } } unique_ptr LinkApp::prepareLaunch(const string &selectedFile) { save(); if (!isOpk()) { //Set correct working directory string::size_type pos = exec.rfind("/"); if (pos != string::npos) { string wd = exec.substr(0, pos + 1); chdir(wd.c_str()); exec = wd + exec.substr(pos + 1); DEBUG("Changed working directory to %s\n", wd.c_str()); } } if (!selectedFile.empty()) { string path = selectedFile; if (!isOpk()) path = cmdclean(path); if (params.empty()) { params = path; } else { string::size_type pos; for (auto token : tokens) { while ((pos = params.find(token)) != params.npos) { params.replace(pos, 2, path); } } } } if (gmenu2x->confInt["outputLogs"] && !consoleApp) { int fd = open(LOG_FILE, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644); if (fd < 0) { ERROR("Unable to open log file for write: %s\n", LOG_FILE); } else { fflush(stdout); dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); close(fd); } } gmenu2x->saveSelection(); if (selectedFile.empty()) { gmenu2x->writeTmp(); } #ifdef ENABLE_CPUFREQ if (clock() != gmenu2x->confInt["menuClock"]) { gmenu2x->setClock(clock()); } #endif vector commandLine; if (isOpk()) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBOPK commandLine = { "opkrun", "-m", metadata, opkFile }; if (!params.empty()) { commandLine.push_back(params); } #endif } else { commandLine = { "/bin/sh", "-c", exec + " " + params }; } return std::unique_ptr(new Launcher( move(commandLine), consoleApp)); } const string &LinkApp::getExec() { return exec; } void LinkApp::setExec(const string &exec) { this->exec = exec; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getParams() { return params; } void LinkApp::setParams(const string ¶ms) { this->params = params; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getManual() { return manual; } void LinkApp::setManual(const string &manual) { this->manual = manual; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getSelectorDir() { return selectordir; } void LinkApp::setSelectorDir(const string &selectordir) { this->selectordir = selectordir; if (!selectordir.empty() && selectordir[selectordir.length() - 1] != '/') { this->selectordir += "/"; } edited = true; } bool LinkApp::getSelectorBrowser() { return selectorbrowser; } void LinkApp::setSelectorBrowser(bool value) { selectorbrowser = value; edited = true; } const string &LinkApp::getSelectorFilter() { return selectorfilter; } void LinkApp::setSelectorFilter(const string &selectorfilter) { this->selectorfilter = selectorfilter; edited = true; } void LinkApp::renameFile(const string &name) { file = name; }